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Baldur's Gate 3?

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I can totally dig this. Actually this could be it although I don't see the Black Isle name as resurfacing. Still Obsidian is the one and only RPG developer that has stayed true to their origin over the years unlike others that either let fame and greed change them(***cough*** BioWare ***cough***) or failed. Still, whatever it is they will announce is pretty much guaranteed to be epic.

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Better yet, why? Baldur's Gate did what it was meant for. I see no benefit to dragging it back out.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I'd donate very good money to a Baldur's Gate III kickstarter.


Thing is, why Baldur's Gate? The Child of Bhaal storyline was possibly the coolest idea in any CRPG, but that's not what made that game what it was. If Wizards of the Coast really said that, then they have a point. I can't imagine keeping a BG3 true to its origins and ALSO making it sell.


So a Kickstarter game is a game for the fans, right?


Why not just make ANY Forgotten Realms game? Write a new story, but make it a hardcore D&D game - maybe even isometric, like Wasteland 2 is doing.


Well, unless Wizards refuse to sell the D&D license as well. In that case, it'll probably never happen. The longer they sit on that, the less will people care for FR. I think Dragon Age was a bit bland, and it was the supposed "spiritual successor." Re-writing all the lore of an entire fictional universe must be a lot of work. And the re-imagined combat systems are usually... clumsy.


Still, I have faith in Obsidian. They make good games. Buggy or no, I still prefer them to any other RPG developer that's around these days.

Edited by Audiocide
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Why not just make ANY Forgotten Realms game? Write a new story, but make it a hardcore D&D game - maybe even isometric, like Wasteland 2 is doing.

Because they don't have the rights to do anything D&D, Forgotten Realms, Planescape or otherwise?


Brian Fargo had already secured the rights to Wasteland before he started his Kickstarter project, so he wouldn't have to pay a truckload of money for permission to use it and relinquish artistic control of the project to outside interests.

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Because they don't have the rights to do anything D&D, Forgotten Realms, Planescape or otherwise?


Brian Fargo had already secured the rights to Wasteland before he started his Kickstarter project, so he wouldn't have to pay a truckload of money for permission to use it and relinquish artistic control of the project to outside interests.


I see. So they are asking for a truckload of money for an IP that the younger CRPG generation probably hasn't even heard of, and that's why there hasn't been any proper D&D games in 10 years.

Edited by Audiocide
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Actually, that is the case quite a lot, despite the stupidity of it. There are lot of IPs publishers just sit on and do nothing for years, but as soon as you ask them "can we buy it" they get excited and quote big sums.


Arcanum sold like 300k or something ten years ago, you don't see Activision (Activision, right?) giving the IP away even though they will never do anything with it.


Rather silly, really, and that's why developers should be the ones to keep the IP, but that's all shoulds and oughts.

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Actually, that is the case quite a lot, despite the stupidity of it. There are lot of IPs publishers just sit on and do nothing for years, but as soon as you ask them "can we buy it" they get excited and quote big sums.


Arcanum sold like 300k or something ten years ago, you don't see Activision (Activision, right?) giving the IP away even though they will never do anything with it.


Rather silly, really, and that's why developers should be the ones to keep the IP, but that's all shoulds and oughts.


That's just a shame, since D&D lore is already so deep and rich. Then again, a setting like Planescape was pretty obscure as it is (to my knowledge, I was never a tabletop player), and it turned out to be great game. I guess it all depends on how passionate the developers are about the game they are making.


BTW, if you've actually ironmanned IWD2, then hats off to you. Seriously.

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Because they don't have the rights to do anything D&D, Forgotten Realms, Planescape or otherwise?


Brian Fargo had already secured the rights to Wasteland before he started his Kickstarter project, so he wouldn't have to pay a truckload of money for permission to use it and relinquish artistic control of the project to outside interests.


I see. So they are asking for a truckload of money for an IP that the younger CRPG generation probably hasn't even heard of, and that's why there hasn't been any proper D&D games in 10 years.

I think the main reason we haven't had any proper D&D games is because of the Atari debacle. They had this shift of focus to social/downloadable titles. They basically left AAA development altogether and took the license with them.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Yeah, the D&D situation is even more complicated than normal. The project itself might be a puddle of poo, but Beamdog pulled off a great job getting the rights to make BG:EE.


IWD2 ironman isn't too hard... if you've played it far too many times. :disguise:

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  • 1 year later...

Yeah, the D&D situation is even more complicated than normal. The project itself might be a puddle of poo, but Beamdog pulled off a great job getting the rights to make BG:EE.


IWD2 ironman isn't too hard... if you've played it far too many times. hatnosewj3.gif


Beamdog has done a pretty solid job with BG and BG2 EE. For me they are really the definitive edition of those games now. Also Neera and Dorn for the win!

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Hasn't Beamdog been pretty open about wanting to do Baldur's Gate 3 and almost hinting at it as something they might do? I remember reading something about it~ "When we are done with Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition" or something like that... or were they going to IWD:EE and PST:EE as well??

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The circle is closed. The story of the Bhaalspawn is over, any "sequel" is just cashing in on the name. Time to move on and cherish our memories.


Hear hear!

It would be of small avail to talk of magic in the air...

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BG3 is the worst idea anyone can think of. The Bhaalspawn Saga fully ended, there's just not more you could possibly do to add to the franchise and it ended on a high note. Even Black Isle made their Baldur's Gate III: The Black Hound have NOTHING to do with its predecessors, Icewind Dale had more to do with BG3 than the BG series did; it was Baldur's Gate in name only. The biggest reason it'd be the worst idea for the series is because the game will have nothing to do with the older series that a lot of older players loved about and will likely cause more fanbase backlash than anything else even if it did turn out to be a good game. As an example, it would be like seeing the Devil May Cry series turn into Ninja Theory's DmC, it just would not be good for the series and will ultimately be unproductive.

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. "Still Obsidian is the one and only RPG developer that has stayed true to their origin over the years unlike others that either let fame and greed change them(***cough*** BioWare ***cough***) or failed. Still, whatever it is they will announce is pretty much guaranteed to be epic."


Have they? their legacy of games suggests otherwise. LMAO



"BG3 is the worst idea anyone can think of. The Bhaalspawn Saga fully ended, there's just not more you could possibly do to add to the franchise"\


\Simply not true and if you think so you lack imagination. There's tons that can be done with a BG3. And, it would be GLORIOUS. Unless you lack imagination.




A BG3 can be done and it can be done awesomely. It should not eb done, hwoever, unless the docs are involved. That said, an Obsidian/BIO/pick  developer can still make a fun BG3.



"Hasn't Beamdog been pretty open about wanting to do Baldur's Gate 3 and almost hinting at it as something they might do? I remember reading something about it~ "When we are done with Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition" or something like that... or were they going to IWD:EE and PST:EE as well??"


Beamdog is crap. Poopoo. Fart material. I sure hope they don't make BG3. 'Cause then it *would* be garbage.

Edited by Volourn


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i know it sounds strange but why not BALDUR'S GATE 3?




- fantasy original.gif

- black isle is back in business

- josh sawyer (ex-black isle) is involved in the development

- baldur's gate enhanced edition will be released in a few days

Because they don't own the IP and they wanted to create their own IP. Honestly, why Baldur's Gate 3? What, exactly, would make it Baldur's Gate?

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Simply not true and if you think so you lack imagination. There's tons that can be done with a BG3. And, it would be GLORIOUS. Unless you lack imagination.

A BG3 can be done and it can be done awesomely. It should not eb done, hwoever, unless the docs are involved. That said, an Obsidian/BIO/pick  developer can still make a fun BG3.


No. A good story is a story that knows when and how to end. It's like The Dark Knight quote, you either die a good story or you live long enough to see yourself become a bad one.

Nothing good would come out of prolonging the Bhaalspawn saga. And if BG3 is completely unrelated, then it's just cashing on the name.

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Simply not true and if you think so you lack imagination. There's tons that can be done with a BG3. And, it would be GLORIOUS. Unless you lack imagination.

A BG3 can be done and it can be done awesomely. It should not eb done, hwoever, unless the docs are involved. That said, an Obsidian/BIO/pick  developer can still make a fun BG3.


No. A good story is a story that knows when and how to end. It's like The Dark Knight quote, you either die a good story or you live long enough to see yourself become a bad one.

Nothing good would come out of prolonging the Bhaalspawn saga. And if BG3 is completely unrelated, then it's just cashing on the name.



Too late, the Bhaalspawn saga already continued with D&D Next/D&D 5.




So Bhaalspawn already return in the current Forgotten Realms canon.  To simply say that it has ended is not true at all.  Some of you people really need to do your research.  :p

Edited by bonarbill
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BG3 ?


Why not PoE 2-3 ?


I love BG series but they belong in the glorious past.



Let PoE take the lead from now on.

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Matilda is a Natlan woman born and raised in Old Vailia. She managed to earn status as a mercenary for being a professional who gets the job done, more so when the job involves putting her excellent fighting abilities to good use.

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Too late, the Bhaalspawn saga already continued with D&D Next/D&D 5.




So Bhaalspawn already return in the current Forgotten Realms canon.  To simply say that it has ended is not true at all.  Some of you people really need to do your research.  :p



This does not change my point.

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