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Got TOR for a bargain price. It's my first MMO and right now I'm enjoying it a lot. Finished the Jedi Knight origin story and the first flashpoint. Thank god it does feel like a singleplayer game.


I realy do not understand people playing MMOs who wants to have SP experience from the game...

Because more often than not when you're running up to the end game content, you're generally going to be plowing through it alone.


Whenever I played MMO and ended up playing it alone, it was a sign that the game sucks... Even in leveling up, I expect to have multiplayer experience... The more and more putting of SP experience into the MMOs, made me to stop playing them altogether, because I got bored in every single one I played in one or two weeks, and started to play SP only games again...

Sent from my Stone Tablet, using Chisel-a-Talk 2000BC.

My youtube channel: MamoulianFH
Latest Let's Play Tales of Arise (completed)
Latest Bossfight Compilation Dark Souls Remastered - New Game (completed)

Let's Play/AAR Europa Universalis 1: Austria Grand Campaign (completed)
Let's Play/AAR Europa Universalis 2: Xhosa Grand Campaign (completed)
My PS Platinums and 100% - 29 games so far (my PSN profile)



1) God of War III - PS3 - 24+ hours

2) Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 - 130+ hours

3) White Knight Chronicles International Edition - PS3 - 525+ hours

4) Hyperdimension Neptunia - PS3 - 80+ hours

5) Final Fantasy XIII-2 - PS3 - 200+ hours

6) Tales of Xillia - PS3 - 135+ hours

7) Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 - PS3 - 152+ hours

8.) Grand Turismo 6 - PS3 - 81+ hours (including Senna Master DLC)

9) Demon's Souls - PS3 - 197+ hours

10) Tales of Graces f - PS3 - 337+ hours

11) Star Ocean: The Last Hope International - PS3 - 750+ hours

12) Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 - 127+ hours

13) Soulcalibur V - PS3 - 73+ hours

14) Gran Turismo 5 - PS3 - 600+ hours

15) Tales of Xillia 2 - PS3 - 302+ hours

16) Mortal Kombat XL - PS4 - 95+ hours

17) Project CARS Game of the Year Edition - PS4 - 120+ hours

18) Dark Souls - PS3 - 197+ hours

19) Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory - PS3 - 238+ hours

20) Final Fantasy Type-0 - PS4 - 58+ hours

21) Journey - PS4 - 9+ hours

22) Dark Souls II - PS3 - 210+ hours

23) Fairy Fencer F - PS3 - 215+ hours

24) Megadimension Neptunia VII - PS4 - 160 hours

25) Super Neptunia RPG - PS4 - 44+ hours

26) Journey - PS3 - 22+ hours

27) Final Fantasy XV - PS4 - 263+ hours (including all DLCs)

28) Tales of Arise - PS4 - 111+ hours

29) Dark Souls: Remastered - PS4 - 121+ hours

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Got TOR for a bargain price. It's my first MMO and right now I'm enjoying it a lot. Finished the Jedi Knight origin story and the first flashpoint. Thank god it does feel like a singleplayer game.


I realy do not understand people playing MMOs who wants to have SP experience from the game...

Because more often than not when you're running up to the end game content, you're generally going to be plowing through it alone.


Whenever I played MMO and ended up playing it alone, it was a sign that the game sucks... Even in leveling up, I expect to have multiplayer experience... The more and more putting of SP experience into the MMOs, made me to stop playing them altogether, because I got bored in every single one I played in one or two weeks, and started to play SP only games again...


You can still seek out groups in TOR, the heavier populated servers have plenty of people spread over the level spectrum leveling alts. TOR is different from other MMO's because of the very individual class stories, hence it manages to pull off a pretty satisfying single player experience.

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Why does TOR have a monthly fee if it's so single player oriented? Wouldn't they have sold more copies by just marketing it like kotor3?

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Why does TOR have a monthly fee if it's so single player oriented? Wouldn't they have sold more copies by just marketing it like kotor3?

Because at the end of the leveling/class stories it's all about parties and raiding like WoW. I mean in terms of how leveling and end game are handled, the only difference between WoW and TOR is that leveling up ToR builds itself around having a very directed story based leveling experiance. While WoW is just kinda like "go into this area and get me 20 bear asses.... oh, and here's a reason too!".

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Because at the end of the leveling/class stories it's all about parties and raiding like WoW. I mean in terms of how leveling and end game are handled, the only difference between WoW and TOR is that leveling up ToR builds itself around having a very directed story based leveling experiance. While WoW is just kinda like "go into this area and get me 20 bear asses.... oh, and here's a reason too!".


Class specific stuff isn't the total leveling 'experience' though. The rest of it is the same "Go kill X at Y to save Z"

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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"Wouldn't they have sold more copies by just marketing it like kotor3? "


Doubtful. It already sold a lot of copies as is. Not gonnas be able to sell much more than the BIO market is willing to bare.


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"Wouldn't they have sold more copies by just marketing it like kotor3? "


Doubtful. It already sold a lot of copies as is. Not gonnas be able to sell much more than the BIO market is willing to bare.


Volourn is correct. It's also much more than one single player game in terms of total content.

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Diablo III

Planescape: Torment

Neverwinter Nights 2


I haven't played on consoles for a few days, despite having a big backlog on them. When I have played on PS3, it has only been Mahjong.


On 3DS, I'm started Dragon Quest IX. Still very early in the game. I'm also playing Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones.

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Picked up Uncharted 3, so gonna be playing that after I manage to juggle the first season of Nikita, French Open and work into a gaming opening. :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Finished with the FFX's, started and got bored with the FFXIII's, so wandered around doing this and that. Played some Marvel Utlimate Alliance 2, then played some Fifa Soccer, and then went back and played some Street Fighter IV.

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Why does TOR have a monthly fee if it's so single player oriented? Wouldn't they have sold more copies by just marketing it like kotor3?

Maybe. But Wow's success puts blindfolds on publishers, who just see big monies.

Of course pretty much every MMO bursts like a bubble, but they can't see that...


But nope, they had to make this. Something single-players dislike due to the heavy multiplayer focus and boring MMO quest (kill X) that intertwine their story, and is disliked by MMO fans because there is too much story and not enough boring grinding and repeating the same stuff at the end that's apparently "fun"...

Can't please both with the same game... despite how much BioWare tries.

I realy do not understand people playing MMOs who wants to have SP experience from the game...

Probably people like me who just want KOTOR3, and only "play MMO's" because BioWare forced that down our throat.

It's like wondering "I don't understand people playing Fallout 3/New Vegas who want to have isometric turnbased combat experience from the game"...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Why does TOR have a monthly fee if it's so single player oriented? Wouldn't they have sold more copies by just marketing it like kotor3?

Maybe. But Wow's success puts blindfolds on publishers, who just see big monies.

Of course pretty much every MMO bursts like a bubble, but they can't see that...


There are a ton of very successful and long running MMO's out there, so I'm not sure where you are getting that. TOR itself is still doing quite well, it would need a precipitous drop off to fail at this point. It is still in the realm of possibility, but it becomes less unlikely every month.


Here's a short list of very successful MMO's currently running strong:

Lord of the Rings Online

City of Heroes

Everquest 2



That doesn't even include all the middling games that are still running and turning a profit. MMO's are a long term investment, they are risky, but they pay dividends much longer than a traditional game does.

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"only "play MMO's" because BioWare forced that down our throat."


There was no forcing by BIO or anybody. If you chose to buy/play KOTOR MMO that was your decision. I am a BIo fan yet I didn't bother with KOTOR MMO. They musta done a piss poor forcing job if they couldn't even get me to buy the game. Stop crying because YOU *chose* to buy it.


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Killed my first dragon! WHEE.


It apparently has a move that instantly kills all pawns and seals your abilities. That's kind of fun. Running around, resurrecting pawns. Then having the resurrected pawns restoring my magic. At least it didn't dominate them. That's always bad news.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Playing a bit of Trine 2 to take a break from Warlock - Master of the Arcane.


It's like the guys making the game went completely overboard with the eyecandy, but I don't mind. :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Any recommendations pros and cons for Dead Island? Thinking about getting me some new games for the summer. And I was thinking a lot about this game, but somehow I do not know if it is my cup of tea :/

Sent from my Stone Tablet, using Chisel-a-Talk 2000BC.

My youtube channel: MamoulianFH
Latest Let's Play Tales of Arise (completed)
Latest Bossfight Compilation Dark Souls Remastered - New Game (completed)

Let's Play/AAR Europa Universalis 1: Austria Grand Campaign (completed)
Let's Play/AAR Europa Universalis 2: Xhosa Grand Campaign (completed)
My PS Platinums and 100% - 29 games so far (my PSN profile)



1) God of War III - PS3 - 24+ hours

2) Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 - 130+ hours

3) White Knight Chronicles International Edition - PS3 - 525+ hours

4) Hyperdimension Neptunia - PS3 - 80+ hours

5) Final Fantasy XIII-2 - PS3 - 200+ hours

6) Tales of Xillia - PS3 - 135+ hours

7) Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 - PS3 - 152+ hours

8.) Grand Turismo 6 - PS3 - 81+ hours (including Senna Master DLC)

9) Demon's Souls - PS3 - 197+ hours

10) Tales of Graces f - PS3 - 337+ hours

11) Star Ocean: The Last Hope International - PS3 - 750+ hours

12) Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 - 127+ hours

13) Soulcalibur V - PS3 - 73+ hours

14) Gran Turismo 5 - PS3 - 600+ hours

15) Tales of Xillia 2 - PS3 - 302+ hours

16) Mortal Kombat XL - PS4 - 95+ hours

17) Project CARS Game of the Year Edition - PS4 - 120+ hours

18) Dark Souls - PS3 - 197+ hours

19) Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory - PS3 - 238+ hours

20) Final Fantasy Type-0 - PS4 - 58+ hours

21) Journey - PS4 - 9+ hours

22) Dark Souls II - PS3 - 210+ hours

23) Fairy Fencer F - PS3 - 215+ hours

24) Megadimension Neptunia VII - PS4 - 160 hours

25) Super Neptunia RPG - PS4 - 44+ hours

26) Journey - PS3 - 22+ hours

27) Final Fantasy XV - PS4 - 263+ hours (including all DLCs)

28) Tales of Arise - PS4 - 111+ hours

29) Dark Souls: Remastered - PS4 - 121+ hours

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Stop crying because YOU *chose* to buy it.

I didn't buy it...

Back to Volourn...

Here's a short list of very successful MMO's currently running strong:

Lord of the Rings Online

City of Heroes

Everquest 2


Free 2 play

Free 2 play

Haven't quite heard of the last 2 in a while, so not sure how they fare. Are they still on a subscription model?




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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