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Fallout: New Vegas

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From the Eurogamer preview:


"At this point we can choose to point out that he has just "killed" four guys with three bullets, which is a mite suspicious, but we reason that we could just let him go and then report him to King later, so we don't. Unfortunately the game isn't quite set up for this kind of thinking, and upon returning to King we're only given the option to say Orris "seems legit""


I hope this isn't true! If there's one thing I hate in games is when there's something completely obvious about a quest, but the game leaves you no option to figure things out for yourself and instead forces you down some convoluted quest path just to come to that same obvious solution.


Fix it, Obsidian!

When questioned, Orris states that he shot through two thugs with one bullet (unlikely but within the realm of possibility given the weapon he's using). The player has the ability to press the issue with Orris (or examine the bodies on the ground) in various ways, but this player chose not to do so.

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so had the writer of that article examined the body, he'd be able to report Orris to King?

Depends. When he examines them, does he find a shot that went in and out?

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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hmm, still would be nice to be able to say the line (about suspecting the guy even without inspecting the bodies) to orris and have orris respond "well did you check the bodies to see for sure??"


then the player can feel dumb for not checking...


which is better than the player thinking the game made a boo boo


would that be hard to add?


i have no idea how much work it takes to add lines of dialogue to a game like this...

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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hmm, still would be nice to be able to say the line to orris and have orris respond "well did you check the bodies to see for sure??"


then the player can feel dumb for not checking...


I rather like it the way it is described. Some thinking for the player too. Maybe it just should be made clear from the beginning, that some things are worth investigating closer (if there are more instances like this).

Edited by Undecaf

Perkele, tiädäksää tuanoini!

"It's easier to tolerate idiots if you do not consider them as stupid people, but exceptionally gifted monkeys."

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You don't investigate, you jump to a stupid conclusion, makes sense to me in an RPG. But may be that should be explained to the previewers, so they don't make the game look bad through their own ignorance.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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the newest ign preview said that they had framerate issues and AI issues.


I'm going to assume they were playing on an xbox instead of a high end pc with regard to the framerate issues, and that the AI issues are the same ones we had in fallout 3?


I personally dont care, but I worry that people are going to be overly critical of bugs in New Vegas because of the reputation obsidian has earned with some gamers after neverwinter nights 2 and alpha protocol...


to josh: how much of the next 2 months is bugfixes and optimization?

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Pretty good opening speech, felt a bit long though. But with no slideshow to go along with it... yeah.


Certainly sets the stage though. The music sounded a bit different, almost reminded of Arcanum. Though hard to tell with the quality.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Pretty good opening speech, felt a bit long though. But with no slideshow to go along with it... yeah.


Certainly sets the stage though. The music sounded a bit different, almost reminded of Arcanum. Though hard to tell with the quality.


I don't think I've even managed to hear any music with that sound quality. You've quite the ears (or quite the speakers). :lol:

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tainly sets the stage though. The music sounded a bit different, almost reminded of Arcanum. Though hard to tell with the quality.


The music certainly hit my ears. I'd actually love if it was like in arcanum, but setting specific. Too bad we won't get Mark Morgan.


The atmosphere is mostly created by music, or the lack of it, and sadly the current composer knows no such thing as atmosphere (at least in this setting) - until proven wrong.

Edited by Undecaf

Perkele, tiädäksää tuanoini!

"It's easier to tolerate idiots if you do not consider them as stupid people, but exceptionally gifted monkeys."

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The music was one of the few things about Arcanum that I really enjoyed.


I did hear some of what I suspect was a solo violin playing minor-key stuff. Some solo fiddle would fit in with the "western" angle they're going for in New Vegas, but I wouldn't say the same about the string quartet chamber music that was featured in Arcanum. That said, the two would sound pretty much the same if you can only hear the lead voicing, and it's tough to hear much more than that on such a poor-quality recording.

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Getting to the proverbial end of the line. More Fallout: New Vegas here



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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