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Fear this milk

Finger of Death

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Hey, Finger of Death is back. Long time no see :ninja:


What a disaster for so many people. Even if many of them survive, they may suffer consequences from it. I hope they catch those who sought to profit from it and gives them the maximum punishment according to the law.


I am old enough to remember some slightly related incidents in Europe in the 1980'es when Austrian wine makers added diethylene glycol to wine in order to "sweeten it". 23 people died in Italy because "clever" people added methanol to the wine :lol:


Edit: I am not sure, but I think there was also something once about Spanish olive oil?

I am so happy because someone recognize me.I leave this forums more than 2 years.


You mean LAW?I only can tell you in China puissance>money>law.Law is any time ready to common people.Becasue ONLY one clan rule this country.


Thank you to remember me.

If I tell you I'm good

You would probably think I'm boasting

If I tell you I'm no good

You know I'm lying

---Bruce Lee

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Chinese Google. I wonder what it comes up with if you type in Dalai Lama. Probably a Belgian maple syrup or something.



Yes by all means make the guilty disappear.


Did you know this isn't even the first time this has happened. Although before the milk powder just had no nutritional value so the babies would starve to death.

Here is Chinese Google search Dalai Lama:http://www.google.cn/search?complete=1&hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&q=%E8%BE%BE%E8%B5%96%E5%96%87%E5%98%9B&btnG=Google+%E6%90%9C%E7%B4%A2&meta=&aq=f&oq=


I remember someone speak this:if you love he/she,sent he/she to New York becasue it is heaven;if you hate he/she ,sent he/she to New York becasue it is hell.But now ,I think New York should change to China.

If I tell you I'm good

You would probably think I'm boasting

If I tell you I'm no good

You know I'm lying

---Bruce Lee

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Chinese Google. I wonder what it comes up with if you type in Dalai Lama. Probably a Belgian maple syrup or something.



Yes by all means make the guilty disappear.


Well, for the Tiananmen Square Massacre, I actually get proper results. The Communist Party of China must have only made Google block it for identifiable Chinese citizens (i.e. IPs from China).



You are RIGHT.You can see something,but I can't.Because this is Politics I...we are the victim.

If I tell you I'm good

You would probably think I'm boasting

If I tell you I'm no good

You know I'm lying

---Bruce Lee

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Tangentially, owning a cat (probably pets in general) as a kid seems to decrease the probabilities of allergies later in life. Again, antibody training.

I'm pretty sure that it's pets in general. Or at least the ones that leave their fur all over the place.


Kids growing up with pets = Awesome in general.


Also she did only talk about using formula when breast feeding wasn't enough.


They're women. I think that says it all.

Slug is a woman? :)

Edited by Moatilliatta
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Never eat or drink anything from China. Or Mexico or any third world country for that matter.

You mean they not safe?Perhaps you are right,but Chinese food is NO.1 in the world.

If I tell you I'm good

You would probably think I'm boasting

If I tell you I'm no good

You know I'm lying

---Bruce Lee

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I am so happy because someone recognize me.I leave this forums more than 2 years.

Hey, it's hard to forget such a dedicated Bruce Lee fan :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Chinese Google. I wonder what it comes up with if you type in Dalai Lama. Probably a Belgian maple syrup or something.



Yes by all means make the guilty disappear.


Well, for the Tiananmen Square Massacre, I actually get proper results. The Communist Party of China must have only made Google block it for identifiable Chinese citizens (i.e. IPs from China).



You are RIGHT.You can see something,but I can't.Because this is Politics I...we are the victim.


*sigh* And that's the crux of the matter, Finger of Death: nobody has a problem with the Chinese people, just your government. Although at least the CPC has admitted its legal system is unacceptably incomplete and inconsistent... ironically that probably just means their solution will be to hand out more death sentences.

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Not to rain on your parade, but he's correct. Kids who weren't breast-fed are more likely to suffer things like asthma, etc.


Tangentially, owning a cat (probably pets in general) as a kid seems to decrease the probabilities of allergies later in life. Again, antibody training.


Tangentially again, replacing parental nurturing with daycare also places your kids at risk for various things, although this is more in the mental rather than physiological arena.


Not saying your kids have or will have problems (probability, remember), but nullification of a probabilistic finding through anecdotal evidence is still a logical fallacy, however heartfelt and well-meaning such a defence, or how much better off we might be if the finding weren't true.



Did you even read what I wrote? I nursed three babies. All for six months or more. I even said that breast feeding is best. Supplementing with formula however is NOT evil. What is evil is making mothers who for whatever reason aren't making enough milk feel inadequate and like a bad parent if she chooses to actually *feed* her child and not let it go hungry.


Oh, and in spite of my children being primarily breast fed (and owning pets), they still had all sorts of health problems including eczema and athsma.


I was not in any way trying to suggest that mothers shouldn't breast feed, they should, we all know that. But Walsh's statement was that formula should never be used and I'm sorry but that is wrong.

Anybody here catch that? All I understood was 'very'.

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Not to rain on your parade, but he's correct. Kids who weren't breast-fed are more likely to suffer things like asthma, etc.


Tangentially, owning a cat (probably pets in general) as a kid seems to decrease the probabilities of allergies later in life. Again, antibody training.


Tangentially again, replacing parental nurturing with daycare also places your kids at risk for various things, although this is more in the mental rather than physiological arena.


Not saying your kids have or will have problems (probability, remember), but nullification of a probabilistic finding through anecdotal evidence is still a logical fallacy, however heartfelt and well-meaning such a defence, or how much better off we might be if the finding weren't true.


Did you even read what I wrote?


Mostly. I skimmed over bits because it was a passionate tirade in response to a (most likely facetious) off the cuff comment.


I nursed three babies. All for six months or more. I even said that breast feeding is best. Supplementing with formula however is NOT evil. What is evil is making mothers who for whatever reason aren't making enough milk feel inadequate and like a bad parent if she chooses to actually *feed* her child and not let it go hungry.


Why are we talking about evil, again?


Oh, and in spite of my children being primarily breast fed (and owning pets), they still had all sorts of health problems including eczema and athsma.


You're doing it again with the implying "anecdotal evidence is valid primary proof". We're talking probabilistic facts here, not mathematical ones, so please dump the proof by contradiction.


I was not in any way trying to suggest that mothers shouldn't breast feed, they should, we all know that. But Walsh's statement was that formula should never be used and I'm sorry but that is wrong.


Fair enough.

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Horribly tragedy and I really hope the Chinese Goverment is able to regulate these companies soon.


A funny side not though - I was talking to a co-worker (from Pakistan) and we talked about, different odours and soon body odours (he started it). He pointed out, that to him most Northern Europeans smelled like sour milk. He was often annoyed by it and couldn't understand how we could stand the smell ourselves. I told him that people from the middleeast usually smell like strong spices to us.. I often wondered if we had a specific smell to us as well, I'm not sure I'm that happy about knowing, because man.. sour milk? I'd rather smell like spice any day!

Fortune favors the bald.

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I don't know, the spice smell isn't a good one; it's very off-putting.


Like, back when I was tutoring in Canberra, every time one of my Indian students came in, his 'spice' odour was so powerful I kept getting distracted from my work. I kept trying to figure out how it was that such an odour consistently lingered with him over months without dispersing. I reasoned it had to be with him, because if it was in his books I wouldn't be able to smell it from a table across. It must be due to the epithelial cells picking up some substances more strongly than others. For us its something 'milky', for them it's likely something in their curries. Compounding this, their lactose intolerance means they don't have any 'milky' odour of their own to dilute it a bit, and likewise, we rarely eat curries, so the juxtaposition is all the greater.


In conclusion, he smelt distracting.

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Never eat or drink anything from China. Or Mexico or any third world country for that matter.

You mean they not safe?Perhaps you are right,but Chinese food is NO.1 in the world.

When its not from China. Chinese food that is served here in the States I would eat. We have strong regulations (FDA) when it comes to safe eating food. Of course its not perfect but far better than most in the world.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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I have a friend who was drinking a bottle of Nesquik milk in a plastic bottle and he drank about have of the thing only to find an enormous, bloated, rotting fly floating at the top of his milk. He figures he probably drank at least part of it.

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I have a friend who was drinking a bottle of Nesquik milk in a plastic bottle and he drank about have of the thing only to find an enormous, bloated, rotting fly floating at the top of his milk. He figures he probably drank at least part of it.

One of my teachers found a half mangled rat in his peanut butter jar once. Hilarious story really. I guess he called the place and they gave him the "these things happen" speech and basically the rat probably jumped out of an air vent into the peanut destructor, right into a crunchily delicious death of peanut buttery goodness.

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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Pure capitalism without human conscience or effective government regulations = dead babies, dead coal miners and dead elementary school students.


Don't let taks or Guard Dog hear you say that or you'll be labelled a 'dirty socialist'. :)#


too true


It's a bit naive to just expect businesses to behave with a modicum of responsibility, plenty of examples to the contrary. Capitalism is not a self correcting equation that will solve all of society's ills. It's more like a force of nature.


too true


benelovent, invisible hand of market is just bs


I wonder have they ever heard of Rawls...

Edited by Xard

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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It's a bit naive to just expect businesses to behave with a modicum of responsibility, plenty of examples to the contrary. Capitalism is not a self correcting equation that will solve all of society's ills. It's more like a force of nature.

It's a bit naive to just expect regulation to be done with a modicum of responsibility, plenty of examples to the contrary. Regulation is not a magical force that will solve all of society's ills. etc.


See, I too can make bad arguments that are more noise than worth. ;)


And I'm not even Taks or Guard Dog as I actually believe there is a lot of worth in the way we scandinavians have structured our society.

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I don't suppose you can make actual arguments as opposed to pointless juxtapositions as well... hmm..


I find the nature of Capitalism to be poignant to the matter at hand. Some people get the distinction confused and what they really mean to say is 'Something akin to western democratic countries with dominant market economies'. That is to say, it is assumed that companies won't harm or outright kill consumers to make a profit.

Edited by Gorgon

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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I quite rarely say you should never do anything. The list is pretty mcuh restricted to 'make peace with the French'*


I'm usually just animated on teh topic of Nestle baby formula, which everyone knows about already. I just mean, given that breastfeeding is bettter for the kid, why not breast feed 'em? To which teh answer is of course "You damn well breast feed them, you ignorant Limey bastard!"


I was thinking that what might work would be freelance wet-nurses. Could be a good way to deal with excess unemployed, and penguins.



*Avid readers will note I stayed awake all night watching Sharpe from my complete boxed set.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I quite rarely say you should never do anything. The list is pretty mcuh restricted to 'make peace with the French'*


I'm usually just animated on teh topic of Nestle baby formula, which everyone knows about already. I just mean, given that breastfeeding is bettter for the kid, why not breast feed 'em? To which teh answer is of course "You damn well breast feed them, you ignorant Limey bastard!"


I was thinking that what might work would be freelance wet-nurses. Could be a good way to deal with excess unemployed, and penguins.



*Avid readers will note I stayed awake all night watching Sharpe from my complete boxed set.


Oh, you mean hungry hungry hippos?

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I quite rarely say you should never do anything. The list is pretty mcuh restricted to 'make peace with the French'*


I'm usually just animated on teh topic of Nestle baby formula, which everyone knows about already. I just mean, given that breastfeeding is bettter for the kid, why not breast feed 'em? To which teh answer is of course "You damn well breast feed them, you ignorant Limey bastard!"


I was thinking that what might work would be freelance wet-nurses. Could be a good way to deal with excess unemployed, and penguins.



*Avid readers will note I stayed awake all night watching Sharpe from my complete boxed set.



I guess my whole point in my ill advised rant was to point out that breastfeeding just isn't that simple. All the mothers I know have given their babies breast milk and I can't think of one who didn't have some giant complication to the process. I know it seems like it should be very simple and easy, after all, mammals have been doing it for ages. But it isn't. (Unfortunately, natural selection actually worked against breast feeding... but I digress). Remember that before the last 100 years or so, the infant mortality rate was significantly higher. Lots of things contribute to this statistic, obviously, but you can't put aside the huge impact adequate nutrition has on survival rates.


Ok... I think I'm done now... I'll try to sit on my hands from this point forward...


*I really need to see some Sharpe...

Anybody here catch that? All I understood was 'very'.

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