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Anyone playing Fighting Fantasy :P Is this cheating?

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For nostalgia's sake, I decided to read a Fighting Fantasy book, one I never read. I'm reading Keep of the Lich Lord. It's pretty good so far, but after playing, I am reminded of how I cheesy it is.


I almost rolled perfect stats... purely by luck. I got 12 Skill and 20 Stamina and 7 Luck. Only 5 or 6 resolve.


I also got an armor that reduces damage by 1.

I also got a weapon that does +2 damage more to undead (so 4 damage per attack).


Now, I'm at this part where you have to attack 4 monsters. And this one monster named Lady Lotmora is a real pain. If she hits you, there is a 33.3% chance that you lose 1 skill point. 1 and 2 result in the vampire bite and nothing happens when you roll a 3-6. Well, since she has 11 skill, if this activates, you can pretty much kiss your game goodbye. I dunno know why, but the die seem to be going really badly for me. I'm using a computer program to do the battle calculations for me (I wrote it) so I could do it faster. Works great! Still, I get my butt kicked and died 3 times in a row according to the program.


Is it cheating to just run it again a 4th time? Given the stats, I stand to win, yet it's not a given. The random fluctuations are just too much.


Anyway, here's the latest battle....


Character			SKILL	12		STAMINA	16
Vampire 1			SKILL	7		STAMINA	9
Vampire 2			SKILL	6		STAMINA	8
Lady Lotmora			SKILL	11		STAMINA	18
Kandagor			SKILL	7		STAMINA	4

Character attacks for '19'
Vampire 1 attacks for '11'
Vampire 2 attacks for '11'
Lady Lotmora attacks for '22'
Character takes *1* damage!
Checking for Vampire Attack! Rolled: '1'
Character was inflicted with a vampire bite! -1 Skill!
Kandagor attacks for '13'

Character			SKILL	11		STAMINA	15
Vampire 1			SKILL	7		STAMINA	9
Vampire 2			SKILL	6		STAMINA	8
Lady Lotmora			SKILL	11		STAMINA	18
Kandagor			SKILL	7		STAMINA	4

Character attacks for '17'
Vampire 1 attacks for '12'
Vampire 2 attacks for '13'
Lady Lotmora attacks for '19'
Character takes *1* damage!
Checking for Vampire Attack! Rolled: '1'
Character was inflicted with a vampire bite! -1 Skill!
Kandagor attacks for '11'

Character			SKILL	10		STAMINA	14
Vampire 1			SKILL	7		STAMINA	9
Vampire 2			SKILL	6		STAMINA	8
Lady Lotmora			SKILL	11		STAMINA	18
Kandagor			SKILL	7		STAMINA	4

Character attacks for '15'
Vampire 1 attacks for '14'
Vampire 2 attacks for '12'
Lady Lotmora attacks for '16'
Character takes *1* damage!
Checking for Vampire Attack! Rolled: '1'
Character was inflicted with a vampire bite! -1 Skill!
Kandagor attacks for '13'

Character			SKILL	9		STAMINA	13
Vampire 1			SKILL	7		STAMINA	9
Vampire 2			SKILL	6		STAMINA	8
Lady Lotmora			SKILL	11		STAMINA	18
Kandagor			SKILL	7		STAMINA	4

Character attacks for '16'
Vampire 1 attacks for '12'
Vampire 2 attacks for '16'
Lady Lotmora attacks for '17'
Character takes *1* damage!
Checking for Vampire Attack! Rolled: '6'
Kandagor attacks for '15'

Character			SKILL	9		STAMINA	12
Vampire 1			SKILL	7		STAMINA	9
Vampire 2			SKILL	6		STAMINA	8
Lady Lotmora			SKILL	11		STAMINA	18
Kandagor			SKILL	7		STAMINA	4

Character attacks for '14'
Vampire 1 attacks for '13'
Vampire 2 attacks for '13'
Lady Lotmora attacks for '17'
Character takes *1* damage!
Checking for Vampire Attack! Rolled: '4'
Kandagor attacks for '11'

Character			SKILL	9		STAMINA	11
Vampire 1			SKILL	7		STAMINA	9
Vampire 2			SKILL	6		STAMINA	8
Lady Lotmora			SKILL	11		STAMINA	18
Kandagor			SKILL	7		STAMINA	4

Character attacks for '17'
Vampire 1 attacks for '17'
Vampire 2 attacks for '8'
Lady Lotmora attacks for '19'
Character takes *1* damage!
Checking for Vampire Attack! Rolled: '2'
Character was inflicted with a vampire bite! -1 Skill!
Kandagor attacks for '15'

Character			SKILL	8		STAMINA	10
Vampire 1			SKILL	7		STAMINA	9
Vampire 2			SKILL	6		STAMINA	8
Lady Lotmora			SKILL	11		STAMINA	18
Kandagor			SKILL	7		STAMINA	4

Character attacks for '12'
Vampire 1 attacks for '17'
Character takes *1* damage!
Vampire 2 attacks for '11'
Lady Lotmora attacks for '19'
Character takes *1* damage!
Checking for Vampire Attack! Rolled: '3'
Kandagor attacks for '17'
Character takes *1* damage!

Character			SKILL	8		STAMINA	7
Vampire 1			SKILL	7		STAMINA	9
Vampire 2			SKILL	6		STAMINA	8
Lady Lotmora			SKILL	11		STAMINA	18
Kandagor			SKILL	7		STAMINA	4

Character attacks for '15'
Vampire 1 attacks for '16'
Character takes *1* damage!
Vampire 2 attacks for '16'
Character takes *1* damage!
Lady Lotmora attacks for '17'
Character takes *1* damage!
Checking for Vampire Attack! Rolled: '2'
Character was inflicted with a vampire bite! -1 Skill!
Kandagor attacks for '14'

Character			SKILL	7		STAMINA	4
Vampire 1			SKILL	7		STAMINA	9
Vampire 2			SKILL	6		STAMINA	8
Lady Lotmora			SKILL	11		STAMINA	18
Kandagor			SKILL	7		STAMINA	4

Character attacks for '16'
Vampire 1 attacks for '15'
Vampire 2 attacks for '13'
Lady Lotmora attacks for '20'
Character takes *1* damage!
Checking for Vampire Attack! Rolled: '6'
Kandagor attacks for '15'

Character			SKILL	7		STAMINA	3
Vampire 1			SKILL	7		STAMINA	9
Vampire 2			SKILL	6		STAMINA	8
Lady Lotmora			SKILL	11		STAMINA	18
Kandagor			SKILL	7		STAMINA	4

Character attacks for '14'
Vampire 1 attacks for '11'
Vampire 2 attacks for '10'
Lady Lotmora attacks for '17'
Character takes *1* damage!
Checking for Vampire Attack! Rolled: '2'
Character was inflicted with a vampire bite! -1 Skill!
Kandagor attacks for '12'

Character			SKILL	6		STAMINA	2
Vampire 1			SKILL	7		STAMINA	9
Vampire 2			SKILL	6		STAMINA	8
Lady Lotmora			SKILL	11		STAMINA	18
Kandagor			SKILL	7		STAMINA	4

Character attacks for '13'
Vampire 1 attacks for '14'
Character takes *1* damage!
Vampire 2 attacks for '9'
Lady Lotmora attacks for '16'
Character takes *1* damage!
Checking for Vampire Attack! Rolled: '6'
Kandagor attacks for '14'
Character takes *1* damage!
You have died!

Edited by egervari
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  • 2 weeks later...

You should throw the dice. And emit heroic yells as you do so. Dice respect this sort of thing and it could give you an edge.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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^That usually works fine. If it doesn't, yell more!

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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You should throw the dice. And emit heroic yells as you do so. Dice respect this sort of thing and it could give you an edge.

Unless you are playing orks... How often do you roll a total of 7 on six dice in a critical situation?!?

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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  • 2 weeks later...
You should throw the dice. And emit heroic yells as you do so. Dice respect this sort of thing and it could give you an edge.

Unless you are playing orks... How often do you roll a total of 7 on six dice in a critical situation?!?


The problem there is that you were playing orks. You had better be damned certain of your yell if you're orky yelling.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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