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Guardian, Sentinel, Consular

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I just beat KOTOR 2 for the first time. I loved the game despite some confussion due to cut materials; ending was a bit of a let down, for I'm assuming the same reasons. Any way, I love lightsabers and so naturally I was a guardian. I want to play a second time through, but I figured playing one of the other two classes might be a good change (am I right? Will this really change anything for me?)

I just don't know if either of the other two classes will be fun for me or not, so I'm looking to the people who have played several times through to give me some advice on this.


I know that consulars use more force powers than lightsaber combat, or at least they're supposed to, right? If you use mind trick and such during your travels, will you still level up a decent amount?


I read about someone reaching lvl 50 in game. What the crap, how do you do that?! lol


Sorry for the long post.

Thanks for any and all advice!

Edited by Malignanttoe
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Hmm, i find even playing Guardian that i get enough force powers and never really run out of mana, er I mean force power. However... Sentinel gets more skillpoints if you want to focus more on your skills. Plus the Niman form is alright which you only get as a Sentinel. Consular? Eh... Makes some of the hand to hand fights a little harder. (Hello mines!) Although even as a consular i often end up leaving auto attack on with the lightsaber while i stare out the window.


Next run through I'm not gonna use any armour or upgrades. Every character will use what they start with and none of the weapons or lightsabers i pick up will get upgraded! Yay! Plus i'm not playing it again until the Restoration Mod is done and installed. :D


I might even try doing the whole game hand to hand!


As for reaching level 50... there is a bug in the Cave on Korriban where you can grind... SLOWLY so SLOWLY it hurts. Or you can KSE (edit your savegame) and boost your level / exp. Really not worth it though, i believe that after level 20, enemy mobs stop getting harder as you level. Although you will get 'better loot'! Yay.

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don't all the base jedi classes have the same BAB anyway?


i remember seeing something about a mod to balance it out


it does seem rather strange to have a consular that can hit just as well as a guardian really...

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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No, the class of your character does not affect the story, not directly in any case; it affects the way you gain feats, skills and other class-exclusive bonuses. It affects the story 'indirectly' by virtue of the dialog options you can 'unlock' by having high intelligence, wisdom, repair, awareness etc. Usually though, these 'extra' options don't affect the game ending or anything dramatic, they are usually 'short-cuts' to completing quests faster or simple narratives.


The other main, obvious, difference in the game is the gender of you character, which is linked to the romance options and getting a different party member in place of the Handmaiden.

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don't all the base jedi classes have the same BAB anyway?


i remember seeing something about a mod to balance it out


it does seem rather strange to have a consular that can hit just as well as a guardian really...

There used to be one on Team Gizkas website. It was quite fun, suddenly only beeing able to rely on force powers :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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No, the class of your character does not affect the story, not directly in any case; it affects the way you gain feats, skills and other class-exclusive bonuses. It affects the story 'indirectly' by virtue of the dialog options you can 'unlock' by having high intelligence, wisdom, repair, awareness etc. Usually though, these 'extra' options don't affect the game ending or anything dramatic, they are usually 'short-cuts' to completing quests faster or simple narratives.


The other main, obvious, difference in the game is the gender of you character, which is linked to the romance options and getting a different party member in place of the Handmaiden.


Class-wise, a few of Kavar's comments are different depending on whether you're a Guardian or not, but that's about it...


Gender and alignment determines some of the partymembers you'll get (Handmaiden if male, Disciple if female, Mira if LS, Hanharr if DS).


IMHO sentinel is definitely the best class, since all jedi classes (unlike K1) use the same to-hit table in TSL, and (again unlike K1) skills are actually very important in TSL.

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No, the class of your character does not affect the story, not directly in any case; it affects the way you gain feats, skills and other class-exclusive bonuses. It affects the story 'indirectly' by virtue of the dialog options you can 'unlock' by having high intelligence, wisdom, repair, awareness etc. Usually though, these 'extra' options don't affect the game ending or anything dramatic, they are usually 'short-cuts' to completing quests faster or simple narratives.


The other main, obvious, difference in the game is the gender of you character, which is linked to the romance options and getting a different party member in place of the Handmaiden.


Class-wise, a few of Kavar's comments are different depending on whether you're a Guardian or not, but that's about it...


Gender and alignment determines some of the partymembers you'll get (Handmaiden if male, Disciple if female, Mira if LS, Hanharr if DS).


IMHO sentinel is definitely the best class, since all jedi classes (unlike K1) use the same to-hit table in TSL, and (again unlike K1) skills are actually very important in TSL.

If all three classes have the same to-hit table, then why do you prefer sentinel over consular? Don't consular's get more skills?

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don't all the base jedi classes have the same BAB anyway?


i remember seeing something about a mod to balance it out


it does seem rather strange to have a consular that can hit just as well as a guardian really...



actually, no, think of it as when you start out everyone in all the classes took the same basic training, then you train in your class so its like (Jedi) jedi consular 1, see were i'm going with this

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If all three classes have the same to-hit table, then why do you prefer sentinel over consular? Don't consular's get more skills?

Nope. Consulars get more Force powers, but they are not skill monkeys.

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IMHO sentinel is definitely the best class, since all jedi classes (unlike K1) use the same to-hit table in TSL, and (again unlike K1) skills are actually very important in TSL.



Agreed. I like the Sentinel starting class skills: awareness, persuade, and treat injury (like every other class), but also computer use, stealth, and security; and I add cross-class skills demolitions, and repair while I'm still on peragus, so I'm basicly able to do anything (I always set my inteligence at 15 at character creation). Sentinel starts you out with 20 skill points as opposed to the guardian/counsellor 12.


The only thing I miss about being a guardian is force jump - but I usually abondon regular attacks for flurry anyway. ;(



Check out my KOTOR fan vids on YouTube. And no, they're not of legos.

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IMHO sentinel is definitely the best class, since all jedi classes (unlike K1) use the same to-hit table in TSL, and (again unlike K1) skills are actually very important in TSL.



Agreed. I like the Sentinel starting class skills: awareness, persuade, and treat injury (like every other class), but also computer use, stealth, and security; and I add cross-class skills demolitions, and repair while I'm still on peragus, so I'm basicly able to do anything (I always set my inteligence at 15 at character creation). Sentinel starts you out with 20 skill points as opposed to the guardian/counsellor 12.


The only thing I miss about being a guardian is force jump - but I usually abondon regular attacks for flurry anyway. :(




Then again, force jump only works when you equip a lightsaber, and it takes a long time before you get one in the game. Too long, IMO. I used KSE to give my sentinel the force jump feats in one game, and by the time I got to use it, there seemed to be very little point.


If all three classes have the same to-hit table, then why do you prefer sentinel over consular? Don't consular's get more skills?


As others have already said, consulars get more force powers but not more skills. And unlike K1, you seem to have lots of force powers in TSL, probably because you begin as a jedi class and have a much higher max level too (in fact, you'll only reach the max level of 50 only by exploiting xp bugs, though I don't recommend it - reaching level 43 was more boring than I care to remember). Besides, I tend to take the jedi master as the prestige class at level 15, which is similar to the consular and so gives more force powers during the rest of level progression.


EDIT: Oh, and one thing:


Force Wave + Force Storm + Force Storm = Everything dies fastest! ;(

Edited by Jediphile
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