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Movies you have seen lately


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Bin Jip. A corean movie. The main characters don't

with one exception

talk, so I was close to tap on my gf's nerves and talk during the movie. But I could resist, and very much liked it. If this was DnD, the main character would

probably have taken some illusionist levels, or a class with hide in plain sight

by the end.

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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We took our 9 month old daughter to see National Treasure. Before someone flips out (again) it was a special movies with mom event at the theatre. They have it every Monday before noon, and the lights aren't dimmed and the volume isn't quite as rattling. It was pretty fun, although a kid was kicking my seat, but it's tough to complain when my daughter was ga-ga-ing.


She slept through the first half, watched for about 10 minutes, and then I walked her around near the door for the rest.


The movie was good, at least on a par with the first. Seemed a bit shadier with the history, but whatever sparks interest and all that.

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I'm not sure if Rambo is even rental worthy. Maybe as a Rambo marathon.


I watched Mr. Brooks - It was very good, better than I thought it would be. Kevin Costner was solid as a serial killer. Dane Cook was a good choice for his particular role, as in it was a satisfying conclusion. I can't remember the last time I watched Demi Moore.


The Rocket - A Canadien tribute to Maurice Richard. I wish it was more of a documentary, it was really just a celebration of his talent.

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Sky High


Caught this the other day on cable and was pleasantly surprised. Plus it has Bruce Campbell, bonus!

Really, you liked this? I guess being a teacher I'm not really well-disposed towards liking school-based fiction, but I thought it was dire and very clunky.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Rush Hour 3


Rented this from OnDemand and walked out of my own living room about half way through. I though 1 & 2 were pretty funny so I dont know what went wrong in this installment.


I guess I'll nix it from my netflix list. I enjoyed the first two as well, but this one really has flown under the radar and I guess there is good reason.

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10 3 to yuma.


Not bad at all, although the whole male bonding thing went a bit too far.


I absolutly hated this movie myself. Unlikable characters, completly unbelievable situations and events. The ending gunfight was beyond ridiculous. Supposedly the main character had a prosthetic leg and he was running a marathon, leaping off buildings, duck and covering like mad.


The only positive for me was the setting, the costumes and camera work. Really felt and looked like the 1800s.


Has anyone seen RAMBO yet?


As someone who misses the old over the top action movies of the 80s like Robocop, Predator and all those crazy Schwarzenneger flicks I'm really looking forward to Rambo.


Especially after this 'R' rated trailer... (WARNING!! Very gory) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=8M1KiXWWTxg.

Edited by GreasyDogMeat
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Harry Potter #5. Almost hated it the first viewing ... then after Googling Potter plot references and watching it a 2nd time, it became mildly tolerable. Nice dark atmosphere and camerawork, and a fun 'evil' character in that headmistress, but otherwise rather boring. And if you haven't read the books, it's not a good movie.


The other 4, at least, allowed the non-reader to still have a fair entertaining time, in terms of a film series on it's own, with the 4th being the best one, imo.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Alien 3 DC


It must either be a very long time since I've seen it, or the additional 30 minutes added something to it. It wasn't as awful as I remembered it. Quite decent, apart from the Alien itself, which wasn't exactly a convincing piece of cgi.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Rush Hour 3


Rented this from OnDemand and walked out of my own living room about half way through. I though 1 & 2 were pretty funny so I dont know what went wrong in this installment.


The end was pretty hysterical I thought, with you-know-who coming back

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Sky High


Caught this the other day on cable and was pleasantly surprised. Plus it has Bruce Campbell, bonus!

Really, you liked this? I guess being a teacher I'm not really well-disposed towards liking school-based fiction, but I thought it was dire and very clunky.


I'm a fan of superhero stuff, so I guess that's what appealed to me.


Anybody know of any other good superhero movies?

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I'm a fan of superhero stuff, so I guess that's what appealed to me.


Anybody know of any other good superhero movies?

Donnie Darko? The episodes of Dragonball involving Super-Saya-Man? Batman begins? Unbreakable?

I dislike superhero movies (or any other kind of superhero-stuff), so I'm probably not the best advisor :) but the above, I found quite good.

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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X-Men 2



No, seriously. It's a great adaptation of an overly convoluted and overmarketed comic.


I also suggest watching the Hellboy animations, the team was working really closely with Mignola and they have next to nothing to do with the movie.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I, for one, really don't understand all the hate for the Hellboy movie. I'm kind of eager to see the sequel as well.


And for a decent superhero movie, check out Mystery Men!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I, for one, really don't understand all the hate for the Hellboy movie. I'm kind of eager to see the sequel as well.


And for a decent superhero movie, check out Mystery Men!


There was hate? I thought it was pretty popular? It did well critically and put up decent box office numbers.

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I, for one, really don't understand all the hate for the Hellboy movie. I'm kind of eager to see the sequel as well.


And for a decent superhero movie, check out Mystery Men!


There was hate? I thought it was pretty popular? It did well critically and put up decent box office numbers.

???? Great flick. Great comic as well. Can't wait for the sequel


Didn't care for Mystery Men.

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I've been watching the X-Files for the first time since I saw them on TV, and I've been having a great deal of fun, although it's not quite as awesome as I remembered, of course. Except for Gillian Anderson, who's even better than I remembered. She really is a great actress.

"My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist
I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
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It's that guy Shia Labeouf's (transformers) first big screen movie. It's pretty decent, the book was good too and they seem not to stray to far from it


that's true but the individual stories don't git as much attention as they do in the book but that's because movies have an exponentially shorter time frame then a book has.

Your not all ways being honest when your telling the truth.


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