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TSL Restoration Project: The Phantom Deadline, READ FIRST POST BEFORE POSTING.

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I'll get excited when the actual build changes from 0.8b3 to something higher.


Its up to 0.8b4, does that make you happier?


Not if you changed it because I said so. It might be an arbitrary way of counting down to the public release, but it's probably more of an indication than the bug-counter as to what progress is being done.


I have nothing to do with the RP so rest assured the change in build numbers has nothing to do with me.

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In that case Yay! Progress!




Whooo :x:blink: (I don't know why but I really like that emoticon).


And by the way, maybe I got some wires crossed but doesn't this happen:


[NR] Kreia isn't fond of droids either - After the player has witnessed the message from Bastila/Carth, Kreia, during an entry scene, will blast T3 with some force lightning in anger since the PC seemed to have a fondness for the droids.


I swear I saw Kreia force lightning T3 after getting a message from Carth and then T3 never tells me the message?


I really really swear I saw that ingame?

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hey, I just saw in the "views issues" list on mantis that the count is down to 19... :)

"Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force. Even then, you could see the Jedi he would slay etched on his soul."


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I think they are making excellent progress. Waiting is hard, but remember the saying: "Good things come to those who wait." :sweat:


I'm also looking forward to the restoration of the content that Team Gizka wasn't able to do by Team Exile. I think that was the group's name. Anyway here is their project thread at Lucas Forums: http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=181258


But it won't be playable till Team Gizka's mod is done. :ermm:

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Technically it's not really a step backwards or forwards. I mean, in the end we don't know how many more issues might be found, and just because the number went up because we were ignorant of them before, we are still technically in the same position, regardless of numbers... (I didn't take philosophy for a good reason, I can be quite, it doesn't matter and matter of fact :ermm:)


I mean, it comes when it's done :sweat:


*braces self for flying objects being hurled towards her for her detached response*

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Technically it's not really a step backwards or forwards.

"We must move forward, not backward, upward not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom."

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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What they need to do is at least make it playable, and then release patches for any sort of incidental bugs that are just "there" and are in about 60% of released PC games.



It sure would silence critics.... It suuuuuure wouuuuuullllllddddddd.............




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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What they need to do is at least make it playable, and then release patches for any sort of incidental bugs that are just "there" and are in about 60% of released PC games.



It sure would silence critics.... It suuuuuure wouuuuuullllllddddddd.............



I second that. I'm sure after 2 years of working on it they've probably come up with something more bug-free than TSL as it is (no offense to Obsidian).

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Eh, they can take their time. I'm not in any sort of rush, and besides, my PC needs just about every new PC cards in order to play the ****ing thing anyway. I just wish I knew how to mod my damn Xbox that way I could download mods and wouldn't have to worry about which button does what when I play the PC version. :lol:

Edited by jodo kast 5
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I just wish I knew how to mod my damn Xbox...


For the last time, you cannot legally mod X-boxes... :)






Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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Eh, they can take their time. I'm not in any sort of rush, and besides, my PC needs just about every new PC cards in order to play the ****ing thing anyway. I just wish I knew how to mod my damn Xbox that way I could download mods and wouldn't have to worry about which button does what when I play the PC version. :ermm:

A modded Xbox still wouldn't work. A modded Xbox won't play mods of any complexity.


I just wish I knew how to mod my damn Xbox...


For the last time, you cannot legally mod X-boxes... :thumbsup:

Not that long ago I would have disagreed with you. But I've heard nasty things about the DMC. It may depend on country, but the legal climate in the US in regards to it still seems to be up in the air. However, FUD is most definitely erring on your side of that argument.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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stupid question that may get blocked but just how many:


new scenes

new areas

new characters

new quests


is the mod going to add in addtion to fixing the bugs?


More than a dozen.

0. Unless you count 'stunt' modules which are just duplicates of existing modules used in specific scenarios, in which case, roughly half a dozen.


Under half a dozen. I think it's 2-4 but I could be wrong.


Keep in mind we all work on different bits, so all of those numbers could be off.

Edited by Dashus


Propaganda Minister


Diagnostic result: I seem to have no personality whatsoever.

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There is one thing I don't understand not being added... or rather I don't understand the reasoning for not adding it. It's the part with Atris wearing her black robes, which appears to be left out because it would be illogical for her to conveniently have sith robes lying around. Yet, in the same time and place she is hanging around in a room filled to the roof with sith holocrons. If her agents have raided enough places for sith artifacts, they might just coincidentally have brought some robes. heck, they could have used the robes as a sack to carry the holocrons in when aquiring them :shifty:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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