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I'm so happy!


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Congratulations :blink:


I guess it's pretty pointless interrogating it and asking it where it has been? Or how many lives it has left?


I love cats :wub:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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We think he either got attacked by an animal or runover by a car. The scarry thing is he weigh about as much as a kitten. If he had been gone for much longer i think he whould have died.

Edited by Qazplm
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I like stories like these. Poor kitty...and yet, lucky kitty. Good to see it found its way home. :blink:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I had a cat come home once with the top 3 inches of the tail skinned away to the bone. She probably caught it between fence boards while jumping to the ground, or something like that. We snipped it off and nicknamed her 'stubby.' :blink:


I'd assume they hydrated the cat along w/the initial antibiotics. I'm sure he'll be fine.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Something similar happened when I was a kid. A cat of mine ran off. I saw it a month later looking at me on a fence near my house. Then it just hopped off and I never saw it again.


I'm more of a dog person. :-"


Another funny incident was this young cat I had that needed some expensive surgery on it' after getting a nasty plant burrow stuck in it's eye. Literally the next day after the surgery, my father backed over the cat. :p


The one good experience I had with a cat is the cat I grew up with. I have no idea what breed he was, just a white and black cat but he was the most mellow and cool cat I have ever encountered. I think it was because we grew up together. I still have photos of me in diapers pushing him around in a stroller as a kitten.


I had him for 18 years and lost him in a move to a new state... but it was a great 18 years. He unfortunatly got out of the house and I never saw him again, though I hope he was adopted and had a good life for the remainder of his years. :)


I haven't really been interested in getting a new cat since. I've yet to find a cat that had his personality. He could be skitterish around other people but around me and my family... he was just so at ease and friendly.

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Good, now eat the little bugger.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Actually you just posted before I did, so it looks like I'm responding to you instead of Diamond.


Though I don't see any Venn Diagrams anywhere. I see some common syntax for implication in boolean logic though.

Edited by alanschu
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Because if:

A ⇒ B


B ⇒ A


Great logic, Diamond! ;)


I can decompose my reasoning if it was too cryptic:


A: "the topic with a smiley was created by a person"

B: "the topic with a smiley was not created by a person (but a bot)"


Let's assume (aproximately) based on the historical evidence:

p(A) = 0.1

p(B) = 0.9

p(B) >>> p(A), hence the topic with a smiley is most likely to be created by a bot.





And, Alan, I didn't look at poster's join date, I used similar reasoning on poster's name to (incurrectly) induce that poster is a bot.

Edited by Diamond
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I had a cat come home once with the top 3 inches of the tail skinned away to the bone. She probably caught it between fence boards while jumping to the ground, or something like that. We snipped it off and nicknamed her 'stubby.' ;)


I'd assume they hydrated the cat along w/the initial antibiotics. I'm sure he'll be fine.


We had a similar incident with one of our cats only we know exactly how it happened. He ran out the door one morning while were were leaving for school without us noticing, went and laid under the car right under the engine. Dad started up the car and he must've done the whole standing straight up with his tail raised bit because he got it caught in the fan and next think know we see a gray blur running up the porch. I got out've the car and let him inside, we hadn't noticed the tail yet because he wasn't acting hurt and he didn't yowl. That night when I was feeding him I noticed the bone sticking out of his tail. It'd already scabbed over and the bone was drying out and it was only the very last two joints so we just left it and it fell off.


The one good experience I had with a cat is the cat I grew up with. I have no idea what breed he was, just a white and black cat but he was the most mellow and cool cat I have ever encountered. I think it was because we grew up together. I still have photos of me in diapers pushing him around in a stroller as a kitten.


I had him for 18 years and lost him in a move to a new state... but it was a great 18 years. He unfortunatly got out of the house and I never saw him again, though I hope he was adopted and had a good life for the remainder of his years.  :p


I haven't really been interested in getting a new cat since. I've yet to find a cat that had his personality. He could be skitterish around other people but around me and my family... he was just so at ease and friendly.



We have a black and white cat exactly like that. 30 pound male, he's big but also fat, we call him 'Blob' even though he's technically named Farrell (was a stray, play on words). You can pick him up and turn him over on his back and he'll just stretch out like he's dead and let you carry him around like that, very passive cat. He is scared of strangers though, somebody comes into the house he doesn't know and he hides for the duration of their stay.



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