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In What aspect is Kotor I better than II?

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I think that Kotor I feels more like Star Wars universe somehow?  Kotor II doesn't make me beleive in the story line.  When i'm playing Kotor II, I'm not as involved in the story as Kotor I.  but i don't know why that is.  Wat do u guys think?  :cool:

Kotor2 was probably aimed more at the crpg crowd than the sw crowd (just a suspicion) ?


Star Wars seems be all about simple, clear cut situations (any problem should be solvable with a lightsaber) these days ;)

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More or less as Gorth stated: "KotOR II was a better roleplaying-experience, while KotOR I was the better game".

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"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
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The whole exile having to prove herself (himself if you're a guy) over and over and over to every single person of interest she meets. I'm not a jedi. Ok, I'm a jedi. Yes, darnit, I'm a jedi. Oh, bite me, I didn't want that lightsaber you stole anyway. OK, I want it, but there's no nice way to say "Give me that back before I turn you into bantha fodder!" I could really have done without all of that and enjoyed getting a lightsaber early on. However, I still play both games, as there's too much good stuff in each to only play one. KOTOR I could have done just fine without Manaan. All balances out. Great games and I'm still playing them both again and again.

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The games are about equal, imo. KOTOR2's biggest plus is the fact it uses skills in conversations at an awesome rate. KOTOR's biggest plus is its characters ar emore memorable (most of KOTOR2's most memorable characters ar eusually found in KOTOR1 with the exception of Kreia which is the only memorable character to eb found in KOTOR2).


Of course, there's the facts that KOTOR1 is less buggy and more stable. The othe rbonus of KOTOR1 we dodn't have to worry about fanboys blaming all its weaknesses on the publishers. The blame is placed on the heads of those who are paid to actually make the game - the developers.


In all, I'd rate both games around 75-80% depending on my mood. Good games; but not great.


I'll stick with NWN, FO2, and FF8 as the prime example sof the various role-playing genres.





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They are about equal, but eah in bteer than the other in their own respects.


For exmaple, K1 had deeper characters, because there was so much more you could talk to them with. K2 tended to have the looped dialogue, which meant the characters weren't quite as good/deep/memorable.


K2 on the other hand was that it made skills so much more neccesary. I found that this made the game much deeper in that respect. The replaability was also very good. A bit better than K1's.


Other reasons also abound, but overall, they are pretty much equal, with K1 just edging in in my opinion.

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Only thing that I can say I found better in KOTOR I was the fact that it didn't feel like the tore a chunk out of the ending.


I found KOTOR II overall a much better game. Enjoyed the story more, found the characters more interesting and I indentified better with the Exile. The plot blew me away and I thought the revelation towards the end was very well done. If it was not for the cut-content KOTOR II would have probably been my favorite RPG of all time. Keep in mind that I am in no way a Star Wars fan. :blink:

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I like the fact that in K1, you could get a person's convos just by taking them out as part of your adventuring party. you didn't have to cajole them or kiss their butt to get convos (once Canderous gets going, he has ALOT of stories in K1 and he doesn't mind sharing them with Sir Paladin Pureofheart).


I like the idea of influence but it was still very much in its infancy in K2. If I can't unlock someone's convos/sidequests because of things like alignment, then I need some party management options, plain and simple.


K2 had a more ambiguous "adult" oriented story that LA apparently commandeered at some point and forced them to change it into a cliffhanger. Had Obsidian had total creative freedom with the project, I believe it would have been a self-contained story and with an ending that was much darker than the published ending. Overall, it might be good that the story was modified. K3 will decide whether K2 stands or falls, IMO (as a good story, that is).


As a game, it just had really good atmosphere. The "immersion" factor was higher for gamers in K2.

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K1's story in retrospect, especially if you're a lightsider, was also a lot more charming. K2's story was ugly. I know some people like that, but others don't. And of course, K1's story was actually complete. Also, the characters for the most part in K1 seemed more likeable, and in a way more "unified". There seemed to be a friendship mentality among them. Whearas in K2, the characters pretty much disliked or were distrustful of each other.


Even with all the cut content though, I don't think the story would be all that much better. It's a pretty common thing for people to say "Oh, it was okay. But if it had the cut content, it'd be that much better." I've looked at what a lot of the cut content has to offer. Frankly, I don't think it really improves the storyline a whole lot. The filled plotholes would definitely help, though.


In my honest opinion, K2 shouldn't have been a direct sequal to K1. K1 didn't even need a sequal. It was fine by itself. K2 should have just started with a new storyline in a different time period, while still being set in the Old Republic. By trying to make it a direct sequal, they made the writing that much harder, made the storyline much more complicated, and also dug themselves into a hole with the cliffhanger ending. Now, it has to be a trilogy. If K3 weren't made, it'd be like them stopping the movie trilogy at Empire Strikes Back. :o

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In my honest opinion, K2 shouldn't have been a direct sequal to K1. K1 didn't even need a sequal. It was fine by itself. K2 should have just started with a new storyline in a different time period, while still being set in the Old Republic. By trying to make it a direct sequal, they made the writing that much harder, made the storyline much more complicated, and also dug themselves into a hole with the cliffhanger ending. Now, it has to be a trilogy. If K3 weren't made, it'd be like them stopping the movie trilogy at Empire Strikes Back. ermm.gif


I agree with this. Not only did it place a huge task ahead of those who are doing KOTOR3 (if it's even being done!) but the story really didn't need KOTOR much. It could of used references to KOTOR I, but not blatantly say "Revan went to..."

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I would have to say that the character movements in KOTOR 2 looked weird/unreal, especially for the male characters. KOTOR 1s movements were great as it was, so I dunno why Obsidian changed it. I know it seems tedious talking about the heads bobbing up and down while the players ran, but it just dosnt seem like a natural movement. Combined with the male players shoulder movements, I just gave up and continued as a woman, as its less noticable with them.


Also KOTOR 1s graphics looked less "cartooney", for lack of a word trying to descibe the graphics in KOTOR 2. The Peragus mining station level is a good showcase of the "bland" graphics in KOTOR 2. The environment just looks plain, and the colours arent multi toned like KOTOR 1. You will probably understand what im on about if you compare KOTOR 1 and 2 graphics directly.


I have finished KOTOR 1, but have not got through much of KOTOR 2 to be honest, so if the graphics do improve, please correct my statement. Cheers

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The Revan character was fun to play. The underwater stuff cool. After beating KOTORI, I wanted to know more about what happens to Revan and the others beyond the game. At the end of KOTORII, I really didn't care what happened to Exile. In fact, I think in KOTORII, I was still more interested in what happened to Revan than what was going on with the Exile.


Revan was just a much more interesting main character.


In terms of gameplay though, I liked the expanded force powers, and prestige classes. Still an RPG is all about the story, and IMO KOTORI had a better one.

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Gorth got this one right.


People who preferred K1 liked it because it was easy to understand and had an interesting, if unoriginal story.


People who like K2 prefer it because of it was more complex and the fact that the story did not seem like a star wars movie + previous bioware game ripoff as the first did.

Edited by Arclam
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I, being in the minority, enjoyed KII more than KI. A major reason being that I gained influence with the best character in the series for walking the "gray" path, my preferred way. As far as a cohesive experience goes, KOTOR I is clearly the stronger game, but I found myself connecting to the darker characters of KOTOR II more often. Its ending may be considered "weak" by many, I suppose, but I was thoroughly satisfied, and really didn't need closure.


I will enjoy KOTOR III (assuming it is made) whether it has anything to do with Revan and the Exile or not.

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How was KOTOR2 complex?  It was pretty striaght forward much like KOTOR1.


I was referring to the story. The combat was just as easy and the game itself was about as linear was the first.



If you played NWN, KOTOR 1 is pretty much a straight rip-off of NWN. You need to find some artifacts to end an evil, along the way, the heroine goes evil, you have to fight her, big cinematic boss fight at the end.



K2 was missing all of these. IMO, the last duel in K2 wasn't like K1's duel at all, none of that "we're battling while another battle is being battled above us"

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KotOR was finished and had a feeling through the ENTIRE game that it was an epic adventure and that it was well thought and planned in story and actions. It had a good ending no matter if you were lightsider or darksider, that made you feel you had made a differance in the game. :wub:


KotOR2 on the other hand only seamed so in the beginning, and it feels like a huge amount had been cut (doors that could not be opened, references to places, broken quests etc) and that the end of the game was never finished. No grand ending in this game to make you think you actualy accomplished anything worthwhile in the game. I had a strong feeling that we should have had movies that showed the things that Kreia told us about in the end, but they never had time to make them, and Kreias speach was just made as an afterthought. :(

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Gorth got this one right.


People who preferred K1 liked it because it was easy to understand and had an interesting, if unoriginal story.


People who like K2 prefer it because of it was more complex and the fact that the story did not seem like a star wars movie + previous bioware game ripoff as the first did.

Yep, I agree with this too. I never played NWN and had played a lot of linear kill-everything Jedi Knight series so KotOR was a great "new" thing to me.


In some ways the doom and gloom of K2 just got boring as well, like how they overdid it with the word echo.


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I totally agree with 99blackbird stand point.

I highly enjoyed playing with the Revan character.

The exile was indeed fun, but did not live up to my



I felt the Storyline in both versions were indeed strong,

but I do enjoy the Storyline of Kotor 1 better.


Kotor 2, you do feel like your deep in the game.

Kotor 1, for me I felt that I was the game.


That is the difference between the two for me.


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I never played NWN, so I wouldn't know. Even still, the K1 story was way more interesting and better-written to me. It was simpler, yes, but many consider that one of its strong points. Also, the influence system was a great idea, but IMO poorly executed. If they include it in K3, they ought to rework it.

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