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What was your first memorable game?


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Though I'd been playing games years before, I think the one game that really got me hooked into video games was Ninja Gaiden for the NES.


The cinematic storytelling, ninja abilities, the ability to stick to walls and sword slashing action really made an impression.

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First memorable one would be Gridrunner:




Back when game developers were exactly that (i.e. the developer guy would make the game, everything included) :o

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I still remember the ol' Temple of Apshai. That was a great one. Another great old title was sundog. ADVENTURE was quite good. There are all sorts of great games I remember from the past.

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Haunted House on dad's Radio Shack TRS-80 -- first game I ever played. Text only, naturally.


Q-bert, on the IBM PC (they didn't bother attaching numbers to them in those days) -- because I had to type the code in myself, in BASIC. Got it from a magazine. I think I've still got the 5 1/4 inch floppy it's on, too... :o


The Ancient Art of War -- first game I ever made a mod for. There was a schism in the Smurf Village, and Brainy Smurf had persuaded a faction of upstarts to join with him to try an annihilate Papa Smurf and his friends, all for the hand of the fair Smurfette. Hey, I was pretty young at the time, and the Smurfs was my favourite cartoon. :()


Edit: Ooo! Almost forgot the game that got me into fantasy cRPGs in the first place... Zyll! Another text-only classic.

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I still remember the ol' Temple of Apshai.  That was a great one.  Another great old title was sundog.  ADVENTURE was quite good.  There are all sorts of great games I remember from the past.

Sigh, Temple of Apshai. Didn't play it until quite a few years after it's initial release. Must have been around 1984-85




One of the great old software houses that are now melancholy inducing memories... :cat:




PS: I like the part of the piece that describes EA: "Electronic Arts in 1982 (at that time a little start up founded by Trip Hawkins)". Every story has a beginning, it seems :lol:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Probably 1943 the batle for midway, in a spectrum. Took forever to load, and it was B&W. It was also impossible.


and a funny thing about the game that i found while searching the name...

Now, as I said, this is Midway. Funny thing though, the carrier that you fly off of looks like a Japanese aircraft carrier, and the carriers you attack look like American carriers, particularly the image of a smoking carrier after you complete a mission. AFAIK, Capcom changed the sprite of the plane and then used names of Japanese carriers in place of names such as Yorktown and Enterprise. A lot of the planes look like B-29s as well. Everytime I play this game I snicker to myself; I'm shooting gaijin!
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Gaming was instant addiction for me: an ascii sprite snake that grew as it ate (on an old CP/M--DOS's daddy--machine). After that, with my brand new shiny 8088 Amstrad, I 'mostly' bought games for my kids, to legitimize my addiction. Mixed-up Mother Goose led to King's Quest and Quest for Glory... I do remember the first CD game I bought, just to 'test' the new drive technology: Labyrinth, which was a pain because half the time the sound didn't initialize, and there were no subtitles.


Memorable as it relates to 'great moments in gaming' ... there were many early ones, but most belong to old Sierra and Lucas Arts--Monkey Island, DOTT, Gabriel Knight, QFG, KQ and SQ. Adventure games ruled; I played DOOM, etc., but never cared much for it, I think because the FPS viewpoint makes me feel claustrophobic.

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Pong was my first game, but Pitfall was the first really memorable one.  It seemed so vibrant back then.

I think arcade games were my first: Space Invaders, natch.


First computer game was probably the one I created (written in BASIC for the Challenger 1P, 1kB of RAM).


First game on my own computer (Apple //e, 64kB RAM including the 16kB "language card") was Star Trek (an ASCII RTS game played over many grids).




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Pong was my first game, but Pitfall was the first really memorable one.  It seemed so vibrant back then.

I think arcade games were my first: Space Invaders, natch.


First computer game was probably the one I created (written in BASIC for the Challenger 1P, 1kB of RAM).


First game on my own computer (Apple //e, 64kB RAM including the 16kB "language card") was Star Trek (an ASCII RTS game played over many grids).

I'm not sure if I've played that one, but EGA Trek was one of my personal favs. Damn, that game was so fun and addictive. :thumbsup:



For the uninitiated ^_^

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Questron, for the C-64. Took 100,000+ game days to complete.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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Pong was my first game, but Pitfall was the first really memorable one.  It seemed so vibrant back then.

I think arcade games were my first: Space Invaders, natch.


First computer game was probably the one I created (written in BASIC for the Challenger 1P, 1kB of RAM).


First game on my own computer (Apple //e, 64kB RAM including the 16kB "language card") was Star Trek (an ASCII RTS game played over many grids).

I'm not sure if I've played that one, but EGA Trek was one of my personal favs. Damn, that game was so fun and addictive. :*



For the uninitiated ^_^

More like this one (except that was coded for the PC, the Apple one was necessarily coded for the 6502 CPU). :)




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Hero's Quest 1: So You Want to Be a Hero. Its what got me into games. That and Bubble Bobble.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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That and Bubble Bobble.

Oh no... now I'm stuck with that tune in my head again :ph34r:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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