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Has Dustil's HalluciTomb text been found?

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Yes, it was posted somewhere in this thread.


Here is the raw text of his dialog:


"tomb{Dustil has been trapped here a while and he is stark, raving mad}Another vision! Don't think I can't see through this deception.The vision leaves, only to sneak up later when I am less aware. Better to silence it now.{screaming, louder at end}You won't have me! You won't have me!{mocking}Ah, the existential vision. What causes me? Why am I a vision? {serious}Deceptive vision. Dustil the Jedi is wise to your tricks.{mocking and ranting}"I am not a vision" says the vision. Ha! Well then, I am not Dustil Onasi, son of Carth, no. I am not a Jedi either.I am Jedi. So proud, so proud to be. I escaped the dark side only to return. Why did I return?Why? The other Jedi wanted to. They tricked me. Oh, they tricked me. I did not know then that they were all visions. Visions all.The vision speaks of my father, not knowing I killed him twenty two times, and he has killed me, but I did not die.He won't be coming back for me, not again. With his tricks. {shouting}His tricks! {tortured yell}Oh, father! {sobbing}Why did you leave?!Of course the vision knows my name. It probes my thoughts. But I am learning the tricks, I am. Soon I will block them out entirely.{ranting quiety to himself}Yes, questions. Visions always have questions for Dustil... before the killing starts. I won't answer! {yelling}Hear me apparition! I won't answer!I'll be going now.Do you know what causes the visions here?I am not a vision.You are a Jedi?Carth? You are Carth Onasi's son?You are Dustil?You killed those other Jedi!Who are you talking about?Who are you?DustilOnasiGeneral! Is the way clear?"

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And, to sort it out a bit:


{Dustil has been trapped here a while and he is stark, raving mad}Another vision! Don't think I can't see through this deception.

PC: Who are you? / PC: Who are you talking about?

Dustil: {ranting quiety to himself}Yes, questions. Visions always have questions for Dustil... before the killing starts. I won't answer! {yelling}Hear me apparition! I won't answer!


PC:You are Dustil?

Dustil: Of course the vision knows my name. It probes my thoughts. But I am learning the tricks, I am. Soon I will block them out entirely.


PC: I am not a vision.

Dustil: {mocking and ranting}"I am not a vision" says the vision. Ha! Well then, I am not Dustil Onasi, son of Carth, no. I am not a Jedi either.

PC: Carth? You are Carth Onasi's son?

Dustil: The vision speaks of my father, not knowing I killed him twenty two times, and he has killed me, but I did not die.

He won't be coming back for me, not again. With his tricks. {shouting}His tricks! {tortured yell}Oh, father! {sobbing}Why did you leave?! (end dialogue)


PC: You are a Jedi?

I am Jedi. So proud, so proud to be. I escaped the dark side only to return. Why did I return?

Dustil: Why? The other Jedi wanted to. They tricked me. Oh, they tricked me. I did not know then that they were all visions. Visions all.


PC: Do you know what causes the visions here?

Dustil: {mocking}Ah, the existential vision. What causes me? Why am I a vision? {serious}Deceptive vision. Dustil the Jedi is wise to your tricks.


PC: I'll be going now.

Dustil: The vision leaves, only to sneak up later when I am less aware. Better to silence it now.

{screaming, louder at end}You won't have me! You won't have me!

I am following my fish.


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How did he get trapped in there anyway?  I always thought he left Koriban to start a new life after I told him the Sith were evil... Not sure what happens in the DS version though.

Remember when you go into the Sith tomb on Korriban (the one in the shyrack cave), you find that dead Jedi who went insane and killed the other Jedi investigating the tomb? Dustil was probably the original character for that dude.

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