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please stop nerfing gear i spend hours grrinding for

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in the recent updates almost every weapon that was good in endgame has been severly nerfed and i think that in a pve game like grounded there should be some end game gear that is actually really good and i think that the game should be easier in endgame when you have good gear because the difficulty is the same from start to finish and i think that this encourage people to stop playing because there is not an actual point to progress into the game

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I agree with the basic idea/topic. By the time you FINALLY get access to the "best" stuff, and you are at end game/upper yard critters, you need GOOD weapons that can ACTUALLY hurt these things.

For example: I happen to LOVE the mosquitoe rapiers, and spend the majority of my time that I fight bugs using it, unless I have something tailored to it's weakness on me.

So, when I FINALLY got access to the UPGRADED version, with the tiger mosquitoes, I, of course took the time to hunt them down just to get it. I was SO excited to get another little sliver of health regen out of it!

But, not even 24 hours later, you guys NERFED it! That's SUCH crap. It was STILL taking me half a stamina bar to kill some of the easier "tough" guys, and so someone, somewhere, thought it needed an 10+ % nerf??? Why? Why? Why? 

So, our solution? We took the XBox offline, and haven't installed the patches since the inventory sorting one. 

I suggest the Devs stop nerfing ALL our best stuff, or people are going to stop playing. At least, online. ;)

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The nerfs aren't really necessary, this isn't a PVP game, it's a PVE game.  Even if you decide to nerf, by being transparent you'll maintain trust with your players.  By making all these hidden changes that aren't disclosed, you erode trust from your players and kill the joy of playing the game.

Upgrade materials don't respond, the mats for making upgrade materials have such a low drop rate that farming them is a huge time investment, then you nerf items in the game that players have invested time and materials into really just screws your players.

You will start losing players if there aren't any serious changes, the game still has numerous bugs yet you guys for some reason decided to focus on nerfs instead of fixing the game.

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