Happy New Year Deadfire Enthusiasts,
Elric inspired me to finally do this exercise with his very interesting class tiers ranking. While there seems to be already a pretty good consensus regarding the top classes for Solo in the base (vanilla) game, I thought it would be interesting to look at how BPM might change certain dynamics, with the critical nerf brought to the cheesiest of abilities. So for full clarity I'll try to do first a recap of top Solo classes without BPM, then my interpreta
Happy New Year Deadfire Enthusiasts,
Elric inspired me to finally do this exercise with his very interesting class tiers ranking. While there seems to be already a pretty good consensus regarding the top classes for Solo in the base (vanilla) game, I thought it would be interesting to look at how BPM might change certain dynamics, with the critical nerf brought to the cheesiest of abilities. So for full clarity I'll try to do first a recap of top Solo classes without BPM, then my interpreta