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Heres some Shed ideas

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How about a “MOUSE boss”. Make the boss somewhat sizable to the player and apon death it would drop items for useage. (Fur and teeth) fur for new furniture, clothes etc. Teeth for a new axe and a new weapon. While exploring you could find mouse droppings for use as bait ingredients for baiting tadpoles and other bugs to your location for easier hunting. Now for the next part you would need a NET and also SADDLE item which schematics could be located on a new burgl chip found in the newest shed scientist lab gaurded by tayz-t etc. Along with making the new furniture availble with the chip. But when the boss is dead the player would search the boss layer for one of its small babies and try to capture it using the net -(crude rope, silk rope, peblet, sap) the player would then have to haul the captured baby mouse back to their home and raise it feed it and saddle up for their new companion which may also serve to follow them and help with fighting other bugs and spiders. If the player would be attacked while transporting the mouse it could escape theyd have to try again. If it died helping the player theyd have a reason to fight the boss again. The shed lab could be way at the top of the shed on the shelving making the player have to climb and fight their way to the top. Maybe add a crows nest filled with feathers and an egg that you could hammer open and collect yoke for smoothies and fried eggs. 

i understand the size difference when comparing the mouse to the other bugs but thats why i chose the baby mouse idea. It doesnt have to grow just maintain the health food and water for it. 

btw absalutely love your game and i hope this idea could be apart of your game if not i thank you for taking the time to read.

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If it's a mouse boss I got say we need parts from Meowser buried in the haze. What better way to dispatch a mouse than with the bones of it's mortal enemy.

If you want to scale down the size go with a mole, vole or a shrew. It's still got that nice mouse vibe but I have scene wolf spiders and orb weavers especially those gold and black garden ones that are bigger than them. Given the brood mother I don't think it would be much of a size concern.

Edited by ScritchOwl
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If you see light at the end of the tunnel get out of the road!

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Itd be nice to see another boss to look forward too. One where we utalize more than just bugs since there are non bug creatures ready.


Hopefully this will spark some inspiration towards the shed update at least. Im excited to see the backyard grow with new features and locations like that.

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As a person who works with mice, I'd say they're too enormous for the player's scale. A newborn baby is ~3cm long, ~6 times the size of a ladybug. And they are naked and blind, and need mouse milk to survive. Very hard to not die without their mom. It takes only ~10 days for them to become fluffy little creatures ~5 cm long.

That being said, it's weird to not having squirrels or other rodents in such a backyard.

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