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Happy Christmas


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I get the impression that I'm kind of persona non grata around here these days, but that simply can't stop me from my usual "trawling" wishing everyone a happy and blessed Christmas. :broad grin: I won't claim I'm not a troll, but I will insist that my wishes are heartfelt. This has been a difficult year for everyone, but it has had its moments.  I find I'm quicker to anger, as if I were back in more impetuous days, but I remain quick to forgive, and that's what I want most this Christmas. I want to put aside all the anger that has accumulated over the past year. Anyhow, if someone has created or creates another Christmas thread, feel free to merge mine into theirs. Either way, Xairete, my Obsidian friends.  Godspeed your journey. Fair winds and following seas.

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"Not for the sake of much time..."

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52 minutes ago, MedicineDan said:

I get the impression that I'm kind of persona non grata around here these days, but that simply can't stop me from my usual "trawling" wishing everyone a happy and blessed Christmas. :broad grin: I won't claim I'm not a troll, but I will insist that my wishes are heartfelt. This has been a difficult year for everyone, but it has had its moments.  I find I'm quicker to anger, as if I were back in more impetuous days, but I remain quick to forgive, and that's what I want most this Christmas. I want to put aside all the anger that has accumulated over the past year. Anyhow, if someone has created or creates another Christmas thread, feel free to merge mine into theirs. Either way, Xairete, my Obsidian friends.  Godspeed your journey. Fair winds and following seas.

In your head mate... in your head 🙃


And don't you go all χαίρετε on us here, you are as much part of this forums history as anyone. As for 2020 being "a bit rough", I think people have either forgotten or don't know what it was like living during the height of the cold war and imminent death always looming over year head, probably overnight and you wouldn't wake up in the morning again. The world just seems to have gotten a bit soft the last 30 years 😝


Merry Christmas old friend 😊

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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1 hour ago, MedicineDan said:

I get the impression that I'm kind of persona non grata around here these days, but that simply can't stop me from my usual "trawling" wishing everyone a happy and blessed Christmas. :broad grin: I won't claim I'm not a troll, but I will insist that my wishes are heartfelt. This has been a difficult year for everyone, but it has had its moments.  I find I'm quicker to anger, as if I were back in more impetuous days, but I remain quick to forgive, and that's what I want most this Christmas. I want to put aside all the anger that has accumulated over the past year. Anyhow, if someone has created or creates another Christmas thread, feel free to merge mine into theirs. Either way, Xairete, my Obsidian friends.  Godspeed your journey. Fair winds and following seas.

No, as I mentioned in the past you definitely not persona non grata. Like all of us some people appreciate you and enjoy your comments and some people dont 

I  have always liked you for example, that must matter immensely ...thats a huge and popular endorsement on this forum :teehee:

But Merry Christmas to you and family on this special day  ⛪ And I hope you become a bit more active on this forum and share your views on all topics 



"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I not only remember the Cold War, I remember serving during it.  On one hand, the threat of annihilation was always present.  On the other hand, we more or less faced it together.  On the third hand, I accept the gentle remonstrations of my friend. I am a Catholic and he is... not :wry grin: but I take it this way, we should be glad in our times and our trials.  They have been worse.  If it's true that faced them together in the past, perhaps we can find a way to face them together now.  I don't know who all here is a believer, let alone a Christian.  I don't even care.  God bless and keep you.  May you have a joyous day.  May this year bring you tidings of great joy.

As for you,  Bruce, I'm a lifer.  I get caught up in life, but this place is kind of like my personal meth.  I lurk.  Sometimes I post.  On rare occasions, I pretend it matters.

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"Not for the sake of much time..."

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