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Usable Air bubbles and Fish/Frogs in ponds

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I think it would be a great idea to be able to utilize air bubbles, that gather on plants, branches and leaves under water, to replenish the oxygen meter while swimming. 

I think that another great idea would be the addition of aquatic creatures such as frogs or fish. It will add an extra danger element, even more harvestable resources and, thus, even more craftable equipment. 

I really am enjoying playing Grounded and I am really looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for this game. Thanks a ton, Obsidian. 

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6 hours ago, K9ine said:

I think it would be a great idea to be able to utilize air bubbles, that gather on plants, branches and leaves under water, to replenish the oxygen meter while swimming. 

great idea,  would make exploring the pond easier.

6 hours ago, K9ine said:

I think that another great idea would be the addition of aquatic creatures such as frogs or fish.

You do realize we're the size of ants?  any fish would be countless times larger than us and see us a food, even freshly hatched minnows would be at least twice our size and eat us.  and you can't outswim a fish.  we wouldn't stand a chance, same with frogs.

Useable resources from fish would be cool.  Non-interactable fish in the pond dropping scales now and then to use for various items,  like the crow feathers.


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