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Politics XXXVI (will catch up to superbowls soon)


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1 hour ago, KaineParker said:

There is no struggle against authority which is completely different, and Hong Kongers are accused of the same **** as protestors here. The only real difference is that you support one government putting down the boot and not the other.

To boot, you're obfuscating and victim blaming, which is par for the course. People shouldn't have to be model citizens not to be targeted by jack booted state officials, regardless of any characteristics. Men commit violent crimes more than women and male on male crime is the biggest cause of death for the fellas. Do you think it would be fair to say that because men made a culture out of toxic masculinity for police to start aggressively targeting men?

Nope, I just don't think the comparison is fair as the politics are completely different and to my initial point before people got carried away with the specifics of the language, I"m condemning the looting which seems a common occurrence in these events and my perceived lack of admonishment by the media.

1 hour ago, KaineParker said:

Lmao swap "CCP' for "CIA' or "State Department" and this is exactly what China stans say. I guess one thing yall can agree on is that Hong Kongers can't tell their own stories without being pawns of a nefarious organization.

There's a lot money pumped into institutions by global actors that are securing their narrative. Regardless of the framing, the HK people rebelled against an encroaching totalitarian regime. I would hope we can agree on that.

1 hour ago, KaineParker said:

Do you think ethnic cleansing is "live and let live" behavior?

Nope, different times and more complex situation. I don't subscribe to the idea of the noble savage, whilst some tribes were not at fault the savage attacks of others did much to earn retaliation. Also, removal its not ethnic cleansing.

1 hour ago, KaineParker said:

This is like some sort of self-help tweetbot. Reducing success to "just work extra hours" is some clown ****.

I often find that people that think like you don't actually try it. 2 hours a day over the course of a year comes to 730 hours, that's more than enough to develop a good level of proficiency in a skill.  But if you rather watch a movie that's fine, just don't blame your luck when you're not trying (not you in particular, the general you.

1 hour ago, KaineParker said:

This is, again, bull****. There is no approval, tacit or explicit, of rioting from mainstream media, and the only "black media" I've seen supporting it is radical media run by folks outside the political spectrum that already believes the US should be destroyed. Most black celebs are focusing on a man being murdered more than the looting, but their comments are **** like "this is why voting is important" because the author of the infamous crime bill will surely be the guy to tackle police brutality. And the idea that low standards is more oppression than disproportionate policing is utterly laughable. Like white people thinking you can't do anything is worse than the disproportionate responses from police or less job opportunities.

Funny, if we were having this conversation without the benefit of anonymity I would be cancelled. If I however said the most heinous things about white people and cops I would expect to met with agreement. This is what the mainstream is about, they're just not as explicit about it as the radicals. Black entertainers like the media are not about to potentially offend their base by insinuating that the looting its wrong. Failure to do so creates the perception of silent approval (even if incorrect) that emboldens the extremist behavior. It's why we are in this situation in the first place, when people go tribal they stop holding people accountable and you see the worst come out. That goes for the looters and the cops.
I would have challenge the idea of disproportionate policing, generally black neighborhoods have high crime rates. It makes sense that a lot of policing happens there, and it is good as it happens to make black neighborhoods safer. Bad policing should be condemned, but the alternative is no policing and a rise in crime. I think it was in Chicago where the mayor decided to side with protesters and the cops just reduced their levels of  proactive policing. That just led to more crime.

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I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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53 minutes ago, Orogun01 said:

I often find that people that think like you don't actually try it. 2 hours a day over the course of a year comes to 730 hours, that's more than enough to develop a good level of proficiency in a skill.  But if you rather watch a movie that's fine, just don't blame your luck when you're not trying (not you in particular, the general you.

I don't think you will get through to people who claim 40 hours a week is busting their butt and expect to get millions for just showing up.


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14 hours ago, Orogun01 said:

I cannot understand why someone would be on the side of the looters, I guess some people don't value their property, safety and don't care about that of others.
And nobody better dare come up with the whole "marginalized" spiel, maybe some dumb white mothereffers believe that but I know brown people that barely speak the language that are surviving and struggling to do better. If you can't make your life better in the US its because you're not trying.

I say to hell with all of them. 

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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6 hours ago, Skarpen said:

I don't think you will get through to people who claim 40 hours a week is busting their butt and expect to get millions for just showing up.

40 hours a week should be considered busting your butt. A healthy person should be getting 8 hours of sleep a day, so that leaves you with 16 hours a day. So spending half of your waking hours during a 5-day work week is certainly a significant amount of time and should be enough to have a decent life during the non-work hours. No one said anything about raking in millions.

You should also all be exercising about 90 minutes a day. I don't understand why that is hard. I average about 10 hours a week and people act like that is a big time commitment. It's not, and I get way more benefit out of that then I do my 40-hour work week. But that might be another topic. :p

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8 hours ago, 213374U said:

Guess we've finally arrived at the destination predicted by Malcador. Regardless, I sincerely hope you're right. Though I'm thinking US steel workers may have felt as you do now.

Yeah, I know what these kinds are like. Probably without the usual self delusion I see most libertarian scumbags have, in this case.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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7 hours ago, Skarpen said:

I don't think you will get through to people who claim 40 hours a week is busting their butt and expect to get millions for just showing up.

Depends. I used to work a part-time job (from home too) where I was glued to the chair for the duration and even bathroom breaks were a problem because work would pile up and customers got ornery. I didn't do 160 hours a month, but weekly I did more than 40. Everyone thought I was busting my butt, including my boss. A friend of mine figured she'd work more hours in the same job and she ended up with anxiety and sleep problems. On the other hand, I remember some low-level sysadmins at the last two big corps I've worked at doing very little actual work in their nominal 8 hours.

I'd appreciate if you could quote the post(s) from where you got the idea that anyone is expecting to become a millionaire from working a full-time job, but regardless, I think it's reasonable that giving a business 50% of your waking time should be enough to make a decent living.

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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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The real source of American police brutality: fragemtation.

Whilst it's true that U.S. has been a racist-as-Hell country since its inception, the United States has 18,000 police agencies scattered across the country, which makes them little than local street gangs.  I'd say streamlining the police force maybe not on a national level but at least on the state level and curbing the number down to double digits could go a long way to really reigning in police murders.

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So here is an interesting little nugget. Derek Chauvin & George Floyd may have known each other. The both worked as bouncers/security at the same nightclub. 



"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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14 hours ago, Orogun01 said:

There's a lot money pumped into institutions by global actors that are securing their narrative.

The United States is the biggest offender of the list, and it appears the majority of Westerners still bite it hook line and sinker.

Fact:  The United States is still a massive imperialistic, economic exploitative juggernaut who needs to frame countries that don't play ball in the worst light possible in order to invade them and submit them under the boot of $Uncle Sam$.  Covid-19 and now these riots are demonstrating who weak our institutions really are.  The cracks are showing, but there's still a long way to go for global healing.

As an aside, I really feel bad for the poor suckers killing their bodies working because they are ashamed of collecting unemployment because we've been conditioned in Nazi-like fashion that you have to slave away to keep us going.

The reality of the American economy is that collecting money from the state and buying stuff greatly helps keep our economy afloat, as 70% of our entire economy is based off of consumerism, not working class people killing their bodies producing goods and services.  One of the biggest reasons why I'm not anti-China is that they are wonderful at producing goods for us Westerners to consume at our leisure, and I'd like for it to stay that way.

The biggest heroes of this current crisis are the cashiers and the delivery services for risking their lives keeping supplies stocked and making sure we have food and items available to buy at all times.

Edited by ComradeMaster
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2020 is... a bit of a strange year.

"The scheme of the world powers is to cause disunity in order to keep all societies under control. The killing of #GeorgeFloyd was deeply disturbing & upsetting & is the result of the current world order which we all must unite against. "Pull the trigger kill a [black person] he's a hero""-- Mahmoud Ahmedinejad

Complete with Tupac quote. I think someone needs to reboot the matrix.

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29 minutes ago, Zoraptor said:

2020 is... a bit of a strange year.

"The scheme of the world powers is to cause disunity in order to keep all societies under control. The killing of #GeorgeFloyd was deeply disturbing & upsetting & is the result of the current world order which we all must unite against. "Pull the trigger kill a [black person] he's a hero""-- Mahmoud Ahmedinejad

Complete with Tupac quote. I think someone needs to reboot the matrix.

2020 - Dr Evil - coronavirus - pandemic - race war - catchymemes

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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And as we have that section of Bible Belt Americana who like to say "destruction of property is not a valid form of protest..."



"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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But, those people were able to protest. No violence was done to them. Just people voicing their opinions... ie. protesting the protestors PEACEFULLY is allowed is it not?


Then again, everyone knows the KKK are masquarding as BLM  and are the ones actually protesting/rioting right now... and, Hollywood is bailing them out. Hmmm..


Once again,  'racism' is not even the top 100 issues for cops. Cops kill everyone - black, white, brown, spaghetti, turnip. It don't matter.  Cops are the ultimate scaredy cats.  How come there weren't major protests/riots when that white woman was killed by the officer after she called 9/11? or the white man who had his neck stepped on and died? or all those black children murdered? or those latino children?


Racism exists. It is a disease. But, newsfdlash, it isn't a white only disease.  Ebven though whites are likely the biggest pushers of modern anti white hatred.


 White woman steroeypes black men as dangerous so she calls the cops. EVIL.

People steoretype women as racist 'Karens' (I kinda like the Karen meme personally lol). That'\s acceptable.


The cop is scum. Fry him. The rioters and looters are scum. Fry them.



P.S.  remember when theose psychotic crakers with guns were 'rioting' and everyone  called them out and labeled them evil and selfish for risking everyone's lives b/c the virus... how come, suddenly, the virus no longer matters and social distancing isn't needed? Hmmm..


Edited by Volourn


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10 hours ago, Hurlshot said:

40 hours a week should be considered busting your butt. A healthy person should be getting 8 hours of sleep a day, so that leaves you with 16 hours a day. So spending half of your waking hours during a 5-day work week is certainly a significant amount of time and should be enough to have a decent life during the non-work hours. No one said anything about raking in millions.

You should also all be exercising about 90 minutes a day. I don't understand why that is hard. I average about 10 hours a week and people act like that is a big time commitment. It's not, and I get way more benefit out of that then I do my 40-hour work week. But that might be another topic. :p

To be honest I don't think most people work 40 hours a week, they're at work 40 hours a week. I'm a big proponent of the 3.5 day work week if done correctly.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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1 hour ago, Orogun01 said:

To be honest I don't think most people work 40 hours a week, they're at work 40 hours a week. I'm a big proponent of the 3.5 day work week if done correctly.

A general comment on work hours..

Maybe I'm not "most people", but as someone who spent 30 years of his life working 60+ hour work weeks, I think I'm qualified to reflect a bit on whether it was worth it or not. With the benefit of hindsight, I doubt it. Sure, it ended up paying well, gave some truly unique and interesting experiences (traveling around the world, twice, in the literal sense of the word, winning Microsoft best of world wide awards, getting invited to private Oscar parties, all memorable stuff), but was it worth paying 30 years of my life for? No social life, no time for friends etc.? Nah. If I could chose over, I might have chosen differently. 40 hours is a good compromise between overworking yourself and not working at all.


edit: the last 5 years, I've worked "reduced time" (40 hours) and for the first time in living memory actually started enjoying life, getting home int he evenings and having weekends off to do stuff of my own choosing.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Huh, and Chauvin's wife filed for divorce the very night he was taken into custody.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Hell will freeze solid before i ever live inside a city limit again. If those stupid "protesters" tried that s--t out here none of them would ever be seen again. 

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Isn't it amazing how cops are Billy Badass when they have a man helpless and handcuffed on the ground. But when there is a riot, homes and businesses being burned and people being beaten near to death they are nowhere to be found. The biggest bullies are cowards at heart.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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