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Coronavirus: Continuing Vigilance


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So someone I know on Facebook posted this crazy theory. They are a school counselor. Granted they are are a school counselor in Florida, but still...


Bill Gates, in conjunction with Elon Musk’s elaborate 5G satellite geo-engineering Skynet will direct 5G to track your every move and lock on and effect the contents of the Vaccine in the human body
Is that clear? Bill Gates Backs $1 Billion Plan to Blanket Earth in Video Surveillance Satellites. Our planet will soon be surrounded by 500 satellites capable of real-time coverage of human activity and movement around the globe Microsoft founder Bill Gates is bankrolling a company that plans on launching a $1 billion network of satellites to provide live-streaming coverage of almost “corner” of the earth. https://returntonow.net/2020/03/24/bill-gates-backs-1-billion-plan-to-blanket-earth-in-video-surveillance-satellites/ What Is the COVID 19 Pandemic Really About?
1. Bill Gates’ releases the idea of a lethal super virus, real or merely in people’s perception.
2. Bill Gates’ creates mass hysteria using elite controlled mainstream media outlets on scale never seen before.
3. Bill Gates’ demands the quarantine an entire world and get people to DEMAND a Vaccine.
4. Bill Gates’ will use a mandatory Quantum Tattoo as Digital Certification of having received the Vaccine.
5. Bill Gates’ will use mandatory immunization to implant an RFID ID chip (digitized world citizens)
6. Bill Gates’ will place in the Vaccine, in addition to various poisons, and 5G interfaceable RFID chip nano tech, is a third nano strand of DNA coated to a billionth of a millimeter of gold, which increases the surface area around the silicon strand for an increase in digitally imparted and encoded information. This creates a third strand of DNA which will, essentially, dehumanize people and inhibit their ability to adhere to internal morals and ethics. It will create a HIVE MIND Population, governed by 5G.
7. Bill Gates’ Pandemic Hoax will cause people to lose their ability to understand that they have lost their ability to think on their own. Sound familiar? They will lose independent thought and will be controlled as slave class by the ruling elite through 5G, to serve the Elite.
8. Bill Gates, in conjunction with Elon Musk’s elaborate 5G satellite geo-engineering Skynet will direct 5G to track your every move and lock on and effect the contents of the Vaccine in the human body
Is that clear? Microsoft world patent number 060606 and the plan for global enslavement https://banned.video/watch?id=5e9dbbbe960c7900cc1d021b Patent #WO2020060606 is described as a “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data.” Microsoft has partnered with VeriChip manufacturer Digital Angel Corporation since 2008. https://operation-nation.com/bill-gates-microsoft-file-patent-for-dystopian-body-activity-data-implants/ On March 26, 2020 MICROSOFT filed a patent for a BODY - INTERFACED Cryptocurrency. This is a Human Body implanted microchip that will be connected to a Cloud Computer System.

The publication number filed by Microsoft for this device is
WO-2020-060606 aka “666”

In Gematria:

Revelation 13 - And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.


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3 hours ago, Hurlshot said:

So someone I know on Facebook posted this crazy theory. They are a school counselor. Granted they are are a school counselor in Florida, but still...


And then Bruce Dickinson screamed at the end.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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If this keeps up Trump will be saying he's been taking Life Savers to stave off COVID-19.

Edited by Agiel
“Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.”
-Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>>

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."

-Rod Serling


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It's funny.  When Trump touted Hydroxychloroquine, I thought it was maybe a bit brash.  There had been some media coverage of it prior to that day's briefing, but it was premature to make a statement.   Still, doctors prescribe meds off label all the time.  For all I know, I might do that myself when I pass the boards.  Nevertheless, the second Trump touches anything, it becomes ground zero for crazies who hate him so much they get him reelected. Don't hate the messenger.  Don't even hate the message.  Just hate the truth if you must, but blaming Trumo for taking one of the most doctor prescribed therapeutics is silly.  Do I think it's necessarily wise?  No, but his saying it wouldn't matter much at all if it weren't for the Trump hate that magnifies everything he utters.  The media should have chuckled and then moved on about hydroxychloroquine from the very beginning instead of blaming Trump for some lady feeding fish tank cleaner to her husband.  As it is, there are *real* studies underway.  If those studies show that the drug didn't really have much of an impact, it doesn't really move the needle much.  If they show that it actually *is* beneficial, that's one more shovelful of dirt on the coffin of journalism.  I know there's an unreasoning hatred of Trump in many parts, but don't make him your white whale, even if he's "morbidly obese. "

"Not for the sake of much time..."

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10 hours ago, Agiel said:

If this keeps up Trump will be saying he's been taking Life Savers to stave off COVID-19.

I am not sure why people believe he actually is taking it.  Ah, his doctor spoke up - https://twitter.com/edokeefe/status/1262534972046479360/photo/1


3 hours ago, MedicineDan said:

If they show that it actually *is* beneficial, that's one more shovelful of dirt on the coffin of journalism.

Hm, well, I've always seen them say it's not proven to work so not sure it will work that way. But as you do. The media should have learned to ignore the meshback's rantings long ago, but too late for that.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Trump does what Trump does.  I'm not going to attempt to explain it.  Just for disclosure, there's virtually no chance I'll vote for his opponent this fall.  If folks want to think of me as a wild eyed Trump supporter, so be it, but my advice isn't to like him or even not to  attack him.   My pont is to be smart how you do it.  Not you guys.  You're blowing off steam.  The Press?  Yeah, they're going to destroy themselves with this insanity. 

As for his med o' choice?  It became political.  There are a couple of studies underway that will undoubtedly be definitive.  I wouldn't be surprised if it had positive impact on the periphery, but I'm not making any claims.  Once Trump talked about it, rational thought went out the window. 

"Not for the sake of much time..."

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When DJT initiates a ploy, he'll stick with it to the end just to lend 'legitimacy'. This includes taking a drug that could potentially cause heart complications, while saying "what have you got to lose?". Err, your heart, your life. 

"It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."

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"Maybe the President doesn't need to throw out the names of medicines at all?"


I doubt he got the name out of nowhere. Clearly at least one doctor told him this. Also, if he was just blowing smoke why would he being taking himself unless, of coruse, he is blowing smoke which  I wouldn't put past him either.


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51 minutes ago, Volourn said:

"Maybe the President doesn't need to throw out the names of medicines at all?"


I doubt he got the name out of nowhere. Clearly at least one doctor told him this. Also, if he was just blowing smoke why would he being taking himself unless, of coruse, he is blowing smoke which  I wouldn't put past him either.

He has been pushing the drug for a while now and the only two responses Trump has to pretty much anything are to double down on it or to deny it. He's never wrong just alternatively correct. Apparently we have to accept this and it's okay because... reasons.

No idea where he got the idea from in the first place but I'll give him credit for volunteering himself to be the guinea pig.

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The thing I hate about the debate is that it has a perfectly legitimate drug in the crosshairs.  I don't know if hydroxychloroquine is effective on Covid-19 or not, but there were hopeful accounts of it in the media before the president mentioned it.  In fact, since he seems to get a lot of his own talking points from the media that he then bashes, I wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't heard about it first on one of the outlets he insists he doesn't watch or read.  There are studies that suggest that the drug is ineffective.  There are no reputable studies that suggest that it is more harmful than helpful vis a vis Covid-19.  There is some indication that it might prevent SARS-CoV-2 from becoming Covid-19, but I don't take any of these studies very seriously.  There hasn't been a significant study that is strong enough on which to base an opinion yet.  However, doctors prescribe drugs off-label all the time.  If reputable doctors think it is helpful, it's their choice and their practice on the line.  Just because Trump is a giant horses arse (although *not* technically severely 'morbidly' obese), and just because some people hate him, is no reason to attack the drug itself.  It's a drug with a long history and well known side/adverse effects.  A physician should be trusted to weigh those factors.  If Trump hadn't mentioned it, I firmly believe some of the people bashing it would still be sounding a hopeful note about it.

However, Shady, I agree with your assessment of Trump's reactions completely.  He's an imperfect tool, and perhaps just a tool, but this isn't about being pleasant or nice.  His policies, even when flawed, are strikingly better from my perspective than *anything* the Democrats put forward.  This place tends often, but not always, to be an echo chamber, but there is a decent chance folks will end up eating their words if they pronounce hydroxychloroquine failed based on the evidence we have now.  Hating Trump is one thing.  Hating a drug just because he says it's good is entirely another.  I have personal experience with the drug myself, and it's not the bad guy in this scenario.

On a personal note, I've had a lot of exposure to the 'rona.  I found out last night that one of the PM nurses who had tested positive came in to have her two-step TB test checked.  What a jackass!  What the hell is wrong with people.  The place is filled with old sick people, for crying out loud!

Edited by MedicineDan

"Not for the sake of much time..."

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Doofus, I'm not worried about the drug companies.  I doubt a drug that's been around as long as hydroxychloroquine is a huge money-maker anyway.  Just as dangerous as folks thinking the drug is a wonder drug and wanting it prescribed is for people to fear the drug even when it has genuine therapeutic effects for certain conditions.  That's all regardless of the 'Rona.

"Not for the sake of much time..."

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40 minutes ago, MedicineDan said:

His policies, even when flawed, are strikingly better from my perspective than *anything* the Democrats put forward.

Such as ?  Also, wasn't aware people are stating that hydroxychloroquine should not exist or anything to be concerned that the drug is in the crosshairs as opposed to just saying it's not proven as effective for this situation.

UK government seems interested, although I guess is shotgun approach  - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/19/uk-to-test-hydroxychloroqine-as-coronavirus-treatment

Going to suck to be a Lupus sufferer.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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1 hour ago, ShadySands said:

No idea where he got the idea from in the first place but I'll give him credit for volunteering himself to be the guinea pig.

Best guess would be that Trump wanted a 'miracle cure' to tout and someone gave him the name of something which is relatively harmless, there's a lot of, and which has few side effects. That way at least it wouldn't do any (much) harm. Might not be the best suggestion in the world, but if the alternative is Trump talking about people treating themselves with bleach...

35 minutes ago, MedicineDan said:

There are no reputable studies that suggest that it is more harmful than helpful vis a vis Covid-19.

The current official advice in the US is that it shouldn't be used due to the potential for heart complications. I presume the FDA (?) has access to some unreleased studies they're basing that on (or perhaps cancelled studies, like the one in Brazil which got stopped for being too dangerous to its subjects). It's all rather confusing though, the off prescription treatment of choice for flu here has caffeine in for example, and caffeine certainly gives a decent number of people irregular heart beats you wouldn't want when at a high temperature as well. Yet you don't need a prescription for that, nor for red bull or wake up tablets.

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Nothing exists in a vacuum.  If people blame Trump for a lady feeding fish tank cleaner to herself and her husband, and mainstream outlets did, then it seems inevitable that someone refusing hydroxychloroquine would be attendant to all the bad press.  We can pretend that Trump's praise of the drug will cause people to clamor for it but the media hating on it won't, but that's too clever by half.

As for policies?  I think border security is important, although I don't like how he talks about it and much of his language.  I think his identification of China as a global threat was not only right, but also timely in light of recent events.  As far as the economy, I don't like the isolationism, but I do like the the tax cuts and the supreme court picks.  Ironically, while I think the Kavanaugh attacks based on decades old unsubstantiated claims were despicable, I actually don't think he was the best pick.  Mostly, aside from policies, I see Trump as the way to break and then remake the media landscape.  It's still a longshot, but it's possible.  Either we have to have a media that isn't so absolutely vainglorious and partisan or we need people to be less invested in the media and searching for facts and being better at sifting through what they hear. Frankly, Trump has a good chance of crushing the media.  In the long run, it's almost certain to happen.  My worry in that regard is what would replace it.  To borrow from the famous quote, I don't want to see the four or five media tyrants in New York torn down only to be replaced by four or five million media tyrants from across the country.  Anyhow, I've derailed this long enough.  I'll let my comments stand and look forward to reading replies as I have the chance.

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"Not for the sake of much time..."

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2 hours ago, MedicineDan said:

Trump has a good chance of crushing the media.

The problem with that is, he's selective in what media he directs his ire towards (generally those who calls him out on his lies). I pity the US if they wake up some day and Fox News (or any of the the Murdoch Press owned garbage) is the only mainstream news channel, constantly parroting his words as if they had some kind of truth in them. Not going to invoke Godwins Law here, but use Italy as an example of how bad things can go when a rotten to the core populist is in bed with 90% of the media.


As for injecting bleach and using hydroxychloroquine against Covid19.... I mean, if people are stupid enough to believe him, by all means, give those brave souls a Darwin Award. I only have one beef with it. The latter is a known treatment for other diseases and a rush on the stocks of something of no value to them whatsoever, could kill a lot of other people who legitimately need it, in the process. The stockpiling of toilet paper shows how intelligent the masses are sometimes.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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17 hours ago, MedicineDan said:

Either we have to have a media that isn't so absolutely vainglorious and partisan or we need people to be less invested in the media and searching for facts and being better at sifting through what they hear.

You're a fool if you think the latter's going to happen. Especially with Trump as a means, heh.

Edited by Malcador
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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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19 hours ago, ShadySands said:

He has been pushing the drug for a while now and the only two responses Trump has to pretty much anything are to double down on it or to deny it. He's never wrong just alternatively correct. Apparently we have to accept this and it's okay because... reasons.

No idea where he got the idea from in the first place but I'll give him credit for volunteering himself to be the guinea pig.

trump loyalty baffles us. the double-down on stoopid or wrong is shrugged off by trump loyalists, while responsible journalism is derided. whether is injecting disinfectant, cancer causing sound from windmills or sharpie altered hurricane forecasts, is the media which is at fault. what?

the media didn't immediate vilify hydroxy championing by trump, 'cause honestly, how many folks in the media knew anything 'bout hydroxychloroquine? journalists did what they were s'posed to do-- they interviewed/asked actual experts to figure out what is hydroxy and why it would be a treatment getting Presidential approval. so when indisputed medical experts such as fauci suggested it were too early to advocate hydroxy and that it were arguable irresponsible to promote such a drug w/o more rigorous and controlled testing, journalists questioned trump 'bout his advocacy. blame on media? why? 'course predictable, trump doubled-down and suggested plots and conspiracies in addition to making claim the drug were perfect safe and people should take for covid-19. weren't a major issue until trump made it an issue. nevertheless, is somehow media's fault.

btw, in case medicine dan missed it, we had the hydroxychloroquine discussion earlier in this thread and personal we can see some arguable optimism for use by young and healthy patients. for older patients with comorbidities unlikely to be facing cytokine storm scenario from covid-19... 



nevertheless, 'cause has been known for decades hydroxy has positive lab results on viruses in lab situations, every time a new virus appears, hydroxy gets tested, as it should. has never proven effective in the past outside o' a lab, but is no reason not to at least test.

regardless, a reasonable person might question why trump were so dogged advocating hydroxy in spite o' expert cautions... just as a reasonable person might be concerned 'bout trump's windmill crusade and his willingness to alter weather maps. a reasonable person might...

trump loyalists abandon reasonable.  blame media. blame democrats. blame religious minorities such as muslims and jews. blame immigrants. 

this kinda endemic obtuseness wouldn't bother us save that on a national scale is dangerous. is dangerous when the leader is 'bove question and his followers is so quick to cast blame elsewheres. 

am gonna remind medicine dan and others how this double-down behaviour were a day 1 (and earlier) issue. inauguration crowd size were not a big deal, until the administration lied 'bout it. the press weren't dogged 'bout crowd size-- crowd size were meaningful to few save for trump. media kept asking 'cause the administration were gaslighting and were attempting to force parks service and other nonpartisan bureaucrats to lie on behalf o' the administration. shoulda' been a warning to the trump loyalists that their champion were willing to gaslight and come up with "alternative facts" bs to defend what shoulda' been an issue o' limited consequence. if trump would lie 'bout inconsequential, then why not the important stuff? 

oh, and medicine dan, seeing as how he is now a medical professional, should be particular concerned 'bout the President's irresponsible advocacy o' hydroxy. 'cause o' the President advocating w/o legit scientific basis, there is now a shortage o' hydroxy for people who suffer from lupus... unless you are rich and wealthy and have connections. understandably, and for what should be obvious reasons, lupus patients who use immunosuppressives has had to alter their medication regimen during the current pandemic. so for lupus patients hoping to manage their condition, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are the options. 

am suspecting some in media do take perverse pleasure at seeing every new study which supports notion hydroxy is as ineffective regarding covid-19 as every past virus. unfortunate. no doubt there is more than a few media folks who, understandable, want trump to fail. go figure. is no surprise some take personal being labeled as enemies o' the state for reporting. fact some in the media want trump to fail is unfortunate, but such bias don't make their reporting o' trump blunders wrong. however, it don't take any kinda mental gymnastics to recognize media bias while simultaneous admitting trump is a mendacious and skeevy huckster who will invariably double-down on every falsehood and mistake no matter how minor. 

HA! Good Fun!



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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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But.. according to China and anti westerners.. it was an Amerikan/western conspiracy...And, racist of Wuhan to do this as it been clearly stated, it is racist to point out how this mess likely to started in China. L0L

Edited by Volourn


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The Charlotte area, where I live, is set to reopen this Friday. Hopefully people stay level headed and don't go overboard when they can enter a bar again for the first time in 2 months. 

I'm on the road right now and it's interesting how different regions are. I was in the northeast recently and that part of the country... I won't go so far as to call it a police state, but it's not that far off. As I've been traveling west, I could see it easing right before my eyes. Ohio about half the people were wearing masks, in Indiana, less than half and much less on edge. I'm in Wisconsin now and if you just woke up from a coma, you'd hardly know there was a pandemic.

I get home in about a week and a half. I'll get to see my sister for the first time in over a year. She's moving down from Massachusetts to stay with me for a while. Earlier this year she had the same thought I had 4 years ago "What the hell am I still doing here?" Originally, she was going to come down to visit at the beginning of April to check out the area and also to visit friends she has that live near Raleigh. Obviously, the pandemic put the kibosh on those plans. I had told her earlier that if she ever wanted to move down to North Carolina, she could stay with me for a while if necessary and my folks made the same offer to her if she wanted to move to southern Florida. The Covid happened, she got furloughed, then the place she was working closed down, so she decided to just take the plunge and take me up on my offer. I'm happy to have her, plus she'll have the place mostly to herself since I'm on the road most of the time.

Ultimately, she wants to move to the Asheville area, since my sister is an artist and Asheville is low key famous for its art scene, plus it's a gorgeous area. I'm thinking of moving there myself in the future or Tennessee (no state income tax!). I want to buy a house in the mountains eventually, I'm not yet sure whether the North Carolina side or the Tennessee (think Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge area) side, both are breathtakingly beautiful areas.

As an aside, it makes me sad how many people I see online (not here necessarily) that seem to be rooting for the states opening up to falter and have a second wave. It's a sickening attitude. I'd like to believe that the vast majority of people are not that awful and I'm going to chalk it up to the fact that the fringe wackos are the ones that tend to yell the loudest on social media and such.


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"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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40 minutes ago, Keyrock said:

As an aside, it makes me sad how many people I see online (not here necessarily) that seem to be rooting for the states opening up to falter and have a second wave. It's a sickening attitude. I'd like to believe that the vast majority of people are not that awful and I'm going to chalk it up to the fact that the fringe wackos are the ones that tend to yell the loudest on social media and such.


Thing is though, viruses don't give a crap about your political views, or anything.  I personally think it's a bit too early, and we're only doing it this early to avoid collapse, but if we can reopen and have the virus magically go away at the same time, hey, who wouldn't want that?  I'm just not so keen to believe in miracles lately, it just reminds me of people who thought Trump would magically go away, and probably hope he'll still go away in 2020, likely will not happen.

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