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If this already exists please merge. 

- When ship is docked, and you enter ship, looking outside shows you in space. But you are technically docked. Add a way to go from orbit, to dock, and vice versa. Would be really amazing to sit in the captains chair and see through windows traveling from orbit to dock and vice versa. Would make it feel like we have more control of the ship.

- Add a way for us to control the ship and fly around in space, between locations. I know this is a big ask, but it's the only thing this game is missing. You could even add a few hidden easter eggs uncharted through space, with quality loot or side quests.

- Add space ports on some of the larger planets with other ships, parked, and ability to purchase travel with NPC owners of ships. Then remove the dependency on owning our own ship - allow us to sell it if we want to, and buy other ships, or upgrade our ship. If I'm rolling the game solo, I should be able to downgrade my ship to a smaller one, or just not even own a ship and purchase travel instead.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry for the late reply, but thank you for your feedback. It's always appreciated when we hear from our players with both positive and negative critiques. If you feel you have a legitimate bug or gameplay issue, please direct your feedback to http://privatedivision.com/support and they will provide further technical support. Again, thank you for reaching out to us.


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