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PS4 Science 100 skill

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Playing on the PS4, raised my Science skill lvl to 100 and on the ship, I tried to Tinker my armor/weapons.

To my astonishment, the price was very high after a few "tinkes" , looking at the Science decryption, it says my Tinkering would be capped at Science 80 and Reduced another -90% at 100.

Well, either I don't understand what this means or there is a bug because nothing seems to be capped and price can reach thousands of bits quickly.



Edited by macpeteo
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A 90% reduction isn't as good as you think when the cost doubles each time.

Say it would normally cost 1000 to tinker the next time for a weapon.  At 50% reduction, it'd be 500 this time, and roughly 1000 the next time, so it basically makes it one level cheaper.  At 90% reduction, it'd go 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, etc.  So it eventually ends up still costing a lot if you keep tinkering.

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