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Hey guys, so, from godawful, bad, very very bad, terrbile, horrible, like...really bad, pitiful, italian tooltip translation the barbarian skill "one stand alone" procs only if you are engaged by 2 enemies, while, according to the wiki, you only need 2 "nearby" enemies... Annnd if i'm not wrong the tooltip says that to proc bloodlust you need to kill 2 enemies, while the wiki says it procs on every barbarian kill... Can anyone explain how they actually work? Thanks!

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According to the untranslated version:


One Stands Alone: +20% Damage bonus if near two or more enemies. and +1 Enemy to be considered flanked.


The damage bonus just requires being near enemies near as I can tell. Because two enemies might not be enough to flank them depending on their engagement limit.


Bloodlust: +20% action speed for 10 seconds per kill.


Doesn't say anything about requiring multiple.


So the wiki sounds more accurate than the Italian translation.

Edited by Cutlass Jack
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