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Found 7 results

  1. Just read in IGN that AGAIN you are not having Romance Options just like in The Outer Worlds and I have to say THAT SUCKS! I own POE 1 and 2, The Outer Worlds & The Outer Worlds (Spacer's Choice Edition), Neverwinter Nights 2, Alpha Protocol on GOG and I "Had" wish-listed Avowed but after this, its the final straw and I removed it. The Outer Worlds without Romance (Outside of hooking Pavarti up with the Captain which was just bad as well) was just incredibly bland and the reasons and justifications given by Ms. Patel in this article were just ridiculous. I am writing to show you Obsidian (Whoever reads this) that you have lost a LONG Time Supporter and Content Creator on Youtube and Twitter. https://www.ign.com/articles/obsidian-explains-why-avowed-wont-let-you-romance-your-companions
  2. Hello team, I've just finished watching the Xbox podcast, and I'm very excited about Avowed, the content and story seem pretty deep, I like the universe and its possibilities. However, I can't help feeling that the animations could have been worked on much better. Watching the character and the NPCs fight, I think we could add some animation to the weapon handling, such as seeing the character's hands make his sword dance, or move his wand between his fingers after executing certain moves or actions. Similarly, certain NPCs, perhaps bosses, could execute movements or adopt postures during combat. All this would give much more personality and style to the hero (whose hands we only see after all), as well as to the protagonists as a whole. Anyway, it was an idea that just came to me :) I look forward to hearing from you
  3. Today, I watched 'AVOWED' through the Xbox Developer Showcase. I hope fall will come soon. And I want to hear some news of Korean language support. Thank you.
  4. In the recent PC gamer article discussing Avowed they mention a few points... You have an established role as the imperial envoy, but your "personality, appearance, and philosophy and vibe you bring to that role is up to you as a player to decide" You can play as a human or an elf, but not other races It's purely singleplayer—no co-op The world is lightly systemic: think water and lightning interactions, but not the ol' bucket-on-the-head trick You'll have two companions with you at a time, with their own combat specialties and, of course, personalities There are several ability trees to progress through, and you won't be locked to a particular class or playstyle You will level up, but the focus is on unlocking abilities rather than putting points into stats to grow stronger Two of these points stand out to an extreme to me... 1: You can play as a human or an elf, but not other races. I can understand this to a certain degree. The size difference between an Orlan and an Aumauan would make things difficult... But at the same time, no Dwarfs? No Godlikes? You better allow us to specifify Pale elf or I will go through the roof! This seveerely limits roleplay potential and significantly reduces my desire to play the game, I have to be honest, especially godlike as it was one of the most interesting aspects of Eora and not being able to play this is sad. 2: There are several ability trees to progress through, and you won't be locked to a particular class or playstyle I was GENUINELY afraid this would be the case. Lorewise it makes no sense for there not to be a class system, as multiple of the classes in Eora work through the act of lifelong practice. You can't just pick up a grimoire and cast fireball, that isn't how magic works!. HEck you need to be born as a cipher, you can't just learn those skills willynilly! Combined that with the fact that I am so ABSURDLY tired of ability trees. I am sick of them. They limit creativity, they are usually filled with boring filler and deliver no challenge! It is the issue with skyrim that almost everytime I play it I default to sneak + bow, because it is the most OP stuff in the game, why would I not do it here then? Classes also motivates multiple playthroughs and allows more unique interactions in game. IT gives the character... character. ANd it is so dissapointing to see it just being another BORING system of trees. I am GENUINELY dissapointed in these reveals As someone that genuinely adores Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2, does this feel like a massive fallout 3 moment (And no, this is not a good thing).
  5. It’s been a thousand days since our last drop of Avowed information. Let’s see if we can break that streak!
  6. Hey how bout some news plz I’m stoked
  7. AVOWEDCAST is a fan community podcast on iTunes/Spotify made by fans for fans. Listen to our 1st Episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2lNvBJtqd33lDS5s6uGLha We are always looking for fans to join us for live recordings. Come be a co-host. Or, you can record a comment/opinion and submit it via email: avowedcast@gmail.com We will be releasing one episode each week. We will focus on game news, lore, geography, cultures, and everything Eroa. Visit the website for more information: http://avowedcast.com/
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