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My friend and I played on Mild in multiplayer mode with myself as host. After taking a break from the game, we tried loading it back up but it keeps trying to force the difficulty to Medium and does not allow it to be changed. (Xbox)
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I know multiplayer options/preferences are still work in progress, but it there currently a way to prevent random players joining your game? Had this happen a few times now with some negative outcomes; from destroying bases to stealing items and logging out. As they keep the items on them until they re-login, I wonder if there's a way you can reclaim their backpack as these players will not be returning to my world? Blocking players doesn't prevent this as (on Xbox) they just need to Follow you, don't have to be friends, to join your game.
List of Bugs identified (following recent patch) Dew Collector - Spawns water once but then never again. Insect Spawning inside Solid Objects - The longer I play, the more bugs I notice are 'stuck' inside objects, such as rocks, or tree branches, it's starting to become an issue.. A bug respawn upon sleeping would be good to resolve this? Insects Teleporting through Walls (Note: I have not noticed this since the Larvae spawning on base fix, but I suspect it is still an issue just now less frequent) Spiders and the Lab - Frequent for spiders to get stuck in the entrance to the lab, or just sit and wait outside the lab, making it impossible for newer players to get out. Think this should be made a safe zone somehow. Plant Fibre is Obtrusive - When I've been cutting grass, and there's a lot of plant fibre rolls on the floor, my character struggles to walk because they block your path and you find yourself fighting against them all. Plank Huck sometimes hurts the thrower - Not sure why this happens, but when you huck you sometimes take a lot of damage from it. (Base Building) Walls are... Unpredictable - I can spend almost an hour setting down blueprints, to then find where I wanted to put a wall is impossible, ruining my entire plan. Sometimes the walls can be 50% under the ground, which is good, other times, they can't be 1% under the ground - this is particularly noticeable on rocks. (Base Building) Wall Height - Sometimes my walls will look fine, then I'll come back to my base, and the wall behind my stair case has the jagged top, meaning it comes through the floor, blocking the path to get up. UI Improvement Suggestions (Xbox Controller) 'Back' (change view) button does WAY too much - It takes way too long to scroll through all the menus just to get to my inventory, to then have to move through my items, and then enter the RT menu to do something with an item. Allow option for left and right on d-pad to scroll through select items, rather than just being able to assign each button to 1 item. Add a quick button for 'drop', for example Press X, inside the inventory screen, especially useful for multiplayer when sharing items quickly with friends. Add a "hold button", for example Hold X, for destroy item inside the inventory screen (then a pop up asking to how many to destroy in the stack, or all). Make it so that we need to Hold 'Back' button (change view button) to access the crafting screens, and just Tap 'Back' button (change view button) to open the inventory which is by far the most used. Save Menu Layout - Separate screen for auto saves, and ability to name manual saves. Equipped Gear - Please please please, make it so that equipped gear does not stay in inventory, and introduce the normal RPG gear screen! Balance Improvements Multiplayer Balancing - On 4 player multiplayer, water is extremely difficult to manage - spawn rates should be balanced depending on number of players. Dehydration and Starvation isn't punishing enough - As a survival game, and these being the only 2 resources that need managing, I'd expect the game to punish you more for not maintaining them properly. A good example is Fallout 4 Survival mode, whereby, the more dehydrated or hungry you get, the more punishing the effects become. (I understand this would be bad to introduce as of now due to balancing issues and water spawning issues, but something for the future?) Sleeping (Hunger and Thirst Bars) - Hunger and Thirst when sleeping makes no sense, they always go to a fixed value and can even increase over night? The fall should be dependant on number of hours and starting levels of the hunger and thirst metres before bed. As of now, I find myself letting my characters bar just drop to zero because eating or drinking before bed is completely pointless. Sleeping Need - This should be introduced imo. As well as more sleeping furniture which reap better results, i.e. well rested. Additional Content Suggestions A Weather System Rain Water easier to find on grass Water collector fills up if unsheltered Different insects appear (e.g. worms as they do irl) Potential movement penalty inside puddles? A clover leaf 'floating boat' to compensate for the increase height of water in areas of the garden? (and to avoid water insects from below). Raindrops can hurt if gets very heavy - clover umbrella for protection? Sun Water need falls quicker Water more scarce (Evaporation) Different insects appear (or more frequently, i.e. bees, wasps, mosquitoes) Damp areas of the map start to dry out somewhat Map Expansions More dungeons to explore (like the hedge branch system and also underground), with puzzles and unique rewards at the centre (Not just raw science, it's a great idea and all, but it's not that exciting after a while). Hidden entrances around the map with mysteries/clues inside (and more unique enemies). Quests Not just 'collect this' or 'kill that', but something meaningful... e.g. we need to build this device, collect these parts so we can construct this or further out research etc. similar tasks but with more purpose and have it lead somewhere. BURGL Rewards Selection is currently limited, feel like this could be fleshed out a lot more. As of now, Raw Science feels extremely pointless and I have very little motivation to try and find more. Backpack Upgrades - A rare upgrade, potentially obtained via BURGL after a series of quests? (following research mentioned in my 'quests' section?) - Adding additional inventory slots. Level Up! Some form of levelling system, even if just for combat... Rewards for higher levels such as for Archery, increased bow draw speed, or arrow recovery chance. And for Melee, less weapon degrading, critical hit chance, stun change, evasion chance or damage reduction chance. etc. Would make it more worthwhile taking on more bugs in combat rather than purely for gathering purposes. (Base Building) Wall Height Options - Options to remove the jagged top from walls would be nice, it causes big problems as they tops come through floors a lot of the time when the bottom floor of a structure doesn't have the same skeleton as the floor above. The same can also be said for doors - the top of which peeks through the floor above. (Base Building) Use Furniture - The ability to use chairs etc. in the future would be nice. (Base Building) Colour Options - The ability to use items from around the garden to dye walls etc. or add painted décor to them. New Insects (I know, obviously! - But here's my ideas) Ant Queen (ant nest boss) Flying Ants *Shudders* Wasps Worms Water Skeeters Diving Beetles
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Something Went Wrong (PC)
Alpha Kin posted a topic in Grounded: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
So when I first launched the game and input my email (PC), out of habit, I input my Gmail account. After 3 attempts at the password (Which happens because I use a few different passwords) I have been locked out! There's no way to input a new email. I get to the "Let's get you signed in" and my only option is to click sign in where it advises me to Even when I go to that website and enter my actual live email everything is fine. I can see my Xbox live and my entire profile with no problems. I have also tried Uninstalling / Reinstalling Any help would be appreciated! Thanks -
Issue: If you try sign in via F1 or the Multiplayer menus, XBox live will confirm your sign-in, then once you press "Let's Play" returns you to the main screen as Offline User. Will re-prompt for sign in every time you attempt to enter the multiplayer menu. Troubleshooting: Drivers, updating xBox app, Win updates, Disabling/adding exceptions to firewall, disabling Defender (only AV) etc. Resolution: Do not run app as Administrator. Running Grounded as Admin will make XBox sign-in non-persistent (will not remember sign-in status)
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ok so somethimes when im playing on my save with my freind he would lag out and he would leave no backpack and comeback at spawn with no stuff, onetime we both lagged out and i lost my ant club which i threw and he lost his whole inventory this also permanently deleted his rotten ant club
I would like to see the possibility, that everyone in a multiplayer game can save the game. For example, Journey to the Savage Planet did exactly that. Everyone could save the multiplayer game at any given time. That way if the coop partner wants to flesh out the base a little bit he can do that. Next time the coop partner can host the game and I save the current game for myself. Currently all participants have no interest in playing with the host, since all the progression is only on the host side.
Hey guys, Really liking the game so far. Love the atmosphere and sense of scale. Very well executed. Seeing how awesome this game could be when it's done (probably will be the coolest atmosphere of any game since Bioshock 1 for me personally) almost made me sad to play it before it's complete but honestly the multiplayer aspect is just what we needed for the pandemic so thank you. I'm sure you're working hard on fixes and I appreciate that. Not sure of the best method to submit feedback so I'm posting here. I want to echo what others have said about the in-game feedback interface seeming a bit useless. I guess it makes feedback more accessible/likely but usually I'm making a sad emoji complaint about the game being buggy because my girlfriend's game has crashed seemingly for no reason and it feels a bit ridiculous. Not sure how useful that info would be, I would prefer a text box to provide the option of including some detail. Here is my feedback roughly arranged in order of how much they have affected our enjoyment of the game and by category. They are mostly bug reports with the building stuff bleeding into feature requests so I just included it all here. We're both running Windows 10 and playing through Xbox Game Pass. Host has nvidia graphics, client AMD. Bugs: [Multiplayer client issue] Hotlist is often unassigned when resuming a game. Tools need to be reassigned pretty much every time. Very annoying. [Multiplayer client issue] Client crashed when host jumped into soda can (first time discovering it) [Multiplayer client issue] Client crashed when host recycled a weed storage platform. [Multiplayer general issue] Spiders often appear in a different location/state for the client compared to what the host is seeing. [General issue] The Wolf Spider is extremely scary, well done. But I had an issue where I was running from it and actually managed to hide inside the mysterious machine which felt awesome. Imagine my shock when the spider just walked right through the walls and killed me. This was probably my lowest point playing the game and made me "end my session prematurely". I've also hid in the can, then watched the spider's arms no-clipping through the side of the can trying to feel me, and I know that if I get too close it can bite me even though I should be safe inside. [Multiplayer general issue] Host can't select difficulty in lobby. Client gets a "working" drop-down menu but selecting different difficulty doesn't do anything. [Multiplayer general issue] Ants grabbing stuff through walls or spawning in the base (including soldier ants). Also bugs sticking partially through walls or being able to attack and be attacked through walls breaks immersion. [General issues/feature requests regarding building] I am close to loving the building in this game but I think it would be better if the game was a bit more relaxed about building stuff which clips into hills or rocks. I am often left with ugly gaps between uneven surfaces and my buildings. I spend a lot of time trying to get a wall or whatever to click into what feels like the obvious position but that is the one position it doesn't want to go into. Also blueprints flailing around/flickering between two positions with only a glimmer of the correct option is very frustrating. I also wish you could build storage platforms etc a bit more flat out in the open. A lot of my stuff is at an angle because the ground is uneven. Yes you could build low platforms with tiny staircases but the resource cost of doing so is high compared to just building outdoor items on the ground. Please allow us to stack more items on storage platforms. Making us carry everything is cool but please be reasonable. [Multiplayer general issue] Repair tool doesn't seem to work. I tried whacking my walls with it but nothing happens. [General issue] It seems like certain graphic settings don't get saved. Even though I have set motion blur to 0%, every time I resume our game (continuing a save) motion blur is back on. In the menu it shows my setting of 0% but I have to turn it on and off again to get the setting to work. The same thing appears to be happening with my gf's gamma setting. Edit: [Forum UX issue] It's really not obvious that you need to select an item prefix to post. When I got rejected for that reason it just said "Your post will need to be approved by a moderator" and I was pretty sure it had submitted. It took me a few tries of adding tags, trying to change the title and eventually adding the prefix before my post went through. I wonder how much feedback is going unposted due to this issue. Thank you for your time and for this really cool game. ne
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I managed to play Grounded a couple of times, but then went to play yesterday and got the error message: "You must log in to an Xbox Live Account to play Grounded". I'm on PC, and hitting ok just sees the 'Logging in..' message, before it simply returns to the original error message. I tried everything, logging in and out of msoft account in the app, in my browser, uninstalling, reinstalling etc... but was confounded, as my partner can play just fine. Then I realised, I'd updated to Bitdefender 2020 yesterday - so had my partner update hers, and now she can't play either. So - conclusion, Bitdefender is blocking the log in/handshaking somehow - but I've no idea how to add an exception in Bitdefender as Grounded is installed in the 'WindowsApps' folder, which doesn't let you see what's in it. Anyone got any ideas, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks
The in game timer has frozen in place on my save. Nothing I can think of that caused it. Simply building my base and noticed the sun wasn't moving so checked the bed multiple times. Restarted, and checked previous saves but nothing. I have spent a lot of time on the save and I really don't want to restart it all. Please find a workaround or patch asap. Thanks.
Hello for Multiplayer the game wants Xboxlive or Microsoft connection. While connecting to this Platform the game crashed. Now after each start its keeps crashing while logging in.
Hello, fellow Obsidianites! I'd really like to know everyone's thoughts on how multiplayer functions are seemingly being implemented into every game nowadays. Now I will be frank, I'm not a fan of multiplayer in my games, which also doubles as irony because one of my favorite games at the moment is 'Overwatch.' However, what separates Overwatch for me from other games is multiplayer is ALL that Overwatch is in a gameplay and sometimes story sense. Blizzard spit-shined that game's gameplay until it was sparkling. There's no single player and all of the modes multiplayer based; when Blizzard launched their games they had 3 modes with a good n' solid core and have just kept adding to it ever since, making Overwatch shine on like a crazy diamond. So I guess what I trying to say, I'm tired of having video games divert and fraction their energy and resources regarding single player campaign mode and multiplayer. So far there doesn't seem to be a content, healthy middle. It's an 'either or' scenario, either single player is great and the multiplayer is crap: Spec Ops the Line dev called its multiplayer a cancerous growth Or the multiplayer is killer, but the single player campaign isn't even worth touching AKA see every Call of Duty game, Titan Fall (to a degree, the 2nd was ok), Destiny (sorry even with the DLC, I don't like the story). I stare longingly out the windowsill, wondering when my precious single player RPGs will come back from the war. I was delighted and cheered when Obsidian told journalists, there'd be no multiplayer in PoE, and it looks like it paid off. Although before the game was released, saying there's no multiplayer was and continues to be a controversial choice among fans aka potential customers I understand from a financial stand point that multiplayer games have more longevity and growth potential than a single-player game does, which means more money for publishers. So sometimes you get the sense that developers didn't want to add multiplayer and were "encouraged" to do so *cough* Bioware during and after ME3 *cough*. Or developers and publishers are totally cool with it and it still comes out mediocre *cough* Elder Scrolls Online *cough* Look, I understand that developers and publishers do what they gotta do to get some cash flow going so they can have enough to fund their other projects. But nowadays their other projects just seems to be more MMO lite. What do you guys think? Agree or do you think I'm missing something? TL;DR: Multiplayer games are okay as long as they're refined and honed like Overwatch (basically putting all their effort into one basket) or like Divinity Original Sin 2 contribute extensively to story and gameplay (and still have restraint like 4 players Co-Op.) But would like signature single-player series or campaigns to forgo multiplayer altogether.
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Hello everyone! I've tried to pass question about multiplayer / co-op / pvp on Twitch streams / Twitter / Forum while crowdfunding was a thing (not counting slacker baker), but every time my question was ignored. For me it's clearly that Obsidian don't want to do this, and that's a pity! Baldur's Gate 1-2, Icewind Dale 1-2, Neverwinter Nights 1-2 - they had Co-op / MP Those are cult games for me, nostalgia and, maybe, the reason why I play PoE. I recall Storm of Zehir with pvp arena, clunky, but you could try out builds and duel with your buddies, and that was awesome. We will have ships, design etc., but nobody will see them except you or your Twitch / YouTube viewers (I have doubts) Then why there is no option to fight with somebody via exported characters from the game using your ship? That would be so cool. PoE II: Deadfire intend to be such a masterpiece, but why cutting a good bunch of possible fun / replayability (trying out new builds / making better character)? I don't get it - is it narrow vision or just no time to implement? Please vote, it means a lot to me to understand if I'm not the only one with such thoughts. Maybe this poll will have some influence on Deadfire devs (I have serious doubts)
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Hello, Will Project Eternity feature any online multiplayer capabilities such as Baldur's Gate and other Infinity- and Aurora Engine games did? Cheers, Ghamarro
The topic of multiplayer came up here, and I was wondering what the community feels regarding multiplayer / co-op as a potential stretch-goal down the road?
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The game looks amazing, but not being able to play multiplayer seems to miss the point of these games. Is there any chance for a multiplayer version in the future or in a sequel?
Hy Folks I know that multiplayer was discussed and discarded for the main game, BUT is there a possibility that it's gone get implemented later on? as a DLC or in a expansion? It's just, that like in the Pen and Paper games, its more fun to play in a group of actual Players. We (3 friends and I) loved doing our BG2 runs as a group over the tcp ip session, sitting in the same room, drinking, smoking and having a fun Role-playing Weekend. I think this would give the game an enorm boost community-wise ps: thanks for responding greez :D
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Hello everybody, I respect and understand the decision to make PoE a single-player formatted title... But what about an MMORPG of the same style game? Say something similar to EVE or WoW at $15/month to enjoy years of the PoE universe. I know several players already that play MMO's and are already enjoying the beta of a soon-to-release Wildstar. They were huge IWD and BG fans and I'm sure if they had a choice of something like this, they'd bite. Just a penny for your thoughts.
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Pretty much the title...My gamer girl and I love experiences RPGs together even if we just takes turns playing but we discovered the greatness that is the Tales series (we've already played through Symphonia, Abyss and Vesperia) and now were addicted to CO-OP RPGs and hoping more exist so I figured I ask at a few of my favorite forums. So yeah we literally JUST finished Vesperia so were looking for another one, now we really prefer a standard RPG as opposed to something like Diablo but feel free to suggest anything also We'd prefer games on NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, XBOX, XBOX 360, Wii or Gamecube since I own all those systems but if there's an awesome enough game I might hunt down the relevant system (including PS3 since PS4s release will likely lower its price). So far I'm looking into Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Diablo 3 (Xbox360), Borderlands 2 (she might not like this one), and hopefully I can find the other tales games (would appreciate a list actually)but I'm sure theres WAY more than that so please lay your suggestions on me...vague, obscure, limited release I don't care as long as you think it would be fun. So yeah go nuts suggest away
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Could be awesome to have the chance to each one create their own kingdom and recruit their own friends and train them on each class and defy other kingdoms or players to live matches gain status to put those points on skills and so on. South Park The Stick of The Truth - Online ! Awesomely good to be truth!
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Hi everyone, Contributor to Project Eternity looking forward to my shiny, sexy badge at whatever the $250 level is making my first post. I'm just starting to poke my head around here and get a feel for the Obsidian community, so my apologies if i talk about anything that's been already discussed to death. The theme of this post, as the title indicates, are which things you want to make sure that Project Eternity does NOT have in it. My list, off the top of my head, is as follows: 1. Multiplayer 2. Co-op 3. Motion Control support 4. Social gaming of any kind 5. Any sort of casual tie-in like a facebook or phone apps 6. An overabundance of bugs My reasons for this are as follows. With regards to Multiplayer and Co-op, I agree with that theoretically it is possible to have these things and not detract from the Single Player experience, but in general I view that as being similar to how Unicorns and Elves could potentially exist in the depths of rain forests that have not been fully explored. In other words, I acknowledge that it has not been entirely DISPROVEN to be possible, but that the odds tend to be low. With motion control support, I simialrly acknowledge that there might be some games significantly made better by having it. I'd be hard pressed to name these games at this time, but I do admit to the possibility. In particular, I think there's a good chance that, say, a Golf game or a Zelda game could be made better. With a traditional RPG, I'd prefer, at this time, to stick with what has been known to work. My reason for not wanting social gaming is pretty straightforward. I hope that Project Eternity has an immersive, compelling story with fascinating characters that I grow to love a great deal. Just like how trying to read a book socially or watch a movie with someone constantly talking would be detrimental to such things in my opinion, I see social gaming as something that HINDERS narrative, plot and character development rather than helps it. Casual tie-ins like facebook and phone apps strike me as money grabbing and general bloodsucking. See: Mass Effect 3. Don't do this pretty please Obsidian? On the subject of bugs...this is one that I have to be a bit delicate on I think. I like Obsdiian's games for the most part. I enjoy the writing. I think they do good characters. If I didn't like this company, I wouldn't have donated at the level that I did. But I DO view that donation as being inherently risky because of Obsidian's track record in this area. I have often seen publishers blamed for incomplete, unfinished and unpolished offerings from Obsidian and I am sure there is some truth to that. But...Obsidian seems to not be able to release a polished and finished product REGARDLESS of who the publisher is. Hopefully the Kickstarter model will fix this, but I would be remiss in not mentioning this issue with past titles. Anyway, what about others? Is my list comprehensive? Do you have your own suggested additions or subtractions off of it?
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I was just reading a thread about adding a replay functionality to the game and it made me think about future proofing. The devs have said that multiplayer will not be included in Project: Eternity, but we all know that the Unity engine already includes all the necessary code for it. Modding support is also up in the air. So why not future proof the game by designing every feature/change with future network functionality and modding in mind? Since the devs will be learning the Unity engine from scratch anyway, why not do it right the first time? So that's the first thought. Next, I remembered that Valve recently modified their replay file format for Dota 2. Instead of whatever method they used previously in the Source engine for making demos, they now encode all RPC, etc. in a protobuf file. The good thing about Protocol Buffers, as Google themselves say, is that it's as extensible as it is efficient. Now, I'm no specialist, but I would think that this would make version proofing saved games (and replays, if implemented) much easier. And version proofing is a big part of future proofing. It's also a big part of modding support. So what do you think? edit: link to the replay thread.
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I have played every game that Black Isle (and later Obsidian) made and one of the major qualities that made Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale so great was that you could play the exact same game with real friends instead of NPCs. What good are huge worlds filled with complex characters if I can't share in the experience with my friends? That is a major problem I have with most RPGs now days is that they have taken away one of the best things about old RPGs (and even older pen and paper RPGs); multiplayer. I have spent more time than I care to admit playing through these games in single player, but what made them even better was the chance to play the game with my friends. They could join whenever they wanted, and control whoever they wanted. I just really hope that this game (which I have backed of course!) brings the option of multiplayer co-op like many classic RPGs.