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Found 25 results

  1. I am currently dungeon delving in Od Nua and I replaced Edér with Kana (for his quest), and Kana is just a so much better tank than Eder while also dealing massive damage with Dragin Trashed. And summons on top... Only, I don't plan on keeping Kana for long, so I wonder if I would be better off making Aloth my second tank next to Pallegina? I don't feel very confident with only 1 tank in my main squad, I tried that in Od Nua 4/5 a bit and it was rough. Without Eder (or better: with Edér as my switcheroo companion), I would only have squishies in my main team aside from Pallegina, so I would like to make one those squishies into a tankie It's pretty much Aloth or Hirvias, and I don't see any mention of druid being a decent tank anywhere..? I read a few bits here and there that aloth CAN work as a tank, just couldn't find any guide for that..? Would making him into a tank be too extreme/niche? Or would I have to ditch all his other roles for it? Currently he is pretty much my main debuffer, with the occasional damage output, but mostly debuffing. I wouldn#t mind making him a tank+debuffer, but sacrificing both roles he currently fills seems meh to me. I asked my buddy if he knows anything, but he only played a melee Aloth in Act 1.
  2. really, only stat spread questions. The problem in big battles is always the same. Either I blast through each encounter, or I lose the moment my Cipher gets targeted. But I like the theme of a melee Cipher a bit more than ranged. Which is ironic because I settled on Wood Elf for flavor My Stats look like the following rn - respecced so often already: M 16 C 8 D 12 P 18 I 16 R 8 16 might gets me massive focus boost it seems when using Firebrand and Perception seems far more important than Dex for a Cipher... Currently wearing Edér's armor for the added defense, simply because of having an 'Oh-****'-button
  3. What is a fun melee build preferably multiclass to have 5 custom characters of and works to just cut through enemies? Which race etc. which skills are important which weapons/armor? This is just ment for a modded adding exp straight to level 20 playthrough. Might want to fight some megabosses and do some of the DLC like FS and SSS with it. I kind of want to RP like an elite bodyguard unit including the captain (MC). Edit: I might've not made things entirely clear but I ment an exact build you would just copy as 5 like for example 5 devoted/berserker class or something. Not just a subclass or class every member has in common but the entire exact multiclass. Thanks for all replies!
  4. Overview: This list is based on my personal opinion and I haven't tested them all. Quite possible I haven't taken into account all possible synergies so some might be undervalued. A lot of them will be weaker if they are used with a class that doesn't synergize with their effects. All values are ingame values. The wiki is outdated since the 1.2 nerfs. Weapons are listed randomly within any Tier. Might change that at some point but it will require some work. I am also comparing weapons at max enchants. I haven't taken into account that some weapons will be very useful early on in the game if they start out with high weapon quality, forgoing the need to upgrade them. I will update it for Beast of Winter when I have the time. Channel links: Twitch Channel Youtube Channel Donate via Streamlabs Reddit Discussion Steam Guide S - Tier. Exceptionally Strong weapons with powerful effects. Whispers of the Endless Paths (Great Sword) Attacks in a cone +1 Pen (can proc Ability Effects in AoE that are normally single target (for instance knockdowns) 15% dmg as crush. Offensive Parry: +4 Deflection against Melee weapons, Counterattack enemy when Missed in Melee (inflicts Dazed). Run Through: Grants Run Through: Impale a target, knock them down, and cause bleeding (1/encounter). Especially strong on a Riposte build like my (Riposte tank) or with classes with single target stuns Wahai Poraga (Pollaxe) Standard attack is AoE that hits target +3 additional target friend or foe. -20% Melee Damage Received for 2s on launching attack. 25% damage reflected at attacker for 2 sec after attacking. Very strong AoE damage but needs good positioning to not cleave allies. Extremly strong on certain builds like my Reaper of Souls build, but not as strong on standard builds. Chromoprismatic Quarterstaff (Quarterstaff) For Melee: 1 All Acid Power Levels, +1 All Electricity Power Levels, +1 Fire Acid Power Levels, +1 Frost Acid Power Levels, Soul Storm Launches Raw Damage area of effect attack after scoring five consecutive hits on target, +5% Action Speed and Damage (scales with Metaphysics 15% at 20 metaphysics). +3% Burn, Corrode, Freeze, and Shock Damage. 15% action speed/dmg and combined 12% Lash makes it very strong for dps. The Spine of Thicket Green (Quarterstaff) +2 All Plant/Restoration/Rejuvination PL's. +10 Defense vs Poison/Disease. 20% dmg +5 acc vs vessels. Strong Stat stick for Priest/Druid The Twin Eels (Great Sword) Breath of Life: Restores 0 Health to all nearby allies on kill (scales with religion). 5% hit to crit chance with weapons (scales with religion). Grants Renewal: When knocked unconcious Revive with X Health (Scales with Religion. 10.3 Health at 0 Religion - 216 at 20 Religion). This thread discusses the weapons scaling. The Renewal and Breath of Life seems to scale quite nicely with Religion giving you a lot of sustain. If the hit to crit conversion turns out to be absolutely terrible then the weapon might be a lot weaker, but it's abit hard to know without extensive testing. Assuming the hit to crit conversion is around 0.5% per point of religion, it would mean you would get 15% hit to crit at 20 religion and a ton of sustain making it easily S - Tier. Even if the crit scaling is terrible the weapon should atleast be mid A - Tier at the bare minimum. Oathbreaker's End (2 Handed Battle Axe) Executioner's Axe: Requires 2 hands to wield, but deals increased damage.Scales of Justice: Scoring a Critical Hit on an enemy causes them to take Raw Damage over time. Whenever that enemy deals damage, the duration increases. Enemies killed under the effects of Scales of Justice deal 0 Raw damage to nearby enemies. Weapon deals equivalent damage to a Great Sword of its weapon quality, and gets the +20% bonus crit dmg battle axes get. This Thread discusses the weapons effects. The Raw dot isnt all that strong (ticks for about 5-6 dmg at legendary quality every 2 sec) but killing a target under the effect of Scales of Justice will trigger a weapon attack just like a normal weapon swing in AoE, except it deals raw damage. These attacks can again proc other on hit effects. Very powerful on builds with AoE attacks that proc on hit effects like Barbarians Heart of Fury or Fighters Clear Out. In addition it has the Battle Axes 20% bonus crit dmg making it work nicely with crit builds. It needs more testing but is possibly a S - Tier weapon. A lot weaker on builds that doesn't have access to AoE attacks. Link to wiki seems to bug out when i link it to the weapon name. Click here instead https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Oathbreaker's+End ​ ​ A - Tier. Mostly very good dps stats but not quite as ridicoulous as some S - Tier weps. Blade of the Endless Paths (Estoc) -15% Recovery time, 15% crit dmg, +1 Melee accuracy per 6s (10 stacks) Strong dps stats. Eager Blade (Estoc) 10% chance to instantly recover on hit. +2 and acc and 5% action speed on crit (4 stacks). Kaul's Stance: Randomly chosen: +1 AR, +10% melee dmg, +8 deflection. Strong dps stats. Engoliero do Espirs (Estoc) 10% dmg as Raw. Cast Ghost Blades on kill. Ravenous Soul Hunger: -3 Mig/Con/Dex -> On kill: +3 Mig/Con/Dex https. Probably the highest potential single target dmg of any 2h but the penalty before a kill is very painful. Voidwheel (Great Sword) 10% dmg as Raw, 10% dmg as Raw to self. 25% chance to cast Necrotic Lance on crit, -3 Corrode AR. Lots of dmg but deals dmg to self. The Willbreaker (Morning Star) 25% miss to graze, 10% hit to crit. 25% chance Shaken (Rank 2 Resolve Affliction) on target on hit.-3 will on target for 30s on hit (stacks 5 times), 10% action speed). Decent to debuff Will so spells targeting Will has higher chance to hit. Weapon Modal + Barbarians Brute Force + Mig/Con affliction can give Barbarians VERY high crit chance. A-tier for Brute force Barb B - Tier for others. Chromoprismatic Quarterstaff (Quarterstaff) As stat stick: 1 All Acid Power Levels, +1 All Electricity Power Levels, +1 Fire Acid Power Levels, +1 Frost Acid Power Levels. Elemental Induction +15% Damage for 10 sec when hit with Acid, Fire, Frost, or Electricity attacks. 1% Damage reduction for 10 sec when Hit (stacks 5 times, scales with Metaphysics) Soul Charge: +5% Staff Damage (Increases with Metaphysics skill 15% at 20 metaphysics), +5% Action Speed Saru-Sichr (Morning Star) 3 Corrode dmg åer 12 sec on hit: Dot ticks have 5% chance to instantly kill enemies with <25% Health Both enchants are meh but this synergizes with on kill effects. Weapon Modal + Barbarians Brute Force + Mig/Con affliction can give Barbarians VERY high crit chance. A-tier for Brute force Barb C - Tier for others. ​ ​ B - Tier. Suboptimal stats but still good. Sanguine Great Sword (Great Sword) Blood Gift: +5 health restored per 3s for 6s on crits. 10% hit to crit. 20% of Misses converted to Grazes. Prepare the offering: -15 Deflection vs melee, -2 slash AR for 20s (1/encounter). Decent sustain and dmg buffs Lord Darryn's Voulge (Pollaxe) Bolting Strikes: 10% Chance on Hit with weapons to activate Lightning Strikes. Static Thunder: On Hit, applies a stacking effect to an enemy. On Crit, all enemies in an AoE will lose all stacks and take +10 Shock damage for every stack. Minor Spellbind: Ball Lightning: Grants Ball Lightning (Druid spell) (1 per rest). Soulbound only upgrading to Superb holds it back. Can get +3 Storm Power levels making it a very strong stat stick for Fury (Druid). C - Tier. Weak stats. Effort (Great Sword) Critical Hits can Hobble or Sicken enemies for 10 sec. Immune to Resolve afflictions while under 25% health, cannot be interrupted, Couragous(Rank 3 Resolve Inspiration). Ok debuffs and defense. Wicked Beast (Pike) 10% chance to deal pierce dmg to self or ally on attack. Hounding: Chance to inflict hobbled knockdown, raw dmg for 12s, or -25% action speed on target on crit. 5% dmg with melee wep, +4 deflection vs melee weps. Cry Havoc: Foe Aoe 20-30 dmg, 3m push, Frighten for 15s (1/rest). Decent debuffs and dmg, strong 1/rest active. Can instead be upgraded to +2 Beast PLs but that doesn't seem useful. D - Tier. Terrible stats or too conditional Queen's Rule (Great Sword) Checkmate: Swap position with enemy. Stunned for 8 sec, Full attack (2/rest). Even if Check mate was 2 per encounter it would still be meh. Street Sweeper (Quarterstaff) 15% chance to confuse on hit. -10s duration of hostile effects, -5s duration of benefitial effects on hit. Might be better then i give it credit for. Getting rid of debuffs is nice but thats about it. Distraho (Great Sword) Chance to Shaken AoE on crit. Red Tear: +35 (1/rest). Weak heal and shaken is one of the weakest afflictions in the game. Lance of the Midwood Stag (Pike) On bloodied Casts: Woodskin (+5 Pierce/Burn/Shock AR for 15s (1.5m AoE) and Lord of the Forest: +2 All PLs. Would be S - Tier stat stick if Lord of the Forest didn't require bloodied.
  5. This list is based on my personal opinion and I haven't tested them all. Quite possible I haven't taken into account all possible synergies so some might be undervalued. A lot of them will be weaker if they are used with a class that doesn't synergize with their effects. All values are ingame values. The wiki is outdated since the 1.2 nerfs. Some of the lower rated weapons can be exceptionally strong in very rare scenarios (for instance vs spirits) but I am mostly rating them for their general usefulness. To clarify, Weapons are listed randomly within any Tier. Might change that at some point but it will require some work. I am also comparing weapons at max enchants. I haven't taken into account that some weapons will be very useful early on in the game if they start out with high weapon quality, forgoing the need to upgrade them. I will update this list with Beast of Winter Weapons when I have the time. Channel Links: Twitch Channel Youtube Channel Donate via Streamlabs Steam Guide Reddit Discussion S - Tier: Best in Slot. Usually has very good build/class synergies Pukestabber (Dagger) - 20% action speed and 20% dmg with dagger attacks while Drunk. Combined with the ring Drunkard's Regret which makes you immune to hangover this is an exceptionally strong dagger. (see u/teesinz Mirke guide) Does start to lose out a lot of bonuses when your party has access to "Incredible Food" over Alcohol. If you want tankiness over damage its possible to grab the Numb enchant (-10% melee dmg recvieced) and combine it with Arrack (-15% dmg recieved). Magran's Favor (Battle Axe) - 2 All Fire Power Levels and can get either heal or dmg on melee kills/attacks. Exceptionally strong as a stat stick for an Evocation Wizard or Priest of Magran. Can also make some melee builds around it with for instance Paladins (Flames of Devotion) Kapana Taga (Club) Deals best of Crush or Slash dmg. +1 Engagement slot and Melee dmg/Accuracy for each Engaged Target. Pretty bonkers in combination with Reckless Brigandine for a tank. Rannig's Wrath (Rapier) - 10% action speed, +4 melee accuracy. 10% dmg vs Flanked. +1 Penetration for 5 sec on crit. The other optional enchants are also extremly good but more situational. +20 accuracy weapon modal. Only downside is single damage type. Sasha's Singing Scimitar (Sabre) 2% stacking action speed Aura for each held chanter phrase. Empowering an Invocation fills Chanter's Phrase Count to Max. Exceptionally strong on a Devoted/Skald or melee Troubadour. Stalker's Patience (Spear) - +10% Damage to Flanked targets (increases with Stealth skill), Hits with this weapon cause 15% Damage as Raw Damage over time. 20% chance to recover immediately on Crit. Still an exceptionally strong wep after 1.2 nerfs. Modwyr (Sword) 20% damage dealt as burn when above 50% health and and +20% damage dealt as freeze when below 50% health. 2% action speed on hit (stacks 10 times) Immunity to Intellect Afflictions. Bottom's Up 1/encounter: Primary Attack. Stun, +25% dmg dealt as Crush/Shock. Can be upgraded to Legendary after beeing released from previous owner. Animancer's Energy Blade (Sabre) - Deals Raw Damage and attacks more quickly than a standard blade. Deals less damage then other sabres but raw damage doesn't get mitigated by armor. Weapon modal is useless. Did some very rough math. Against targets that has normal penetration The dps should be a tiny bit lower then a standard legendary sabre. Since it deals Raw damage it Will be God - Tier against targets who would normally be severely under penned (-75%), easily S - Tier against moderatly underpenned (-50%), A - Tier against Slight under pen (-25%), E - Tier against Normal penetration. (Gets outperformed by a non unique legendary saber), and obviously even worse against overpen (+30%). Keep it as a backup weapon for moderate/severe underpen situations. Xoti's Sickle (Hatchet) 5% dmg when scoring kill (stacks 4 times), 15% action speed for 10 sec when near slain enemy. Both effects scales with Religion. Pre 1.2 Nerfs you could probably have made a build around it but now investion max in religion is just enough to make it a viable weapon not OP. Did some testing and at 20 religion each kill increases the damage by roughtly 15% and the action speed after killing a target is 25%. Plus I didnt notice it had dual damage types. Incredible on any class that scores kills easily like Rogue with finishing blow or Barbarians with bloody slaughter. Obviously very weak if there are very few mobs in the encounter. If you like my guides subscribe to me on Youtube or Follow me on Twitch. A - Tier: Very Strong but usually lacks the little extra to bring it to S-tier Lovers Embrace (Dagger)- 8 Raw dmg per 6 sec on stealth attacks plus 33% chance to get Frenzy when critting a male target (or female but im guessing there are fewer females in the game) Really strong on a single class rogue that can access a lot of the lategame stealth abilities. Move up a tier if used with Pukestabber. Not very good if you have easy access to tier 1 Might/Con Inspiration. Sun and Moon (Flail) - +2 Fire Power level during day +2 Frost Power during Night. Would be a S - Tier stat stick if the buffs applied for the entire day. If you can bother to rest so you only fight during the day it is an S-tier stat stick on Evocation Wizard. Golden Sun (Eothas) enchant 25% Burn damage from weapon returns Health. Haven't checked but if it applies from the Burn damage from for instance Flames of Devotion then it's S-tier. Aldris Blade of Capain Crow (Sabre). 10% hit to crit. +10 shock damage on crit. +8 health on crit. 15% dmg as shock. +2 Pen weapon modal. Decent defensive option for crit based dps frontliner Kahua Hozi (Spear) - Best of Pierce/Slash damage. 10% action speed. 15% damage. +25 defense against disengagement attacks. +1 engage weapon modal. Dual damage types make this a very strong alternative for a dps frontline. Rust's Poignard (Stiletto) - Bring Low: 30% chance to knock target prone and lower defense by -10 for 6 sec on crit. 35% dmg to targets affected by Bring Low. 3 Raw dmg per 3s for 9s on hit vs flanked. 3% action speed against flanked on hit (stacks 5 times). +2 pen weapon modal. Single damage type and combat mechanics favoring slower weapons keeps it out of S-tier. Probably Low Tier A/High Tier B. Griffin's Blade (Sword) Steadfast AoE when wearer is bloodied. 50% chance to Daze target and nearby enemies on crit. +10% dmg with Spells, +5 Will makes it a very competitive stat stick for a dps caster. Alternatively go for 10% action speed, +5 Reflex if going melee. Watcher's Blade (Sword) . 15% dmg as Raw. Due to how lash and Raw mechanics work this is extremly effective against a heavy armor target that you are under penetrating. Weaker against targets you overpenetrate, so have other weapons to swap to when needed. St. Drogga's Skull (Sabre) - 20% damage as burn. 20% chance to do AoE burn damage. Not exactly sure how the damage is rolled for the AoE burn proc but after some testing it seems rather strong. This weapon might be S - Tier depending on how that proc is calculated but it is A - Tier at the very least. Scordeo's Edge (Sabre) - Bit hesitant to rate this because I don't know how good the melee/range Scordeo's Edge/trophy swapping synergy would play out. You can enchant it in to pure melee weapon making it C-tier. Possibly better when going One-handed style but doubt it. - 5% chance to ignore recovery for 5 sec on hit. Buff duration does scale with int but procc is too RNG to be consistent (statistically its 1/20 attacks). +2 Accuracy with all weapons for 30s on scoring Hit (stacks 10 times). Apparently you can get multiple stacks if used in combination with AoE effects, making it a lot easier to stack then my initial assessment. Squid's Grasp (Rapier) Cannot be Flanked. +20% Action Speed when threatened by 3 or more enemies. If defeated within 10 seconds of using Squid's Escape, revive and become Invisible. +20 Accuracy Weapon modal. Decent defensive option for dps frontliner. Very useful in solo play, bit less useful in party play. Acolyte's Frostbite (Hatchet) Concentration + AoE frost cone when crit when no allies around. 10% chance to paralyze on crit. 15% dmg as Freeze. Depending on how near the allies have to be for the buff to proc you might have to use it on sole frontliner making it very unflexible. Very useful for solo play. Less useful for party play. Glacierbane (War Hammer) Serrated: +10% Damage as Raw. +1 Pen after taking Freeze dmg (3 stacks). Quite useful during BoW content since the mobs have a lot of freeze damage, but not that useful outside of it. You can gain the stacks from friendly fire, which means you could potentially proc it yourself. It starts at Superb so you could potentially just pick up the Penetration enchant, use it for BoW content and forgo upgrading it to legendary. Frostfall (Mace, stat stick) - Forged in Ice: Deals best of Crush/Freeze. Blessed by the void: 25% chance to apply Tier 1 Affliction to a nearby target when hit by an affliction. Encroaching Frost: Critical Hits have a 10% chance to freeze the enemy for 4s. Dispersed Suffering: On kill, the duration of Hostile Status Effects on nearby enemies are increased by 20%. Weapon is discussed in this thread. This weapon is really hard to rate. Both Encroaching Frost and Dispersed suffering proccs on spells, making it a potentially powerful stat stick. Atm it seems to be bugged and Status effects are increased by 50% instead of 20% (Patch 2.0). Best used on a spellcaster with a party that applies a lot of status effects on the enemies. Needs more testing after it is bug fixed to determine its true value. ​ ​ ​ ​ B - Tier: Mostly good proccs or good stats. Not enough build/class synergy to bring it higher. Marux Amanth (Dagger) - 10% Chance to deal Burn AoE on Hit, Quick to Slaughter +2 Penetration for a duration per combat at the start of the encounter, Grants Worthy Sacrifice. I haven't tested it myself but soulbound not beeing upgraded to legendary hurts a lot. Move up a tier if used with Pukestabber. Endre's Flog of Obedience (Flail) - 10% chance to apply Frightened on hit, +2 Pen against Mind affliction targets. Decent on a melee Cipher to lower Will. Sungrazer (Flail) - 10% chance to recover instantly on Hit, 2 sec Stun on hit, 25% dmg as burn and -1 Crush Armor Rating on Critical Hit. Decent for a Crit oriented build. Bardatto's Luxury (Mace) - 10% chance to Sicken target for 10 sec on hit, 10% chance Fit for 10 sec on self on scoring hit. Immunity to Con afflictions when above 50%. -1 armor for 10 sec weapon modal- Fairly decent for a tank Beza's Toothed Blade (Sabre) - 2 Armour Rating for 30s on Critical Hit. Can help setup overpen for your entire party Min's Fortune (Sabre) Stacking +2% Crit chance on Hit (stacks 50 times and resets on Crit). +15% crit dmg. Fairly good on a high crit build. Single damage type keeps it from beeing A-tier on Devoted. Tarn's Respite (Sabre) +1 Penetration, +15% Damage as Freeze, -1 target Deflection for 60 sec on Hit (stacks 10 times). Takes too long to stack deflection debuff for it to be rated higher. Mohora Tanga (Spear) - +1 Pen, 5% melee dmg (increases with Survival Skill) 5 raw bleed per 3s for 9s on crit, plus decent 1/rest active. Was very strong pre 1.2 now just decent. Duskfall (Sword) - +1 pen when attacking same target as ally, 10% action speed, 10% crit dmg or 25% misses to grazes (high acc favors crit, low acc miss to graze). 15 acc, 10% dmg to first attack made in combat. Decent weapon for Soul Blades to try to get a crit so they can dump focus into Soul Annilation, or for Assassin's to increase their burst from stealth. Last Word - (Warhammer) +1 Enemies Engaged. 5% weapon dmg per engaged enemy. Target cannot use active abilities for 3 sec on crit. Good Synergy with Reckless Brigandine C - Tier: Decent Weapons. Usually Suboptimal stat/procs or poor synergy Shattered Vengeance (Club) 33% chance to apply a stacking curse on the target, increasing their damage received by 5%. Assuming it stacks forever It's probably decent in boss fights but for the most part pretty meh. Ball and Chain (Flail) Knockdown target on crit, 10% chance to recover immediately when crit and free self/allies from dex/ might affliction (once per encounter) Decent 1h for tanks just much better alternatives. Skullcrusher (Flail) 10% chance to Daze for 10 sec and Prone on Hit. Empowered abilities apply Injury on target. Decent on tanks. Assuming the Injury applies on bosses it can be very powerful in those instances. Gladiator Sword (Sword) - 10% melee dmg, +5 deflection when worn with a shield. +1 Pen. Ok for a 1h/shield tank but rather have increased defenses since tanks doesn't really deal much damage anyways. Good on certain 1h& shield dps builds like my Barbarian/Hellwalker. Resounding Call (Warhammer) - 50% chance to cast random mind affliction for 8 sec on crit. Bell Ringer 2/rest (upgraded version of Rogue Strike the bell) Mind affliction can be Rank 1-3 so its a pretty decent debuff. If resting between every fight this can be considered atleast A-tier at low levels when you dont have many Ability Uses since Bell Ringer is a fairly strong active ability. D - Tier: Too Conditional (only good against specific enemy types) Can be A-tier against that specific type though. Magistrate's Cudgel (Mace) - 3 sec stun on crit. Random Tier 1 inspiration when afflicted. Low lvl Kith instakilled on crits. Pretty useless if played on upscaling bump up a tier otherwise. Soulbound not getting legendary makes this fairly bad. Grave Calling (Sabre) - +2% Freeze damage for 60.0 sec on Hit (stacks 15 times). Takes way too long to stack up to be very useful. 15 accuracy against Vessles makes it good vs them. There is also some strong chanter synergy where you can summon creatures and kill them off with the weapons alternative enchant, to create infinite adds. Example build here. Azure Blade (Stiletto) - +15 Accuracy when 3 or more allies are within 2 m. Very unreliable and have to build a frontline heavy team just to make it work Hel Beckoning (Sword) - Stacking corrode dot and accuracy vs Spirits. Veil Piercing means it's extremly strong vs spirits. There is also some strong chanter synergy where you can summon creatures and kill them off with the weapons alternative enchant, to create infinite adds. Example build here. Whispers of Yenwood (Sword) - 25% miss to graze, 10% hit to crit. +20% Damage against Spirits, +15 Accuracy against Spirits. Very strong vs spirits Not very good otherwise. E - Tier: Just no. Pretty Sure Matakau/St. Drogga's Skull aren't real uniques since they are preorder bonuses. Matakau (Battle Axe) +1 Penetration against Vessel targets. Not even that great against Vessels. Vion-ceth (Hatchet) +20% Melee Damage to Plant targets and targets with Plant status effect. C-tier in combination with a Druid/Ranger to set it up for you. Useless without. ​ Edit: Moved Scordeo's Edge into Tier A. Wasn't aware that AoE abilities could give multiple stacks. Moved Squid's Grasp and Acolyte's Frostbite into Tier A to reflect that they are stronger for solo play then party play.
  6. The poleaxe "Wohai Poraga" doesn't have it's stats present after looting it from it's container. Where information about the weapon should be present it instead says "System.ArguementNullException: Arguement cannot be Null. Parameter name:Key". This is obviously a coding error of some kind which is a shame because it's stats where present before being looted from the container and it looked awesome. I've provided screenshots below. I hope this can be fixed ASAP.
  7. I love the Concept of a Shapeshifted focused Druid, Though, I wonder, do we really need all 5 Transformations ? What's your opinion on the Subclass ? I'd rather choose & Focused my Gameplay on One Form rather than having all five personnaly. Moreover, in my mind, going into a Shifter focused Class, I kind of don't want to rely on "Magic Spells", you know. Developp my Character more on the Passive side of the Ability Tree, where in that case, lacks for some more Passive Options to choose for. I don't really like Leveling up & being forced to choose a Magic Spell, that I don't wanna rely on because of the Nature of my Class, because there's no more Passive Options left to choose from... So here's the thing regardind the Shifter Subclass : I'd like Josh & Devs to take kind of the same approach towards this Subclass. More Options : When Shifted - A variety of Active Abilities if you're aiming at an Active "Micro-Management" Playstyle. And Options to be Passive. Natural Tankiness [skin Upgrade], Regenerating Over-Time [similar to the Fighter Recovery], DPS oriented Passives [upgraded Claws, Auto-Leap when switching target (1 meter range)], Etc. Lol I don't know, just iterating here. I know it kinda implies they'd sort of have to create custom Ability Trees for Forms but, wouldn't it be worth... Anyway, for now I guess my main concern is to be forced to choose a Magic Spell, when I don't want to. I imagine i could try to Multiclass a Shifter with a Fighter [unbroken if I wanna Tank], but I don't want the penalty of Lower Power-Level, Etc. EDIT : Even when Multiclassed, still forced to choose a Magic Spell at some point. [Hint : Any Form + Monk's "Swift Strikes" = Shred your way through Ennemies.] Dedicated Shifted Druid that can Access the highest potential of its Class, Passively or Actively. Also, I'm a Shifter, shouldn't I be able to "Toggle" ? And comeback to my Form ? It shouldn't be regarded as a Consumable thing that is lost because you used it... I'm a Shifter, I'm a Master at it.
  8. Hi Everyone ! [& Devs included, if you're coming by ! ] Josh was recenty talking about Quarterstaffs & I wanted to talk about Magic Staffs (in D&D type of Game). For 20+ Years now, we've always had those "Two-Handed Melee only Staffs". Moreover, most of them where somehow, kinda Sh**ty in my opinion. But here's the thing, we've never had Big "Ranged" Magic Staffs, that shoots Magic Bolts of whatever you want (Let's say Minelotta's type of projectiles, would be a perfect exemple for that). Pillars Of Eternity was the perfect Game, & perfect Setting (with Archmages being around & quite common in Eora), to finally introduce this ! But it's not here, & I think it lacks a lot. It would bring more Diversity, Unique Playstyle, Unique Visual Animations, Awesome Epic Loots for Mages (Unique Skins for big Archmages fights), diverse types of damage, (just random guessing here but for exemple : Ice, Corrosion, Fire, etc). Instead we continue to get these Short unappealing Sticks, Wands, Rods, or whatever they're called. I have to insist on "Unappealing" because... Really, these things are not that cool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From a Visual standpoint only, it would feel more Rewarding, & especially "SATISFYING", to see Aloth (or PC) wearing one awesome Magic Two-Handed Ranged Staff, instead of those Sushy-Grabber Sticks we're always getting. Plus, I'd assume it would be wayyy easier for a developper to make a Gorgeous Unique looking Skin for a Big Magic Staff, than it is to make one for a Short Wand that we can barely see In-Game anyway. I'm really wondering why bother making unique visuals for Sticks, that we can't see most of the time In-Game. But anyway... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I asked Josh about this & (Thanks to him), he responded : But again, "Rods" translate as Short Wands (Baguette Magique) to me, like, something small. I don't know if you get the difference I'm pointing at, between : Une "Baguette Magique" & Un "Bâton Magique" So, there you go, I think Ranged Magic Staff lacks a lot, & are very interesting. In terms of : Mechanics it can bring. Auto-Attacks Animations (you can create really Stylished Moves & Cool Projectiles). Probably Easier to work with, when it comes to create Unique Skins. Are Visually, a lot more Satisfying & Rewarding to wear on a Character. Repeating myself, but Pillars was the perfect New Game coming around (at the time), to introduce this. I hope they'll take a look at it, iterate on it, & maybe consider this in the future. Thanks for reading ! PS : I think visually Unique Mage Robes were lacking aswell, but hopefuly they'll do something about this in Deadfire !
  9. Hi, I was wondering if someone could take a look at a build I am using and tell me if I am making lots of mistakes. It is a Priest of Magran build, and I would really like him to hold his own in melee. I've just reached Gilded Vale and found a little disturbing that I had some difficulty in Valewood (using a melee wizard I could win all encounters in it (minus the bear cave), now with the priest I am having a lot of trouble just to rescue the cook). Here is the build: Priest [Magran] Human [ixamitl Plains/Scholar] Mig 16 Con 6 Dex 16 Per 16 Int 18 Res 6 Thank you a lot and please excuse me my crappy english.
  10. Hello you all! After being persuaded by my brother to finally get a new computer just to play the only recent game I am actually interested in and spending 2 days choosing a class... I am at a loss xD luckily I still have time till i have my new computer I definitely want to play a hearth orlan cipher, no question there anymore, but I can't choose a combat-style or stats. While I don't mind min/maxing to a certain extent, I do mind ignoring roleplay. My brother said, as I am used to playing Baldurs Gate on SCS (heavy AI-improvement mod), I would feel at home on PotD, though they are very different games... How does a melee Cipher fare on PotD? What stats should I go for? Or is ranged far superior to melee on a Cipher? Do I suffer role-playability (compassionate good guy with racial issues because of 'heritage') because of necessary powergaming when I go melee? Probably stupid questions (dunno, me tired) but still relevant to me ^^ Greetings Adelard
  11. My wizard casts Fetid Caress on a charging melee fighter and then moves well out of melee range to cast another spell or two before Fetid Caress wears off. When Fetid Caress wears off, the melee fighter swings his weapon (at the wizard that was there before he was paralyzed) and kills my wizard who is now standing 25 ft. away. That should not happen.
  12. Any idea for a good Cipher Melee build. I'd prefer something in between glass cannon and uber-health. I want medium survivability, solid damage, and prefer to use Estocs. Suggestions?
  13. Bleak Walker Dual-wield Paladin How does this character work ? This paladin is an off-tank ( You have to be tanking for this build to work ! ) , melee DPS who uses Dual-Wield to achieve 0 recovery while using Sanguine Plate , coupled with other Spell-Holding items for offense and defense , you will have fair amount of abilities considering you play paladin , meanwhile keeping the character very low maintenance , it does 3 types of damage : Slash/Corrode/Fire , and turns the fight every time it receives critical hit . Monsterlash Included @ Boeroer This is Not solo Build ! Race - Human/Coastal Aumaua/Any Races that have increased might , and melee related bonuses are best choice . Culture - Living Lands , Colonist ( +2 Survival ! ) Attributes : MIG 20 ( MAX ) CON 10 DEX 10 PER 10 INT 18 RES 10 Attribute build with Sacred Immolation in mind , Consider Starting with more PER/RES and retrain @ lvl 13 to put attributes for better use before you need max INT, this is not needed however . Build : Level 1 - Flames Of Devotion Level 2 - Remember Rakhan Field Level 3 - Zealous Focus / Lay on Hands Level 4 - Intense Flames Level 5 - Sworn Enemy Level 6 - Two Weapon Style Level 7 - Reviving Exhortation Level 8 - Savage Attack Level 9 - Liberating Exhortation Level 10 - Spirit of Decay Level 11 - Deprive the Unworthy / Healing Chain Level 12 - Deep Faith Level 13 - Sacred Immolation Level 14 - Scion of Flame Level 15 - Any Level 16 - Any Pick Lay on Hands and Healing Chain if party has no priest , however healing same as scrolls is not this paladins business . Skills : Survival 11 ( +2 Sanguine Plate ) or Survival 13 Without Sanguine Plate Rest Athletics You can put some points into lore as well but this paladin build is not aimed at casting scrolls even if attributes are perfect for that , id rather spend my time auto attacking and tanking , and you have your own stuff to cast when encounter starts Items : ! - Essential Head : Maegfolc Skull Armor : Sanguine Plate (!) + Durgan Ring1 : Gathbin Family Signet / Ring of Overseeing (!) Ring2 : Gwyns Band of Union Feet : Shod-in-faith (!) Neck : Swaddling Sheet Hands : Gauntlets of Swift Action (!) Belt : Looped Rope Weapons : Bittercut (!!!) + Corrosive/Fire Lash + Durgan Refined Vent Pick + Corrosive/Fire Lash Or use Helwax Mold for 2x Legendary Bittercut Durgan Refined Corrosive Lash You dont need all these unique end game items only the ones marked with (!) , tho if you have those items , you can hardly put them in better use honestly , stacking Spell-Holding items is the key to ultimate power If you are lucky like me and get Swaddling Sheet ( Cape that proc Overwhelming Wave on crit and has Recall Agony spellbind 0_o ) this character becomes really strong . The sole armor i would swap Sanguine Plate for is Ryonas Breastplate soulbound armor from WM2 , then you kinda have to drink DAoM potion every single fight . If you can spare Mold for double Bittercuts you will witness real power of this build . Try it out !
  14. Hey guys, I'am a newbie in playing games like this and searching for a funny warrior build. I like to play with swords is the first point, while the other is that there is no melee class that needs really much attention i think. Playing a fighter don't looks like fun because there is only one active ability. Why is it like this? Don't makes sense for me. xD I'am searching for a viable build by playing on hard. A warrior that can wear heavy armor, use dual wielding, have some funny skills to use and in danger situations switch to sword and shield. Its enought to find builds they are close to that expectations. I know that it should not be possible to agree all of this. ) In advance, thanks a lot for everyone that joins this conversation and maybe give me some hints. =) Bye Flo
  15. * As the Topic title mentions, I am looking for a good balanced Melee Rogue build with out min maxing. Since I do not play on hard and up ( Not so far at least. ) their is no need for min maxing in my opinion. * I have a ranged Rogue and I certainly like him, but on these forums I some times see people mention that a Melee Rogue is even more dangerous then a ranged one. Now curious as I am I would like to try and see whether that is true or not. * Now I am well aware that a Melee Rogue is not a tank, but I hope some of you know a good balanced Melee Roguee build that will not go down in 1 or 2 hits? But at the same time He/She would be able to make sure the enemy is aware how dangerous a Rogue can be up close? ( at least long enough to put the hurt on the enemy and then move out of danger some how? )
  16. Greetings everyone, As we all know, patch 1.05 is right around the corner and most of us are aware that means the melee wizard build will be in bloom. Thanks to the input from many theorycrafters across many threads, I have a decent build in mind that I would like to start today, or at least have my character created. Does anyone know if the class changes will be retroactive? If I build my wizard now and get the ball rolling, will the changes impact my character once 1.05 goes live? Otherwise I'll wait on building this character until the patch is officially launched (hopefully later this week). Thank you in advance!
  17. So, been wondering this for a while: does the One-Handed Style talent negate Weapon & Shield Style, or vice versa? I honestly don't think it does but just wanted to check.
  18. Hello all, I'm new to the game and have been trying to build a melee DPS class. I have been mostly toying around with Barbarian and Rogue, and had some questions about Resolve, Concentration & Interrupt. In both cases, I decided to dump Resolve to 3, and now that I'm a few levels in, I noticed that I keep getting interrupted anytime I get hit. I'm considering re-rolling, but am unsure if I should as raising Resolve would force me to lower DPS stats. Which amount of resolve is recommended for a melee DPS class? Which amount would allow me to avoid being interrupted too often? Is it worth to trade off my damage output for getting interrupted less? I'm still at the very beginning of the game. If I leave my Resolve at 3, will it be possible to raise my concentration and limit the amount of times I get interrupted through items/talents? Thank you for your help
  19. So I just got this game and am looking for some help on creating my first character, which I've decided to make a Cipher. I've been reading up on different classes, and I was between a Cipher, Druid, and Wizard. Since I can get a Wizard NPC early, it came down to Cipher and Druid, and the Cipher description just sounded really cool so I figured I'd try one first. According to their description, they sounded like they could play as melee mages, in a sense, but many threads I've seen have made them sound too squishy really to play melee all that much, and that ranged weapons are King with a Cipher. Is it possible to do a hybrid build where I can use both ranged and melee options? I'd like to be able to start out ranged in tougher fights, throw out spells, and then move into melee range or something like that. And with easier stuff just be able to melee. If this is possible, what kind of stats should I start with? For ranged, it seemed to be to max Might, Dex, and Int, and put the rest into Resolve I think? Which means dumping Con and Perception. But would that make me extremely terrible in melee? I really have no idea what a good way to distribute my stat points would be. Basically, I'd like to use both melee and range, and sling spells for CC/damage. Any thoughts/ideas/advice would be greatly appreciated!
  20. Making a melee Wizard for hard + expert. I could really need some help not to make any terrible mistakes. The following post is my logical train of thought for making it maximum viable. Could you give me any advice or tell me if some of my decision making here is off? Race It seems that fire godlike and moon godlike are the only good choices here. Which one would you consider better? With moon godlike, you heal endurance 3 times per encounter at 75/50/25% hp. Seems to favor: Might (+Damage and benefit from the +Healing) With fire godlike, 4DR at 50% health and below. However: With low base health, might not actually be that good? Seems to favor: Con ... Endurance and constitution The difference between 3 - 10 - 20 constitution is for a lvl7 Wizard (choosing mid-range level here): -21% - 0% - +30% @30+10 endurance per level: 79HP or 100hp or 130hp. With vital essence our endurance will be (at its peak): 179 - 200 - 230 ... Spell durations for a Melee wizard Parasitic staff: 30 seconds Eldritch Aim (+15 ACC): 10 seconds Spirit shield: 60 seconds Bulwark against elements (elemental DT): 60 seconds Infuse with vital essence (100end bonus): 15 seconds Alacrity of motion (1.5 attack speed, minor endurance drain): 15 seconds Displaced image (+20 deflection +20 reflex): 15 seconds Iron skin (+8DT): Duration is 10 received attacks Martial power (+20 con, dex, deflection, +20 to hit roll): 20 seconds As we can see, the absolute highest peak we can reach in one fight is: +20 to hit +20 deflection +20 dex +20 con +20 reflex, will, fortitude +8DT 100 end bonus 1.5 attack speed In conclusion, int should definitely be your main boosted stat to improved durations, due to limited rest. Do you agree? ... Weapon of choice Spears for +acc /w light shield for deflection bonus. Light shield has no +acc penalty. Estoc for DR bypass, will be good /w the 1.5 attack speed buff. Quarterstaff for extended reach and parasitic staff spell. Hatchet for deflection bonus. These seems to be the best options, thoughts? ... Talents + chance to hit is VITAL for a melee wiz due to low starting value. Weapon focus: Peasant grants +6acc to hatchet, spear and quarterstaff. This would definitely be the best choice unless you go Estoc? Cautious attack: 0.8 speed modifier for +10 deflection. With alacrity (1.5 bonus) this becomes 1.3 bonus with +10 deflection. A good choice no? Lesser and greater spell heuristics: Increases the casting time for all our buff spells. Can't go wrong with these I think? Superior deflection: +5 deflection ... ATTRIBUTES Constitution: Leave at 10 imo, because Wizards get the LEAST from boosting health. A melee wizard should focus on DR and deflection. Alternatively - If you go fire godlike, max Con. Might: If moon godlike, max. If not, 10-14 Dexterity: 10-12 Perception: 10-12 Intelligence: 18+ Resolve: 10-12 ...
  21. I'm still thinking if to go melee or ranger style. What do you guys suggest, what should my build look like? Preferably melee, maybe. What build do you use? It's been a week since game launch and I'd like to hear what you've learned so far. Thanks
  22. Hi all, I'm loving PoE so far and I'm still on my first playthrough, trying to see as much as possible in one run. My party consists of my PC and 5 built NPCs: (All level 3-4) (PC) - Melee Chanter (One handed + Shield) - Named flail from the temple under GV. (Might 14) Paladin Tank (One handed + Shield) - The shock dagger bought from smith in GV. (Might 10) Ranged Rogue - Arbalest Ranged Chanter - Arbalest Ranged Priest - Arbalest Wizard - AoE CC Spam + Wand The problem I'm really facing is that my melee front liners are having issues with their damage, especially if the opponent has armour (Raedric's Keep and the full plate Paladins was a joke!) The Paladin tank I can understand, that's why she has the dagger, so if she does crit it does huge damage and to penetrate 3DT with her basic attack. However my Chanter seems to regularly only do 3-5 damage to enemies with armour and ~14 or so to enemies with light armour. After reading posts about huge DPS melee characters, I'm wondering if I've missed something obvious and that's why my damage is suffering, or if melee effectiveness really requires rogue crits/sneaks, 2-handed barbarians or Monks. Other than their damage I'm doing fine, 3 Arbalests really wrecks heavily armoured opponents...and well, everyone actually.
  23. might 18 dex 15 Con 10 int 17 per and res is 9. Will this stats let you stand a chance during combat? So question is weapon choice? Should go for 2h or dual wield? Because of per and res, deflection is not that good. So comes the armor issue. Cloth or medium armor? comments, ideas, other build suggestions are welcome.
  24. So, last update had me thinking about different types of weapon damage, more specifically which stats are needed to simulate fighting with a weapon in PE, and what they will change. All this does not mention armor (which was already covered in the recent update), or ranged weapons. So I came up with a small list of suggestions - which stats and modifiers are needed, and how these different stats or modifiers should make a difference in a fight. Since we are not limited by some PnP game, we can make everything as complicated as needed. Please note that "length" and "weight" of weapons are rough approximations - it would do fine if all long swords of the same material were approximated as being the same length and weight, regardless of in- game representation. Player stats: Strength – A stat reflecting the strength of the character. Dexterity – A measure of hand- eye coordination. Skill (Accuracy) – How well the character knows how to fight. Probably a number which increases with levels, perhaps you also need to specifically allocate skill points to increase this. Attack speed – Same as the above. Maybe the starting attack speed is weakly proportionally influenced by dexterity? This number might also be level-independent, as in for example Arcanum and Fallout. Weapon modifiers: Bonus/ malus to Strength - Longer weapons you swing in an arc should give a bonus to Strength. D&D actually models this as weapons having different “dice” of damage, instead of having a base amount of player damage which is modified by the weapon. Bonus/ malus to Dexterity – Larger, heavier weapons are less maneuverable and should give a malus to dexterity. It’s best not to have minimum requirements for weapons and instead let the player’s calculated Dexterity with the weapon suffer by the amount of Strength they lack compared to the ideal Strength required for the weapon (which in turn is based on the weight of the weapon). Bonus/ malus to attack speed – Possibly same as above. Typically, lighter piercing weapons take shorter time of executing an attack with than heavier swinging weapons. I admit this is perhaps most often just a tiny difference. Slashing/Piercing/Crushing – This part should be pretty obvious (axes are not crushing weapons, and so on). Some weapons could have different kinds of damage at different distances. A large two- handed sword should be impossible to swing perfectly at a close enemy, but you can still deliver a pommel blow. Here, you also apply a proportional modifier which depends on how sharp/pointy/hard the weapon in question is. Optimal distance of striking, or “threat radius” – Longer weapons usually are good at a certain distance, but worthless against a simple dagger if you’re right next to each other. If a dagger- wielding warrior charges a Zweihander- wielding warrior, the latter would be able to have a (quite possibly deadly) “free strike” at the former. In the situation where two people fight with swords of equal length, this would not occur. A player with a long weapon should receive a bonus to attack speed when striking enemies who do not have the player inside their threat radius, since they have no need to think of their own defense (this is one reason why spears were used, and why they were used in formations IRL). Stuff derived from both of these: Ability to parry/ dodge – Possibly proportional to the length of the "parrying end" of the weapon, weapon skill and Dexterity calculated for the weapon in question. Ability to avoid being parried/dodged – Like the above, but instead inversely proportional to weapon length (or generally, weapon size). What do you think? Did I forget something?
  25. How do you like to structure fighter / warrior classes. The traditional (1st / 2nd Ed) D&D route is to (a) choose specific weapons (b) put proficiencies into them (c ) maybe choose a subclass or kit and (d) use the right magic items. It was pretty straightforward and not as interesting as the spell-casting / stealth classes. 3E made things a bit more interesting with kits, allowing you to build a tank, 'light fighter', dual-wielder, berserker or whatever using a menu of symbiotic skills, feats and classes. Then prestige classes came in and killed it. Then I started thinking about other games and the cultural underpinnings of warrior classes. If you think about it, the culture a warrior comes from will have an enormous influence on his or her class. * Types of weapons used (tech level / culture / taboo / tactics) * Codes / ethics (is there an elite warrior caste with rigid codes of chivalric honour or are fighters just mercenary scum?) * Armies (does the fighter come from a culture with a standing army or one with levies or auxiliaries or just a tribal horde) * Culture (tribal / developed) * Class (noble warrior trained in certain weapon types and tactics, or tribal skirmisher with survival skills and tracking?) Over to you. But I would like a warrior class that allows me to imagine a range of character archetypes, from rapier-armed remittance man through to axe-wielding berserker savage through to professional musketeer / mercenary through to wily and cunning tribal scout / skirmisher. And *without* the need for kits / subclasses. Is this possible?
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