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  1. I recently bought South Park the Stick of Truth for Steam, when I first launched the game and it was fine. But when I launched it a second time, it tried to create Direct3D again. Can people please tell me how to fix this or if this is a bug that needs to be patched.
  2. Hi, ive never really played any games on pc and recently i bought a new laptop and have found out it can handle some games but im still unsure of what games it can handle. now im thinking of buying this game for my laptop through steam, this is my laptop http://www8.hp.com/uk/en/products/laptops/product-detail.html?oid=6454580#!tab=specs. Thanks for the help.
  3. Hi there, I want to buy this game from steam but i'm not sure if my laptop can run it. This is my laptop, http://store.hp.com/UKStore/Merch/Product.aspx?id=F5C74EA&opt=ABU&sel=PCNB Thanks for your help
  4. Hello, I bought this game on steam and while I'm enjoying it. I was wondering if anyone could tell me where the save files are located at. It doesn't seem that they are on the steam cloud and I'm not finding them outright. I'd like the ability to play on my laptop and my desktop. Thanks for the info!
  5. I'm going to make a Fallout fan club for my college, but I need assistance in something...odd. See the highlighted "demands" below: I need help with making a few currencies (for my fanclub); I need 3D models for Caesar (Edward Sallow), Joshua Graham (pre-Burned Man), Legate Lanius (with or without his mask), Vulpes Inculta, High Elder Maxon (any incarnation, but state incarnation somewhere), High Elder Rhombus, Elder Lyons, Elder McNamera, Aradesh, Seth, Tandi, Aaron Kimball, **** Richardson, Colonel August Autumn, John Henry Eden, and Arcade Gannon. Blender, if possible; alternatively, you could just have them doing poses, saved as .png (or whatever), and at any time--no rush, please. Yeah, hope I'm not being too impossible, or however I'm being...
  6. EDIT: This is a collection of FORUM Discussion/Thoughts/​Speculations by Members of the Board. So I've been copying and pasting links and stuff from the old pages of (Gameplay & Mechanics) for a couple of hours now and I've got to say zzzz. If I had been paid for it I might've done everything but I think this will suffice for now and with some community effort -> Feel free to help out with the rest of the pages or a couple of links (I did all of Page 10 so from Page 2-9 should be untouched~) I started doing this much more engaged than I became. To a start I was skimming more (first page/first posts of a thread) but began instead basing many of the "descriptions" (under the links) by the title and my own thoughts. I did jump over 1 or 2 threads. And I started to add the "Poll" note midway through (On page 14-15 or something like that) so some of these threads got polls I just missed to "Note" it. Some of the threads are very outdated too and I've "Noted" that in some of them but not all of them. http://forums.obsidi...be-first-quest/ - "Rats as first quest" ( spoiler tags added for length ) CLASSES ------------- RACES ------------- PHILOSOPHY/SOUL ------------- STORY ------------- PARTY SYSTEM/COMPANIONS/HOUSING ------------- DIALOGUE/ALIGNMENT/REPUTATION/FAME ------------- HEALTH/MANA/STATISTICS/LEVELS ------------- CHARACTER CREATION ------------- COMBAT/TACTICS ------------- MAGIC ------------- CULTURE ------------- TRAVELING/CAMPING/EXPLORING ------------- GEAR/EQUIPMENT/CRAFTING ------------- AI/ENEMIES ------------- GAME OPTIONS ------------- MISC
  7. Imagine, travelling through highland (possibly rocky montane area) around the rocky corner of the road you hear some not so distant sound of blast and rockfall on the way ahead (possibly down the pass or on the other side of linn/combe/ravine). Later you see that way (road) was blocked by rockfall you've heard and, when approached the site, you see dead bodies in white torn robes and body parts scattered among the rocks all around the place. Searching around you discover one laying male person that moving his limbs like still alive. Man, middle aged, wear white bloody robe above strange suit, with blood on his face flowing from empty orbits, presumably suffering from internal bleeding and damage or fractures, apparently in state of delirium with symptoms of terminal state. Man raving some words on unknown language and then losing his conscious. you and companions managed to heal him a bit and he's still alive; but not for long, and you need to decide: whether to take a stranger to nearby village by sending one of companions (who will try to keep man alive up to transferring this man to local medicaster) and possibly save man's life, or (considering weak chances for man's survival and assuming apparent uselessness of that man to campaign) to leave him and continue quest with so needed companion. All words you managed to catch, before man fall unconscious - "parallel dimension", "black hole", "collapse", "earth destroyed" - you failed to understand. Patch on man's robe pictured two circles and hieroglyphs formed "CERN" pattern.
  8. How do you handle doing addons? Do you just send them an email saying you did an addon, or is there something I'm just missing?
  9. My game wonk work... That is about it. I have the recommended requirements on my PC except for my graphics card (which meets the minimum requirements) however when I start the game, it works. I can open the main menu, select new game, create a character, but when the game starts it crashes. If this happened to you, please tell me how you fixed it or if you haven't join me in searching for a solution.
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