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  1. I wanted to give the hired wizard a fine scale armor and the screen bugged out. It was like this for all characters afterwards. Only removing the armor put it back to normal
  2. I noticed graphical glitch while looting corpse of enemy. It's strange because I checked first body with no problems, but the second one flickers and some elements of interface were disappearing constantly. Screenshot: http://oi65.tinypic.com/5c0hef.jpg I uploaded game logs if it can help: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=64012142277467154462 My specs: i5-7600k, gtx 1060 6GB, 16 GB RAM, Windows 10 home, graphic driver ver. 388.13 (10/30/2017)
  3. Ok Obsidian Team, your game does no longer peg the CPU and GPU at 100%, which is really nice. Now it only pegs the GPU at 100%. So the amount of „My Laptop shut down“ should be reduced at launch, but please, can you find out and fix why the unity graphic loop can not idle? Would be so cool.
  4. Dear Obisidian, first of all, congratulations on your new POE2 campain, here's the 24595th backer. Can't wait to play it! I decide to get back to POE1 (both expansions included). Newest patch included as of today's date. I am experiencing graphic glitches - shaking spell descriptions mostly. Sometimes borders of NPCs stating their name or position. Earlier on previous patches I didn't have this kind of issues. I've uploaded the .zip file with all needed files to Dropbox, here is the link. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ddbxeks6c0nyn4f/Archiwum.zip?dl=0 I'm using Mac on Mac OS Yosemite 10.10.5 - other hardware specs uploaded with other files (screenshot). THANK YOU for finding the time to read this and have a look into it. Best regards, Karnashuk
  5. While PoE1 was rather static. I felt the lighting that was their looked great. From some of the preview scenes of Deadfire the lighting does not look nearly as great as what I would expect a pre-rendered game to achieve. Though I'm assuming this is because we are seeing WIP. Surely they'll let the scenes render as long as possible with the highest fidelity of parameters for all their lighting maps come release. Before anyone says it looks fine. I think the problem arises for certain geometries. Especially smooth or orderly surfaces. Like stone buildings. The lighting sources seem to leave their "presence" on those surfaces.
  6. Not sure why, but I'm averaging around 10 frames per second when playing NWN2 on my system. All settings are set to their lowest value. I verified that it's using my Nvidia card instead of the onboard GPU. I have tried restarting and playing. I have also installed the community patch. I've done fresh installs, but I still around 10 FPS. Any help would be wonderful. Windows 7 SP 1 i5-2450 @2.50GHz 8gb Ram Nvidia GT 630M, Driver ver. 375.70 Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete (latest GOG version)
  7. Hi, I’m playing 3.01 bought through the app store on a fully up-to-date Mac with a dedicated GPU (system details attached). About the only nasty bug I regularly encounter is the frame-rate-falling-off-a-cliff issue. I’ve tried to find what it is that causes this but, until today, it has always seemed random (bear in mind I only bought the game a few weeks ago). The cure is always and only to quite to desktop (quitting to main menu never cut it), re-launch and cross my fingers. Sometimes I can play for hours without encountering the bug; sometimes it’s there on re-launch and I simply have to start over. Well, today I have a what appears to be a repeatable trigger for this bug. Whenever I invoke the local area map while exploring Cliaban Rilag the frame rate bombs. I hope this is going to be a Rilag-specific problem… Anyway, feast on these files, if you like (system spec, save game, output log). Hope they help. Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/67zt0l11kp85a22/PoE_Mac_framrate_bug.zip?dl=0 And thanks for PoE.
  8. Update by Adam Brennecke, Lead Programmer and Executive Producer Over a year ago, in Update #49, we showed you the first movie of Pillars of Eternity. The movie showcased a beautiful scene in the Dyrwood complete with dynamic lighting, per-pixel occlusion, dynamic water and waterfall, and a day-night cycle. In this update I would like to give you an inside look on how these images are put together and rendered in the game, and I will cover new rendering features that we've added over the past year to address feedback from our backers about how our characters look in the scene. Warning: things might get technical! E3 We are going to be going on update hiatus for the next three weeks as we prepare for E3 in Los Angeles. After E3, the next update will feature the final classes covering The Front Line (fighters and barbarians). At E3, the team will be showing Pillars of Eternity at the Paradox booth behind closed doors. To avoid spoiling what we will be showing, we will be saving these moments until you get to play it. Because we want to include you in the experience, we will be taking photos at the booth, and in a future update we will be sharing more screenshots from the demo. To give you a small taste, here's a sneak peek at a scene that will be shown at E3: Rendering TimeBackgrounds As we mentioned previously, our beautiful backgrounds are rendered out of Maya as a 2D image. They are very large images, sometimes over several gigabytes of raw data, and before the images get into the game we run a program that compresses the data. Maya renders out the backgrounds in four layers or "passes": final, depth, normal, and albedo. These passes are combined together in Unity for per-pixel occlusion of 3D objects, and for real-time dynamic lighting. When we bring the backgrounds into the game, they look like a flat 2D plane, and when viewed in Unity's editor the whole world has an awkward skewed look to it. The illusion comes together only when an orthographic camera is placed at the perfect angle. Characters Next we overlay the 3D world on top of the 2D rendered image. The characters are dynamic 3D skinned meshes that are animated and then rendered into the scene with a variety of shaders and materials. Our default material that we use on most characters includes a normal map (adds tiny variations in surface detail), specular map (adds shininess), and an albedo map (adds the base color). The default material also supports a tint map, which allows our designers and you to customize the colors of armor, hair, and skin. We have other shaders that can change the look and feel of characters. For example, we have a metal shader for armor that adds an extra level of shininess and can reflect the environment via an environment map. A Cloth shader removes the shininess, and allows the character artists to make outfits made up of cotton, wool, and satin. We have special materials, like an emissive shader that isn't affected by light, used for the fire-godlike, ghosts, spectres, and the windows seen in the screenshots and video. Because the characters are 3D, they need to be lit differently than the background image. We use a system with two directional lights. The first directional light is the key light and typically matches the sun color and intensity in outdoor scenes, and this light can be modified by the day-night cycle to cast moonlight at night. The second directional light is used as a fill light to make sure the "back side" of a character isn't in total darkness. The two lights are adjusted per scene depending on the pre-rendered light settings to match the sun direction, mood, and desired atmosphere. In addition to the directional lights, we use dynamic deferred lights that can affect the background and characters. For example, if a torch is placed in a scene, the torch can illuminate both the 2D environment and a 3D character standing nearby. In addition, deferred lights are used for spell effects; a fireball explosion emits a burst of light, brightening up a dark dungeon room. Bringing it all together We noticed, and so did many of you, after releasing our first few screenshots, the 3D characters were not matching the 2D rendered scene as much as we would have hoped. So we put our thinking caps on, and we came up with new features since our first batch of screenshots, including dynamic ambient and a shadow control system. To really make sure the characters fit in the scene, we came up with an ambient system that samples color from the 2D background, simulating a quick and dirty global illumination model. Characters pick up subtle color variations depending on where they are standing and what type of environment they are in. If a character is standing in a lush green jungle, it will pick up a subtle green hue from the light reflected off the environment. Game programmers love fast and cheap methods, and the ambient system gives us great results with little impact on rendering performance. Ambient before and after: Another feature that we've added recently to solve the issue of grounding characters into the scene is a system to shadow 3D characters when traversing into dark shadowy areas in the 2D image. The new system samples a low resolution image map which controls the contribution of the directional sunlight on the character, and to avoid double shadows, the same image controls the value of the dynamic shadow map. Lastly, to better match the 2D and 3D shadows, we color the dynamic shadow to match the 2D rendered shadow color (which often has a blue hue to it). Shadow Blending before and after: To tie everything together, we can optionally add post process effects. In this scene, we've added a very subtle bloom effect that effects both the environment and characters. I hope you didn't get lost in all the technical talk! The important thing is that we hope you like the end result. We are satisfied with where we are at, but we always have a few ideas on how to improve the look and quality of the graphics. Improving the look of the game will be an ongoing process until we ship... and beyond. If you have any questions, please ask in our forums! Thanks for reading.
  9. Hello, and sorry for being the bringer of bad news on my first post. I've posted this same post to the game's steam forums, but I got no reply there, so I am posting it here as well, in hopes of getting it resolved. Basically I came back to the game after taking a break from it and buying The White March pt. 1, also having updated to Windows 10. I created a new game, exited for a different kind of playthrough with all self-made party, but something has happened to the character particle effects, they've become blocky, really low-res and misshapen with very low color count. I tried disabling Vsync to no avail, and fiddled with most of the other graphical settings. So far I've seen this problem with torches of the characters, and chanter chanting effect, I would presume other magic too. Admittedly I run an older graphics card, GeForce GX430 series if memory serves, but previously everything was fine when I played. I've also installed the latest Nvidia drivers recommended for my setup and OS. I added my output_log.txt to this post, but not the savegames for now, please do ask if you need me to add any other information. Anyone else had this problem, and any suggestions how to fix this. of course, hopefully this will be identified by the devs and ironed out on next patch, but it is a touch distressing and disappointing when I wanted to enjoy the game now. Thank you so very much <3 output_log.txt
  10. Pillars of Eternity runs awful (max 30 fps at 1600x1200) on a Surface Book even though it has a fairly decent 940m-ish dedicated GPU. There's no log file in the directory or console command that would allow me to verify which graphics card the game is actually using, but it seems like the integrated graphics card is used no matter I do. I've tried forcing the game to either use the integrated graphics or the dGPU by using the Nvidia manager but it doesn't affect performance at all. I've even tried disabling the integrated graphics card in the device manager and it actually lowers the fps to 1-4 fps even in the menu. There seems to be a problem with Unity 4 games defaulting to integrated graphics but I've never found any solution. Any advice in how I can force the game to use the dedicated GPU? I've tried updating drivers, looking through the registry, etc.
  11. Description: At a certain point (I'm not exactly sure when/how), I lost the ability to change the screen resolution in the Graphics tab in the Options menu. The best/only option I'm given is 1200x800 (see screenshot include in Dropbox-linked folder), whereas my Macbook Pro (which has a Retina display) previously has been able to offer/handle/support much higher resolutions. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: (I'm not sure how to reproduce the issue on someone else's machine.) Important Files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9d58neg386l83ep/AAClBzLhmvo9_8gM_rX1wVlPa?dl=0 Savegames Output Log System Specs Screenshot
  12. We've all probably got a pet peeve about the way important information is given to you. There's a good number of things I could name, but these are my top 3 that I hope to see in a future minor patch: 1. Make the selected character much more visible in combat. 2. Make the current actions of each party member easier to see without having to select them all 3. Put random playable character sheets on loading screens and allow me to mouse over key words or scroll up and down their stats screen
  13. Is there a way to make the camera follow the characters, so they're always in the middle of the screen? It sure would make moving around easier.
  14. Just bought this game and so far I love it, but I would love to be able to play in windowed mode. I also got screwed into a lower resolution. On first load the relevant graphics settings were: resolution: 1920 x 1080 fullscreen: yes I unchecked the fullscreen box and clicked apply, but nothing happened. I closed the settings, clicked "Save" when prompted, but still nothing. I restarted the game and I was still in fullscreen. I repeated this several times with the exact same results. When I uncheck fullscreen it remains checked until I leave that page, but when I return it is checked. Next I tried changing the resolution. I opened the dropdown and there were only two options, 1440 x 900 and 1280 x 800. I selected 1440 x 900, unchecked fullscreen, and applied. The resolution was set correctly, but still no fullscreen. Exited, settings and clicked save, fullscreen. Restarted, fullscreen again. I reopened the game and tried to set my resolution back to 1920 x 1080, but it was not an available option. I changed to the smaller resolution and repeated the same process as above without fullscreen. I changed back to 1440 x 900 successfully, but still not windowed mode and still no 1920 x 1080. I reloaded the game a few more times but made no progress. The resolution isn't as big of a deal as the windowed mode for me. I bought the game through GOG and installed using their Galaxy Client. System settings: OSX Yosemite 10.10.4 (14E46) MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015) 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2048 MB 15.4-inch (2880 x 1800)
  15. I've seen a couple of posts back in March about cage cursor not working with dual monitors. Unfortunately it seems to still be the case on my OS X 10.10, steam version of Pillars of Eternity? I can still scroll past screen edge, and "unticking it and then ticking it again" didn't help.
  16. I have finally sat down, having had some time with PoE and can say without a doubt this is one of the finest rpg's I have ever played. Immediately you start the game you know Pillars is going to be something special when you hear that incredible music, and oh what music it is! At once, chilling, yet eliciting wonder and mythology reflective of all the great English, Saxon and Scandanavian tomes such as Beowulf; story, characterisation, combat, PoE has it all. Thank you so much Obsidian, you have given hope to an old-school gamer who had thought that the suits at EA and Ubisoft ruled unchallenged. Thank the Gods for you, Kickstarter, Bards Tale and Inxile, my gaming time looks ready to be full with the likes of PoE, Torment 2, Bards tale and Wasteland 2. If there is a god he is smiling down on Irvine, ca.
  17. Just wanting to know if my MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012) will be able to support the graphics. Setup: 2 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB. Thanks in advance.
  18. One thing I did encounter quite often in this game is that if I'm on a map/scene with a lot of particle effects (like fog, rain, biawac in the beginning, ...), the framerate drops tremendously. On native resolution (1920x1080) and AA off I run this game around 45-50 fps, but everytime the weather goes to rain for example I can be lucky if my fps stay above 30 fps. The same applies for scenes like the biawac in the beginning and every other "flashy" scene only that it goes down to like 19 fps and thats quite annoying in my opinion. I don't know the exact reason for that, but I guess it has to do with the particles in the game and how they affect my CPU. I'm curious if I'm the only one with this problem and I also wanna ask, if an option to turn down particle effect may solve it?
  19. Hey there! for some reasons some areas I visit have a very low resolution and look incredibly blurry. I am playing on highes resolution. using the "msaa 0" command didn't fix the issue as well as updating graphic card drivers, restarting the game, resting, travelling, etc. I also forced multisampling and 0x AA in my ATI driver settings. It's always the same areas. Any ideas?
  20. Hello everyone, So in the middle of my second play-through (thief on PoD) my game suddenly hits a huge amount of lag and runs choppy from there on out. No amount of reloading other saves or the game helps, but waiting a few days seems to. Except it ran smoothly for about 20 minutes before returning to THE SUCK. From what I've seen online it's either blamed on the system or the 3D characters, but these don't make sense to me because I ran a entire play-through without a single graphics incident. Is it just a matter of waiting for a patch, or can I do anything? Specs: Running the game on low graphics Mac OS X Yosemite 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512 MB Thanks guys and gals, Kyle
  21. Ubuntu 12.04.5 (64 bit) 3.13.0 Kernel 11501000 X Server Release Marco X Window Manager (MATE 1.6.0) AMD A10-5800K APU AMD Radeon HD 7660D 4.4.13283 Driver Version (14.501.1003 / AMD Catalyst Omega 14.12 latest proprietary stable) OpenGL Version 4.4 Desktop Color Depth 24 bits per pixel Monitor Refresh Rate 60 Hz Primary Display Resolution 1920 x 1080 Desktop Resolution 1920 x1080 http://pastebin.com/1bdEGP2a for contents of Player.log http://s27.postimg.org/3nd7e3joj/291650_2015_04_01_00001.jpg and http://s22.postimg.org/dr8zsswld/291650_2015_04_01_00002.jpg for screenshots (uploader won't let me attach here for some reason) The problem becomes a bit less obvious when I disable desktop compositing, but not by a lot.
  22. I take it those clusters of black pixels I highlighted in the attached screenshot are not supposed to be there, are they?
  23. First off, thank you Obsidian for even allowing the option to enable/disable ligatures in game (they are found in Graphic options, one of the check boxes). It shows a commitment to detailing, even if it would probably be considered of negligible importance to most... I would hazard a guess that most aren't familiar with ligatures--it's a detailing thing in the world of graphic design and typography. Here is a very succinct summary. They basically improve readability, so certain combinations of letters don't look smushed or interfere with each other--these are typically problems with 'fl,' 'ffl,' 'fi,' and 'ffi,' where l's are too close to f's, and dots above i's mush into overarching letters like f. If you're going to allow the option, Obsidian, I would like to see them done correctly! It's not far off--just one thing has to be removed: stylistic or discretionary ligatures, which are for adornment only, and does not improve readability. In fact, many would consider them distractions, because they draw undue attention to themselves. In most settings, good typography is not heralded by fanfare, but should ideally go unnoticed; that means things are simply comfortable, easy to read, well-spaced, sized, etc. In typesetting software, ligatures are pretty much assumed if the font has the option, but discretionary ones are off by default. There is very little reason anywhere to ever connect letters like 'st' or 'ct,' especially in any text outside of decorative headlines. I have for sure seen the st ligature in the game, but I'm not sure about the ct (it would appear in such words such as victory, tincture, actor, etc). Again, I must acknowledge that in the face of many, far more pressing bugs, glitches, UI inconsistencies, etc, this detail is so, so minor. But hey, they've provided the option, so I consider it fair criticism!
  24. So the only real issue I have with the game is occasionally I get this weird graphics breakdowns, not sure any other way to describe them. You can see how it generally looks in the screenshots I attached. When the issue happens i tend to immediately exit to the main menu, and then either it goes black screen and back to normal, saying the display drivers crashed and recovered, or i get a BSOD and the whole PC restarts PC specs: win 7 32-bit 4GB RAM Radeon HD4870 AMD Phenom II x3 710 I know I'm scraping the bottom of the minimum specs, but besides that it works great, and I can even sometimes get a few good hours with no issue at all. EDIT- for some reason the uploader here doesn't let me upload any file.... so here are some links: Screenshots - (had to take with my phone as it was impossible to save a screenshots, the 3rd and 4th should show the problem best) - http://imgur.com/lSDBF26,KKJftPi,jrrqnOZ,Q7Szu1v Output log - http://www.pastebin.ca/2967957 dxdiag - http://www.pastebin.ca/2967959
  25. Hi! If you play at lower than native resolutions on a HDtv, monitor or your notebooks screen try to set your screen resolution to match the chosen resolution ingame. This may lift the blurriness of the background, sharpens the image a little bit and you may get a little better performance (specially on slower machines). If you play the game on a HDtvs screen on lower than native resolutions (in my case 1366x768p on a native 1920x1080p FullHD tv with a good quality HDMI cable), try to set the tvs sharpness setting to its highest. In my case it helped a lot with image clarity. Also I read somewhere in the forums that if you set your msaa to 0 (tipe in the command line the following: msaa 0 and hit the enter button) it may reduce blurriness and sharpens the background image, but in my case it did nothing. And a little tip for Nvidia (I play on a laptop with Geforce GT630m on Windows 7 64bit) users: I was able to disable msaa completly from my nvidia control panel so I don't have to retype the above command on area transitions. I hope it helps to some of you. PS.: Sorry for my english its not my native language.
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