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  1. While up on top of the fallen oak branch my toon is sling shooting off the screen. I'm in 3rd person. The toon is not 'moving' the character graphics keeps moving off screen then coming back. Rebooting the game seems to have fixed it.
  2. Whilst trying to connect to a friends game the cutscene for the lasers firing was played. I connected in the middle of the cutscene and got to watch it, but at the end of the cutscene rather than loading in as Willow I loaded in as omniscient being. I could move through walls and after terrorizing my friends I floated around checking out the map. I found a drawing in the shack, a maze inside the hedges, and a secret base in also in the berry hedge. I didn't look through the caves very much as moving is very slow whilst flying. There are more pictures, but i can only upload 2
  3. On Xbox, after you have exited the game, if the game isn't fully closed/quit out of from the Xbox UI and you then turn the console off, when you reboot the console and game there is significant audio distortion in the game startup and menu screens. Force-quitting the game and restarted fixes this.
  4. Don't know if another topic has been made for this, but whenever I am playing with my friend in his world. Anytime we or myself place items such as workbenches, torches, chests, decor, etc, on either floors or walls, If I leave the area and come back, they all reappear under ground for me. On my friends screen since he is the host he does not have these issues. The good thing is that I can still access the chests from the original areas, but it makes it hard because they affect my movement when they are phased into the ground. Whenever we reset the game is a simple fix, but the moment i leave to do anything and come back, they all disappear again.
  5. When I was hosting a game with my friend, he had to reset his character because when he logged in he was falling through the map so he though re spawning would fix it which it did. Although he had re spawned under the bed so he wasn't going threw the map but he was stuck so I had to destroy the floor and the bed.
  6. Since I can't start my game without the login crashing, I'm posting this VERY SERIOUS BUG here. Namely, I have my house raised on scaffolds, and it turns out ants and gnats can fly UNDER my house and steal from the chest THROUGH THE FLOOR. Obviously this should not happen. Love the game otherwise. Update: Having looked at my base closely, it appears that the model for the chest can easily clip through the grass floors and be opened from the outside. Not good.
  7. I made it tiny boys and girls! Since the game release, ant eggs were a problem for me, they never spammed. I tried everything and nothing worked. Well, this time it did. I found a bunch of worker ants around weevil meat and killing weevils. So, I killed them all and looted them. Big mistake, nothing changed. The second time the ants spammed, I again killed them all and didn't loot their bodies. After 1 in-game day, work ants were back to the Anthill and ant eggs were there. So my advice if you are having the same problem, find where the group of ants is (10 to 15 ants in my case), kill them all, and don't loot their bodies. Other things that didn’t work: - Kill soldier ants at the anthill, stuck or not, looting or not. - Kill worker ants wandering around the backyard, stuck or not, looting or not. Good luck and I hope it will help you guys.
  8. The 4 leaf clover is missing!!! Xbox One Console
      • 1
      • Hmmm
  9. Youtube link Xbox Game pass for PC Epic Name: MarraKobra Occasionally an items texture will get stuck to the player's strong hand, even after un-equipping or switching items. Seems random, cannot force a recreation. Using a wired controller on PC. AMD Ryzen 5 3600x 6 core, 16GB RAM, 64bit
  10. Here Is The Issue. Whenever I Try And Host A Game For Multiplayer It Goes Fine Until I Get To The Loading Screen. First The Bottom Left Loading Dots Freeze.. Then The Music Cuts Off. I Have Tried Multiple Times Yesterday. I Tried A Different Save. But Idk What Is Going On. I Want To Show People What I've Made Etc. But This Has Not Only Made It Difficult But Impossible. Ps: Single Player Works Fine. Thank You For Listening If Anyone Can Help With This Issue Or Fix It I Would Be Very Thankful. Keep Playing Grounded.
  11. when I host my friends in my game, their items disappear and cannot recover and so far have not reappeared
  12. So yeah I was trying to avoid fighting an orb weaver so I ran into the pond. The orb weaver was lining up a lunge to attack me but being in the water I assumed I was safe. It attacked and landed in the water but it just vanished. I'm just curious to where the hell this thing went lol is it still in my game? is it dead? will it respawn? and will this also apply to other bugs that unintentionally land in water?
  13. My characters keep permanently dying even though they have no injuries. This has happened to me with multiple different enemies for the last 10 hours of gameplay. I haven't seen a single injury since. Anyone know what's happening? I've tried resting multiple times with different types of food but nothing works.
  14. Twice today, my game has crashed due to recycling something. I THINK both times it was when I recycled my grass plank pallet to move it. I will try again to confirm.
  15. I revive my team mate he does somthing like swing change weapon or anything he gets knocked any one having that like he has to give up come back get his stuff gets knocked randomly
  16. Infelizmente, o horário do jogo congelado fica no dia 40 como 8:10 da manhã e, portanto, falta de progresso no jogo! Árvores e animais que não desovam! A comida não cozinha e o equipamento não gera água! Porta do laboratório ficou trancada! E como forma de atacar, não atacar mais, ficou passivo! att. gamertag: Fehzo1Tz
  17. Found a bug where it says the chest is locked? As if someone else is looking inside of it. So currently cant access multiple chests. We made new chests and destroyed the old to get the materials but it's gone back to them being locked
  18. When I try to save my game manually, or the save created on Quitting, when I go back later to Continue a game only the auto saves are listed. I checked the time stamps to see if the name of the file was just being changed, but it is only the auto saves that are kept. This has only been an issue since the recent patch.
  19. i got the bee armor and put it on a dummy after saving the game the dummy was naked even tough it shows its there on save file pic can u guys fix this bug
  20. So, I built a base on top of the rock wall to the East. I first put down clay for a foundation along with walls, floors, and roof without a problem. The first issue I noticed is that the floor is blended graphically into the clay instead of sitting on top, I would have expected it to appear above the clay without needing to use scaffolding. The second, and bigger issue, is that any time I try to build an object (chest, lean-to, lamp, etc...) on top of the floor the blueprint is never shown despite it being in build mode. I have to cancel that build, go outside, and start the build process outside on the rock to get the blueprint to appear then go inside and place the object. How to reproduce: go on top of a rock, place the foundation, place flooring on top of the foundation, try placing objects on that flooring. I can probably record a video if necessary but have never done so before and would need some instructions for doing so.
  21. Not sure if this has been covered. I've been playing fine today, but tonight the game kept crashing to desktop upon autosave, normal saving and trying to load a save. I can start a new game but when I try to save it crashes again. I'm playing through Microsoft store with gamepass. UPDATE #1: I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game. This seems to have fixed the issue for now and my save files were kept. I'll update further if it happens again.
  22. Ladybugs are getting stuck inside the rocks near the pond and also the roots of the great oak tree.
  23. I have been trying to harvest berries for berry chunks for over an hour and have only been able to get 6 chunks. I have knocked or shot down 20+ berries though. Either they disappear when they hit the ground or are unharvestable(when I hit them with my tier 2 axe they just move around or I just swing through them). With how much berry leather I need for stuff this would be a very helpful fix.
  24. After Exploring The Blueberry Hedge, I Returned To The Oak Lab And The Door Appears To Have Been Locked. I Have Looked Up This Issue And It Seems Many Have Run Into It Right After Discovering The Hedge. I'm Playing On The Xbox One, Not Sure If This Issue Occurs On PC.
  25. The harvesting hitbox of berries are strange, much more strange than spiderweb hitboxes. I struggle to even collect one berry most of the time, and since it is used in a lot of high tier items, it is very important to be able to collect it. Sometimes the hitbox works at a very specific distance+angle for each berry differently, or it just doesn't exist.
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