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Found 4 results

  1. Ok, in an effort to use the story companions on a P.o.t.D. {Pillars of the Damned} run, and edit their base stats the following has already been fully explored. NexusMods: Replacing the companion_blank.unity3d files in the objectsbundle folder, works up until you expect the companions to actually walk and such. They become virtual versions of mini-kharakter-statues that some gamers use while playing tabletop games. That is their animations completely fail. Reddit: This process works up until the step of hitting "Import" with the companion_blank.unity3d file loaded in U.A.B.E. At that point I get: [Error]: The assets file index is out of range Does anyone have a solution to this? Completing the game {on P.o.t.D.} with the actual companions instead of hired help would be nice, but is by no means game breaking. Just companion quest breaking... for instance, when Eder will want to be in the party when you find the old watcher. Or Durance... Whether Obsidian intentionally broke this, or not, is a wonder of mine. Presumably if they did; Then they would have at least given us a way to edit companion stats when respekking. Grateful for you sharing your Gravity. May you ask the Goddess to eternally alight your self-determined path. Sincerely,
  2. Hello there! I am experiences very frequent game freezes that are about 0,5-3 sec long when the game loads up audio or dialogue assets (at least that is how it seems). Game runs very smoothly on high graphical, high strain settings and performs flawlessly when for example playing large multi-enemy fights were several high graphic settings spell animations are flung all over the screen. However, when doing simple tasks like talking to random NPC:s in town, the game very frequently gets these freezes. The screen freezes after clicking on an NPC and after the ''loading'' time is over, the dialogue pops up. This happens both during dialogues that are text-only and dialogues that include audio files for NPC speech, altough the freezes may be longer for those that include audio files and often happen between every click on the continue button in the dialogue menu then). Sometimes, the game even freezes when walking past random NPC:s in (any) towns that say som gossip when passing by, causing text to pop up over their heads (like ''Welcome stranger to our town!'' or similar). Note that audio does not stutter after loading, it just causes the game to freeze for a few secs and then runs. Never happens with atmospheric/environment sounds, only dialogues. It has been like this all the time I have had Pillars of eternity. Strangely enough, the issue seems to be much less obvious when creating a new char and running through Act 1 a second time, as if the game now knows where some assets are located and loads them faster or something. I am running the Steam version, latest update, on an ASUS G501JW-CN030H laptop. The laptop is less than a month old. It came preinstalled with windows 8,1 and I immediately updated to Windows 10 (64 bit) after purchase. Running on Windows 10 since then. Drivers for graphics card, sound card and network are updated to latest versions. I am, of course, running the game with power cable plugged in (not battery mode). Other speccs include: 16 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M, Intel Core i7-4720HQ processor. My computer has 3 different save drives. The OS and I think PoE save files are on an C drive SSD (the user windows folder is there, where the save files are), while PoE and all other Steam files are on D drive HDD. I do not have and never had Hamachi installed. Here are some fixes I have tried already after googling on the issue, without success: Updating all relevant computer drivers Reinstalling the game, several times (always to D drive HDD) Running PoE in administrator mode Disabling anti-aliasing, both through the slider option all the way to the left and through NVIDIA control panel Lowering resolution significantly Deleting the player portrait folder (seemed to work for some people who have had similar issues previous game versions) Disabling all network devices through control panel and running Steam in offline mode All the above at the same time Attaching some files, as to the ''How to report an issue'' topic. Save files are too large to attach even after zipping, sadly, but it is the same everywhere in the game. Thankful for any help you can offer. Troubleshoot.zip
  3. This poll and thread is a 're-launch' attempt of another thread (@ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/65236-co-operate-with-torment-ton-in-allowing-shared-art-assets/ ), with clearer languaging around the (now multiple) poll questions. The really key thing that would make this happen (or not!) in any form is dev interest, of course, and that is what these threads/posts will hopefully stimulate. For myself, Q1: Yes - of course. :D Q2: Only if the devs feel like it. Not attached either way. Q3: As Q2. Cheers!
  4. Hello all, This is cross-posted in the Pillars of Eternity General forum (waiting for approval, I'm still a newb there!) and the TToN Game Ideas user voice section (same subject but with different game title in the subject line). Background: there were (and ARE still) a lot of awesome mods for the infinity engine games. However, there was some flak about 'illegal' mods - specifically, mods that extracted and used cross-game art assets, such as IWD components inside BG2, without the IWD game being present. However, now there is a great opportunity: two awesome rpgs being developed at the same time, using the same engine, unconstrained by publishers, and interested in the same sort of background art systems! (Unsure about the model/npc/monster art, though!) This is doubly important as the backgrounds have been mentioned as being the most complex to implement - it will give both sets of game modders an entire new world's set of resources to play with! What I am proposing is that the developer teams of PoE and TTon co-operate to allow compatibility and full support of art (and model?) assets in between each others games. Ways this could be implemented: 1) Both games purchased and present on the same system (potentially simplest). 2) One of the games purchased, another 'authorized' or purchased, but not necessarily on the same system. 3) One of the games purchased, combined with an 'art asset modders pack' (that would cost a token fee or be free). 4) The devs create an official shared/combined 'art asset pack' (token fee or free). 5) One or both of the dev teams create a playable (un)official expansion that is merely a run-through (and display zoo? Maybe something rather... Modron-cube-like? :D ) of the others game in order to tie the art assets to one of the games (instead of being shared in general). 6) As #5, but one or both do a full-on expansion! Due to the settings, the TToN inside PoE would be rather strange, but interesting (perhaps a 'What If?!' scenario?), while the reverse could fit as some sort of visitable alternate dimension or something. 7) As any above, but work contracted out (not done in-house). *Note that any of the above proposals could be Kickstarted for interest, possibly once both games are launched. I do not want the devs time 'taken up doing non-development things' - even having the intent to share and making sure art assets are compatible, game engine wise, would do a lot! There are a number of considerations around this process. Some that I've thought up include: 1) The devs do NOT want to share art assets (though they are willing to share other things). 2) Conflicts and issues with IP rights, including that of Monte Cooke's Numenera. 3) Nobody thinks this is a good idea? 4) There are some complicated engine issues that would prevent this from being possible (???). 5) Other??? Comments welcome! I truly think this could be a start of some awesome win (PoE devs) - win (TToN devs) - win (gamers) - win (modders) situations!
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