I have made a mod for all of the consumable stronghold quest items.
It simply raises the number of uses from the default to 99 for the following:
Ifen's Cradle
Mossy Rocks
Night Mirror Fragment
Rememberance Ashes
Rememberance of Life's Warmth
The Blind Monk's Venom
The Looking-Inward Chime
I raised the uses to 99 for heavy spell users. That's more than enough uses, but they can be easily changed.
The included instructions explain how to edit and save .unity3d files if one wishes to edit them further.
Simply copy+paste the .unity3d files into your PillarsOfEternity_Data/assetbundles/prefabs/objectbundle directory.
*For Mossy Rocks the MaxStackSize = 1 and UsageCount = 20
*By default you get 5, which, when broken into 5 stacks of 1 instead of 1 stack of 5 allows each equipped party member 20 uses.
*For all others the UsageCount was increased to 99.
*All edited .unity3d files and .txt dump files are included as well as the original unedited .unity3d files in their own seperate folders.
*I used UABE (UnityAssetsBundleExtractor) for all edits.
To edit the values:
Step 1 - Open the .txt dump and edit the MaxStackSize and UsageCount lines to what you want. Save.
Step 2 - Open the .unity3d file with the "3" added to its name, for example ifens_cradle3.unity3d and click "Info".
Step 3 - Scroll down to the corresponding "Path ID" that matches the .txt dump file you just edited and click "Import Dump". You will see a star * next to that edited Path ID.
Step 4 - Click "OK" and save the file.
Step 5 - Under "File" select save and overwrite the. unity3d file without the "3" in its name. For example ifens_cradle.unity3d.
Take that new edit and place it in the proper directory.
I'm still working on Amaia's Codex. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Same for Helwax Mold.
Mirror: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/201
Consumable Stronghold Quest Items Mod.zip