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  1. Say I had a bow that always dealt 20 pierce damage upon hitting an enemy. If I enchanted that bow with burning lash, would it then deal 25 damage (20 pierce + 5 burn) or would it still deal 20(15 pierce + 5 pierce converted to burn) given the enemy had no resistances or DR? I guess what I'm asking is whether or not it adds the burn damage on top of the damage the bow already does, or if it converts some of the damage to the given element. I've searched for this on the forums and on Google and couldn't find an answer. Thanks for your time.
  2. This might be an unusual question since languages beside English are more or less a norm in games nowadays but in this case, is there a enough money for that? Since Project Eternity is fan funded, there are going to be some compromises (it's stated at their Kickstart page that there WILL be compromises if budged is below X number of money). How much do you need to get to give us choises in French/German/Spanish etc.? If there are going to be voice acting, might be too much to ask to have those in other than English (?) but for the text at least? I obviously don't know how much money that will even take, so I'm asking from you guys. And btw, I don't really need other languages than English to be able to enjoy this, but as a language learner I could use this opportunity to practice other languages than English via playing the game.
  3. Hey guys, I'm new here so I have a couple of questions I would appreciate if someone can answer me. 1. When will the beta of the game be released? 2. I read that the max level for characters is Lv12, does that mean the skills are very limited for each class? Or there will be a variety of skills each level? In short, can I learn one skill each level, or each level offers me a variety of skills to choose from or even pick multiple of them? Much appreciated!
  4. First of all, I like to discuss a higher difficulty (theme of the thread and my thoughts): http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/73030347037/merchants-will-poi-feature-thematic-bg-and-iwd-like Josh says it all I guess. Do you think limited gold is an interesting feature? I think it works well in Fallout & TES games. Though, the only thing it affects is early game really (tends to be a slower early game). But I also think that if it is balanced properly (combined with a harsher and harder economy) it could make the game more difficult for a harder difficulty experience. I played an interesting immersive mod for Baldur's Gate, it made the "Iron Crisis" more authentic to the story as well as items broke more easily as well. A Short Sword cost like 150 gold, and sold for maybe 10. In the original experience you buy a Short Sword for maybe 5 gold and sell it for like 2. High Level Loot: Likewise, I think that if some High-Level Loot is not available, or loot in general is scarce across the game, it'd make the game more difficult as well. Combine Limited Gold, High Cost Items, Less Loot Drops or Unavailable Loot Placements, and you get a more difficult experience. Thoughts?
  5. hey guy just wanne some thing i i want to preoder sp on uplay to get both of the packs u know the samurai or how is it callt again and that with the assasin u know what i mean but i still want the game on steam so if i pre-order the disk can i still regist the game on steam an get both of the packs or must i really regist it on uplay an anwser would be nice
  6. I preordered the Stick of Truth back in February at Walmart, before there was any mention of the Grand Wizard Edition or the ultimate fellowship preorder bonus. However I don't hear about the Good Times with Weapons pack or the Mysterion pack anymore. Information is constantly changing about the game. Am I still getting the Good Times with Weapons pack and Mysterion Pack? Will I also be getting the Ultimate Fellowship pack with my preorder? Is there a way to change my preorder of the regular edition to the grand wizard edition, and if there is a way, will I lose the Good Times with Weapons and/or my Mysterion pack? I've been loyally waiting for the release of the game. :D But I don't want to get short ended in any way, OR lose out on being able to get the Grand Wizard Edition.
  7. Do we have any information on the spell system? One of the things most intrinsic to the old Infinitey Engine games is the (2.5 ed ad&d) spell system. The depth and variation was really well implemented, and while not always balanced, I would sincerly hope that Obsidian is considering something of similar depth and breadth for Project Eternity. Sawyer, anyone, can you give us any info? Let me talk for a minute about what i mean when i say depth and breadth. The depth of the spell system in old IE games was a reflection of the 2.5 ed rules. Multiple resist types, save types, durations that forced you make hard choices and spell side effects (caster immobilization, chance for summoned fiend to turn on caster, etc) that forced you to think. I feel like mage battles were the best example of tactical combat in IE games being similar to a puzzle. Many spells had an effective counter-spell. All defensive magic spells had certain counters (which if not useful, are burning an available spell slot...), there was spell turning, and hell: you could even cast a resilient sphere on a fighter who was near death just as validly as on an enemy who was wreaking havoc with your back line. I appologize if this is reading a bit like a love letter, but I strongly feel like this is one of the shining features of the old school games I enjoyed so much. The breadth in the spells is obvious to anyone who played the Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale series. Beyond the cool ideas of some spells, there was a conscious effort to provide low level spells that suited low level players when they needed them, while providing good options for high level players later on. Some of the classic examples are spells that initially do 'a lot' of damage (for a low level party) but don't scale with the player level (ghoul touch, angazzar's scorcher) or others that do something like 1d4 + 1/lvl of caster (shocking grasp, burning hands i think, chromatic orb is similar). There is no doubt that the higher level mage spells were badass, but there was a breadth to the level 1 - 3 spells that let the player grow into them. You would find yourself a point where you needed to reevalute your spell selection because your power plane had shifted, and now the previously weak spells were more effective. What was great about the old system was that this was part and parcel of 2.5 ed ad&d, and if you took the time to learn the spells and read their descriptions, you were rewarded with a depth of gameplay that I haven't experienced yet again in a computer RPG. I sincerly believe there are some people at Obsidian who feel the same way, and I hope they are in charge of developing the spell system. So, with that being said.... TL;DR: how similar in depth and breadth will Project Eternity's spell system be to the old infinety Engine games?
  8. Greetings, i have a school project regaring my education and have some questions for you, i would appreciate it if you would take just a few minutes to think about and answer these 3 short questions if you have an opinion about it. Thank you Why do you think people play computer games? What can you learn by playing computer games? Why make computer games? ps. Im very sorry if i posted this the wrong spot, if so, could someone direct me to where i should post it?
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