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Found 12 results

  1. I got the game a few days ago. Played the tutorial liked it played through the first missions with my cleric and thief. it kept prompting me to look at the store other things. I bought the goblin that did nothing all campaigns and characters are locked with no way to get them . also if this game is ****e how do i get my cash back for the non existent dlc i bought, very dissapointed.
  2. I synced my progress from my android device to my iOS device using Asmodee.net. However, every time I enter the app, I need to log back into Asmodee. It won't stay logged in. Also, when I synced, I got a bunch of error messages and had to force-quit, although the transfer seemed to work. Also, its not a big problem, but the continue button no longer works. It's constantly greyed out. If I Click new game, and select my party, I can then continue.
  3. When I go to the store, I can see the new adventurer pack but when I tap on it, nothing happens. When int on other items in the store, I get the purchase confirmation prompt but nothing with this one. Also there's a permanent exclamation mark on the enchantments tab. I have updated to the latest version.
  4. When entering PA, I had to update in iTunes Store Quest mode rewards did not work. 11 level 40 tunes and 1 level 32 toon. Reward was two chest and perhaps 125 or mayber 150 gold. I already entered a trouble ticket, so I could not enter a second on the reward issue.
  5. I know the general functionality isn't implemented yet, but is there any way you could manually link my accounts? I did encounter a bug. This would be a nice way to make me feel better about the game! [: iOS is paramount. I'd like to OVERWRITE ANDROID with the ios save. iOS PFID: 8E0EA22682CC718D (my account) Android: 5285FCE1483B0DFA
  6. Hi there! I haven't been able to play the game for a few months now unfortunately, because I own an iPad mini 1 (and 2 or 3 patches back the game went from 'crashy' to 'crash before every loading screen and thus unplayable'). Because Apple in their infinite wisdom decided to discontinue the iPad mini 4 16GB which was my intended buy if it just dropped a few more euro's (they didn't, it went unavailable and the new 32GB version is even more expensive..), I am also not looking to buy a new iPad, but thinking of getting a K1 Nvidia Tablets. Now here is my dilemma; I have 150 chests still unopened on my iOS game center login from the Humble Bundle period (in addition to what I already currently have in the game vault), switching to Android means I would lose all that... which is also something I find hard to cope with. The solution to my enigma was announced some time ago, with the cross-platform logins, so I am wondering (and hoping) where it is on the priority list. As a ballpark are we talking 'this month', 'this year' or 'next year' before this feature would be implemented?
  7. Hi guys, I'm having a lot of fun with the game. I've purchased the full campaign and the daily gold bonus. Today, I seem to have run into a progression blocker (corrupted save?) during Gogmurt's boss fight in Approach to Thistletop (1-4). Attempts to continue my game closes/crashes the app to the iOS springboard. Steps to reproduce IIRC are listed below. General What device type are you on? iPad What version of the OS are you running? iOS 8.1 What model is the device? iPad Air 2 What is your PFID#? PFID-9B361BFFD3E20774 Gameplay Is pass & play on? No Is permadeath on? No Tutorial, Story Mode, or Quest Mode? Story Mode Characters in Party Seelah (Paladin), Ezren (Wizard) Location of each character I don't remember Turn Order I don't remember Scenario & Scenario Difficulty. If on non-normal difficulties, which wildcard powers are in play? Approach to Thistletop 1-4 (normal) Did the issue occur on the first explore or a subsequent explore? First explore of turn. Did other characters aid the check? What did they use to aid it? n/a Was the encounter a Horde? No What card was encountered when the issue occurred? (Or check, or card just played, etc) Closed 2 of 4 locations normally. Encountered boss goblin Gogmurt with Ezren and temporarily closed last other open location with Seelah. Gogmurt rolled the "Before you act" fire damage (3), but I hadn't yet picked any cards to discard. I believe I then put the iPad down and it eventually auto-timed out to the lock/off screen (and autosaved?). Continuing my game (autosave?) after this point crashes to iOS springboard. [both when using Main Menu > Continue and Main Menu > Story > Slot 3 Play button.] Thanks, Ben --- VER-552-20160804 PFID-9B361BFFD3E20774 GameCenter: woebtz
  8. Does the cloud saving work for iOS? I have campaign mode progress up to the 2nd Path on device A, before 1.0.3 hits. I don't see any of my saved characters on device B after 1.0.3. Or does it work for characters after 1.0.3? Please clarify how to make it work.
  9. After updated to 1.0.3, my app icon has been grey out. After I click on it, the app name changes from "pathfinder" to waiting. I tried to restore my ipad to previous back-up before patch but it stays the same. Please help. My device is iPad Mini 1st gen.
  10. After quests I could rebuild decks of my characters. But I don't see any Availible cards. I see and can use only cards from the quest. And now after another defeat I just don't have enouth cards to close deck building screen.
  11. do we have a thread about decent games on portable platforms? if yes, feel free to merge this one with it. I came across a very nice game for Android, and just wanted to share, but thought a separate thread for that kind of stuff wouldn't hurt. anyway, the game's called (Joe Delver's) Lone Wolf, it's an RPG/choose-your-own-adventure hybrid, and I'm loving it so far. it has good art direction, decent combat and progression systems (for the platform), decent writing, and good production values overall. it's just what I needed to scratch that RPG itch when I'm away from my PC (which is a lot lately thanks to school, can't even continue my BG2 LP due to the lack of spare time). give it a try if you're into this kind of stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3AjrtTlMRw also, excited to see your recommendations (preferably RPGs, but any game you consider good will do)!
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