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  1. Perhaps one of you people who live and breathe the mechanics can help me out. As I understand it during combat, Endurance on your party members goes up and down as they receive damage and are healed. At the end of the fight, any missing Endurance is topped up from the Health pool and when health is low, its time to rest up or your characters may not survive the next encounter. The Fighter's 'Constant Recovery' mechanic restores Endurance during combat at a rate of (formula). The problem is that damage taken by my fighters and restored by constant recovery seems to STILL be deducted from their Health. For example: Fighter receives 100 damage over the course of a fight. By the time it ends, he has recovered 80 points of it through constant recovery, another ten from healing effects and is left ten points short of maximum Endurance. But I am consistently seeing health pools on fighters fall by not the 10 points missing from Endurance but by all unhealed damage AND every point restored by constant recovery. As if the effect of the ability were not to restore endurance, but rather to transfer points out of Health and into Endurance while combat is still on-going. In the above (hypothetical) example, Health would drop by 90. This leads to situations where despite ending every fight close to his total Endurance, my party fighter is sitting around with a red Health bar while the remainder of the party are nowhere near needing a rest - the fighter has now become a drag on the group by forcing constant naps to recover his Health. Am I imagining this? Are the tool-tips on the ability grossly misleading? Is Constant Recovery really this much garbage? While its nice of my fighter not to lie down and die mid-combat, id rather be able to heal his damage through spells and procs that don't make him a one-fight wonder than be forced to watch his Health pool irrevocably slurped up by a passive before it even becomes worth dropping a moderate heal on him. The endurance enhancing ability is making him much less durable than everyone else - at this stage id sooner swap him out for a Strange Mercy+Lay-on-Hands paladin.
  2. Guardian stance does not apply deflection bonus to Eder. Here is my Eder without shield having 34 deflection. With the shield (34 + 12 from shield + 6 from shield specialization) = 52 so far so good. Here during the fight with guardian stance enabled. It is still 52 also in combat log. Please note it shows on active effects -10 acc + 10 deflection. This bonus is not applied however. (Penalty of acc is applied). Deflection bonus does work on my other party member. It just doesn't work for Eder (source of aura).
  3. So there is a big nerf to Defender Fighter coming, but it is not topic about it. Lets asume that devs want to push Fighters to be more than meatshields, and be usefull in combat. However, there is little builds of DPS fighters, and i hardly see reason to build one, since for bruiser there is Barbarian and Mon, for DPS Rogue, for utylity Paladin/Chanter. And if we want it all there is always Druid/Cipher/Wizard. Being tought is nice, but dosnt help much if you dont do much. So far the best things to say about Fighters is that hey offer "blunt and passive gameplay" (quote), and they always "can pick neutral talents and learn Lore skill" (also quote). So the question is: what need to happen to DPS Fighter be a viable party member? What new items, abilities, talents should aprear? Which existing talents, abilities need to be changed? Of course there is a big challenge how to even balance with 4 time per encounter slicken bunch of enemies prone. But the hope is that fighters could combine some tactical debuffs, and normal attack dmg in one ability, and have it avaiable 2 times per encounter. Existing talents/abilities: Disciplined Barrage - Is just soo weak. Accuracy is not big problem for FIghters, and if is, there is more than enought ways to buff accuracy or debuff enemies deflection, all this in longer duracion and as aoe. Could be +20 Acc, +30% attack speed, 20 sec, 1/encounter. It is barrage after all. New talents, abilities: Shatter - Powerful Strike which tears enemy armor into pieces. Reduce DT for -10 for 30 sec. 2/encounter. Also deals normal dmg. Pommel Strike - You forgot to stick them with pointy end, but they are stunned now so its ok. Normal attack.Stuns for 10 sec, 2/encounter. Under the plate - Fighter is master of armors and knows every weakness. Gain passive 3 DT reduction with all attacks. Higher Ground - What falls down shall never raise again. Against prone targets fighter gets +50% dmg bonus. Passive. For synergy with knock out, and also some weapons, and other classes. Synergy builds are fun. Shake it Off - Could be used always as long as fighter is alive. Instantly ends all negative status. Like stuns, paralyze, blidness. 2/encounter. Neutral Talents (all classes) Weapon Precision: WeaponType - You learn how to use your favorite weapon type in most deadly way. Gan +0,25 critical multiplier in your favorite weapon type. That could be better as neutral talent since we can't exacly say that critcals fit better fighters than barbarians, or rogues, or rangers. End there could be much more. Much more is needed. So this topic is often for other suggestions. Some may look like overpowered from level 1 perspective, but in comparison to end game caster it is just what needs to be done to bring some fun, and at least click something. EDIT: Disciplined Barrage is more widely viewed as lucklaster. There is more need for offensive Fighter class abilities than talents, since as talents you can always pick neutrals, and for abilities you do not have choice.
  4. Heya, So I've completed another enjoyable play through with a primary all caster party and it was fun, definitely got into the whole spell slinging thing. I'm thinking of doing it again, a fast run, but knowing most of the game fairly well, I can do completionist type campaigns pretty quick now. I don't find the game terribly difficult, but I enjoy casually playing so no Expert Mode (hey, I like maimed as an option!) and no Path of the Damned (though I'm tempted to attempt this with a well thought out party, just not yet, want to do a few more play throughs with different approaches to the game first). So I'm thinking of doing what I haven't done yet, and that's a melee based party. I'm also imposing that my character's choices are going to be cruel where possible, and likely kill anyone and anything I can get away with. Will probably steal as often as possible. Will choose aggressive stances in dialogue where cruel is not available. So melee... and cruel. No talking out of things. Just straight up horrible attitude. And I'd like to do it with martial characters since that's not my norm at all. Here's what I'm thinking (feel free to suggest something else!): PC, Paladin (Bleak Walker, Cruel) - Melee DPS (two hand, Mig, Int, Dex; Athletics & Lore) *** Faith & Conviction, Fighting Spirit, Lay on hands, Liberating Exhortation, Reviving Exhortation, Righteous Soul, Zealous Focus *** The Black Path, Critical Focus, Two hand style, Weapon Focus Adventurer Fighter - Primary Tank (Per, Res, Con and some Int; Althetics & Lore) *** Constant Recover, Defender, Knock Down, Vigorous Defense, Unbending *** Rapid Recovery, Wary Defender, Weapon & Shield Style, Superior Deflection Fighter - Melee DPS (two hand, estoc probably for DR; Mig, Int, Dex; Athletics & Lore) *** Armored Grace, Confident Aim, Constant Recovery, Knock Down (2), Fighting Spirit, Weapon Spec Adventurer *** Two hand style, Vulnerable Attack, Weapon Focus Adventurer, Weapon Mastery Adventurer Barbarian - Melee DPS (two hand, reach weapon, AOE; Mig, Int, Dex; Athletics & Lore) *** Blooded, Brute Force, Carnage, Fighting Spirit, Frenzy, One Stands Alone, Savage Defiance *** Barbaric Blow, Greater Frenzy, Accurate Carnage, Two hand style Rogue - Melee DPS (primary mechanic, condition & sneak attacks; Mig, Int, Dex; Mechanics & Lore) *** Crippling Strike, Deep Wounds, Dirty Fighting, Fighting Spirit, Reckless Assault, Sneak Attack, Withering Strike *** Backstab, Viscous Fighting, One-handed style, Bloody Slaughter From here, I'm wondering.... off-tank Priest or melee reach Priest? Or a 2nd Rogue? Interested in some thoughts. Very best,
  5. (Scroll all the way down for example fights and lots of screenshots of various battles). Portraits (for use in game) Difficulty - Path of the Damned - Trial of Iron Class/Role - Fighter - DPS, off tank, flanker or second tank to form shield wall with eder - Laborer (+1 athletics & mechanic) Race/Origin - Orlan - +10 chance to critical when attacking same target as ally - Living lands for +1 might Stats - Might: 18 - Con: 3 - Dex: 18 - Per: 18 - Int: 3 - Resolve: 18 NOTE: Fighter have constant recovery which heals you for +3.9 endurance, this is why you can get away with low constitution for this build. This was my health after clearing all of magran's fork at level 3 with the following party, compare it to eder's. NOTE: I was able to kill all the wolves in Valenwood solo by backing into a corner and fighting them two at a time, I drank one beer, made and ate Duc's Own Beefloaf and pearlwood chicken, used one minor recovery potion. Weapons/Food 1st weapon slot - Estoc 2nd weapon slot - Pollaxe or Warbow depending on intel gathered before fight. Optional Hatchet & Large shield is a great choice too which can put the Orlan in high deflection mode in case he needs to temporarily tank. He already gets high deflection from the perception & resolve being at 18. NOTE: Estoc for piercing DR bypass, Pollaxe in case you need slash/crush, Warbow in case you need to range if path to enemy is blocked. NOTE: Estoc penetrates heavy player enemies extremely well. Always drink Ale + Pearlwood chicken for fights you think may be tough. This applies to all companions. Minimum, make sure eder and this character eat chicken and ale before tough fights. pearlwood chick gives +2 constitution, +10 endurance and the ale gives +2 damage reduction. Skills - Disciplined Barrage - Increase accuracy which means higher chance of critical - Weapon Focus Adventurer - Gives +6 accuracy for Estoc, Pollaxe & Warbow. - Confident Aim - 1.2x minimum damage, 20% of grazes convert to hits - What you pick after is your choice since the above three skills is most important. NOTE: On POTD you'll need all the accuracy you can get. Accuracy ensures higher chance of getting those criticals. NOTE: In order of priority increase Mechanic, Athletic, then a little bit to survival, lore and sneaking. I like having multiple utilities at my disposal. ARMOR - Plate or Brigandine - Heaviest armor you can get Tactics - Let tank go in first, once enemies have chosen their targets, move behind an enemy to flank with your estoc or pollaxe. Have the entire party also focus your target with ranged attacks. - Save disciplined barrage for the most dangerous enemy in the group. Damage - VS WOLF, When you're level 3 you'll do 25-36 damage with each hit and rarely miss. - VS SHADE, When you're level 4 you'll do enough damage to a shade to take it down even with it's 16 DR. - VS Plate Armor Tank Enemy, you'll do enough damage to take him down with no problem. Survivability & Recovering from Mistakes - This build is all about surviving mistakes, but still being a powerful DPS. Rogue, Barbarian, Monk and any other class would normally go down if you make a mistake, but with this build you can make a mistake and still recover due to high high deflection and constant recovery which make it great for blind play through. Level 3's VS Boars Positioning First, Notice the tree to right of Eder, notice our orlan fighter slightly behind and to the left of eder. We're going to let eder handle as many of the boars as possible. Boars attack, notice how they are confused, so I don't attack with the Orlan fighter and patiently wait, situation is under control. Young boar moves in, now is a good time to move in our fighter, I make durance, kana & aloth help focus fire the young boar. After young boar dies, two boars move in and attack the Orlan fighter, THIS IS BAD. I MESSED UP. I I should've moved the orlan fighter back after killing the young boar, which would of resulted in one of the boars attacking eder and the other engaging the orlan fighter. At this point have aloth, durance & kana focus fire the boar on left. Two hits from both boars took the Orlan down to two bubbles of endurance, so I have Durance heal him back to four bubbles. Our orlan is still taking a bit of damage, boars hit hard, due to constant recovery I have enough time to have Durance put down the consecrated ground healing circle. Even with consecrated ground boars hit real hard, so I have durance throw a healing iconic projection toward our fighter. Our orlan fighter kills boar, constantly hitting for 25-30 damage and NEVER missing. He has not missed once up to this point. Next boar, focus fire with party. You can check out the damage numbers on the bottom right for our fighter orlan, note that he has still not missed an attack up to this point, reliably dealing 25-30 damage with each attack. Boar hitting our orlan fighter stats. Our orlan fighter doesn't miss any atttacks, continuing to reliably deal 25-30 dmg per hit. Move in to flank and get that flanking bonus, normally this is what you want to do at the start of the fight, but the BOARS WERE TOO MANY. The orlan did not miss one attack during the whole fight and was able to take damage from two hard hitting high level boars on POTD until Durance came in for the heals. Conclusion The beauty of this build is in recovering from mistakes which is vital if you're playing POTD, Trial of Iron in a blind play through, while still being able to dish out DR bypass critical damage. Remember to let the tank go in first, let the enemies settle into position, assess the situation, then decide if you're going to use the orlan fighter or patiently wait. The point of this build is to deal high damage criticals without missing and having that constant recovery to stay on the front line. I've tried rogues & monks, but they go down too fast before I have time to heal with durance. I make mistakes and recovering from them is important. Another thing you can do is equip a large shield & hatchet, if your orlan fighter gets into too much trouble, just switch him to hatchet & large shield and he'll go into HIGH deflection mode. *cheers*
  6. So, been wondering this for a while: does the One-Handed Style talent negate Weapon & Shield Style, or vice versa? I honestly don't think it does but just wanted to check.
  7. Greetings fellow watchers. So im planning a 2h dps fighter on hard. Im thinking of maxing might, per, res, then dump int3, leave con and dex at 10. Now considering other related posts i have a few questiions. 1. Is knockdown or disciplned barage better at lvl1 and why? (Knockdown seems like a dps ability in disguise since it lowers def) 2. Which talents/abilities should i take and why? (i have settled on most but the descriptions are so vague sometimes, i am not sure) 3. For 2handed ive read you should leave dex at 10. Why? isnt attack speed always good for dps? 4. Estoc or greatsword? Estoc seems so good even considering the great sword dual dmg type. 5. Armor? (thinking of heavy) How much more durable is he considering barb and rogue? Any other advice is appreciated Note: I have settled on the 2handed dps fighter thingy so no need for "rogue, barbarian are better at dps, or go dual wield" posts. I will also much appreciate corroborated answers from players that have tested stuff. Thanks in advance
  8. So, how far i would get in hard mode with party of 2 fighter as tanks (10/10/10/19/10/19, kinda ballanced), priest, cipher, wizard and chanter.Fighter with shields, and casters with guns. What do you suggest as dps?Is chanter worth just for reload speed aura?I got cipher and priest using pistol and arbuegus and is pretty good.Should i make chanter as off tank when some mob pass my fighters? I played party with 4 melee dps, and i ofted dont have room for them to properly place on target.
  9. Hello Theorycrafters, I'm thinking about running a Hybrid Dual Wield Fighter as a main. The idea is to use Dual Weapons and KDs as crowd control in one slot, while still being able to tank when switching to a handaxe and shield in the second slot. I do intend to run a main tank alongside him though. anyway, currently the plan looks like this: Might 14 Constitution 06 Dexterity 18 Perception 14 Intelligence 10 Resolve 16 Level Ability Talent 1 Knock Down 2 Bonus KD 3 Defender 4 Wary Defender 5 Disciplined Barrage 6 Two Weapon Style 7 Weapon Spec 8 Vulnerable Attack 9 Vigorous Defense 10 Weapon Focus 11 Into the Fray or Clear Out 12 Weapon Mastery I'm leaning towards Wild Orlan and Maces/Noble weapon Specialization. As it stands, the build will come out 18 points short on deflection compared to a dedicated Tank fighter and a few points short on other defenses. On the offensive side, his damage increasing talents hit late and are few. though from the whole fighter set, what I miss out on is only savage attack and confident aim; and of course 6 points of might. Of course, the fighter is already a bit short on +% damage talents compared to other classes, but then again, most of it is covered by enchantments in late game anyway. I know, PoE isn't the best game if you enjoy hybrid builds, but what are your thought on the build? viable (I know it's playable, which build isn't)? Any comments for improvements (aside from: stop trying to make a hybrid of course)? Thanks and happy discussing!
  10. So, i realy enjoy hiring adventures even if they are 1 lvl below me.Last time i go with 4 chanters (Godlikes) and now i want to make this. I want 2 Fighters for my party.2 tanks, big shield and plate armor.Their weapons will be burning sword and freezing war hammer. I just have question about stats.I want to give them 19 Per/Res, race human.But how important is Inteligence to fighter?Does he have any skills (like prone) that require spell durration?Is 12 Con enough?Should i aim at Dex or make ballance between Mig and Dex. What are the essencial tallents for tanking with fighter?
  11. So I was wondering, does the Might stat affect the amount of health healed via Constant Recovery or Ancient Memory, or are they calculated independent of the Fighter or Chanter's (respectively) might? Thanks in advance.
  12. Description: Eder ,the fighter, can't use the ability Into the Frey. The ability tooltip shows "Already activated". This is permanent, in or out of combat. Rest, client restart, removed from party did not fix the problem. This is save specific, once it occurs it will affect all new saves files. The only fix i found is to use a prior save not affected by the issue. (i lost progress once i discovered the issue was present over 1h or gametime played) Important Files: Added save file before and after and screenshot Your upload limit prevents me to upload the files, please advice how i can give you the save files. Screenshot http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=415938187 Steps to Reproduce the Issue: Not verified, but i belive the fight ended while the ability was casted, maybe the char had a pathfinding issue while trying the use at ability and the fight ended before activated. (Already activated")
  13. I unfortunately lack access to the backer beta, and so in my research to figure out what class I'll play on my first runthrough of the game I'm finding myself wondering about how 'active' some of the classes are. Specifically I'm interesting in rolling a more melee oriented character, however I'm concerned about how many of the abilities on the melee classes actually involve active use vs. giving passive buffs. From what I can tell it seems like the Fighter and Paladin, for instance, have a lot of abilities that just buff their own combat capabilities or that of their party whilst having relatively few abilities which are actively cast. Any suggestions on what melee oriented classes are the most 'active' to play?
  14. Update by Josh Sawyer, Project Director In this, our final class update, we will be discussing fighters and barbarians. Along with the wily, pain-powered monks (covered in Update 52), these three classes form the front line. The front line defines the heart of any battle, where two sides tangle face-to-face. The responsibility of the front line is more than simply dealing damage. It means holding the line no matter what tries to break through. If the party rogue needs a breather, the characters in the front line need to be able to cover her retreat. If a swarm of xaurips descends on the group after the wizard hurls his fireball, the front line needs to be able to neutralize them en masse or absorb their attacks before they overwhelm the entire party. Designed to take punishment and tackle hordes, the front line are the first in and, more often than not, the last standing in any battle. Next update will focus on some brand new creatures that we haven't shown yet, so be on the lookout. Each class holds the line in its own way. As covered in Update 52, the monk absorbs damage to fuel special attacks through the use of accumulated Wounds. These attacks can stun, push, or weaken individuals or small groups around them. While monks have to be monitored to ensure their Wounds do not overwhelm them, they can absorb a large amount of punishment and hamper enemy movement on the battlefield. In contrast, the fighter holds the line the traditional way: by standing her ground, blocking opponents, and being infuriatingly difficult to knock out. Barbarians are designed to jump into the fray swinging wildly. Lacking the accuracy and strong Deflection of the fighter, the barbarian makes up for his lack of discipline through sheer speed, savagery, and abilities tailored for fighting groups of enemies. We've already covered the monk's Wounds and how they play into their use, but the other two front line classes differ in how they stem the enemy tide and how players monitor and use them over the course of combat. To show you how they differ, let's look at the details. If one of Pillars of Eternity's eleven classes is the rock (we'll skip the obvious "pillar" joke), it's the fighter. All across Eora, fighters are known for their discipline, skill, and durability. In the Eastern Reach, they are often employed as caravan guards, soldiers, and personal bodyguards. Accustomed as they are to long marches, strange places, and life on the road, all fighters gain a minor skill bonus to Athletics, Lore, and Survival. In combat, fighters are steadfast and stalwart. Even novice fighters enjoy the highest base Deflection defense of any class and the ability to passively recover a small amount of Stamina every second. As the levels rise, fighters gain access to weapon specialization, modestly increasing their overall damage for all weapons in a specific category. These categories are broader than they were in the Infinity Engine games. E.g. the Knight category covers battle axes, swords, morning stars, crossbows, and war bows. The Peasant category includes hatchets, spears, quarterstaves, hunting bows, and blunderbusses. The selections are designed to cover a variety of damage types, to include one- and two-handed options, and to always feature at least one ranged weapon. At even higher levels, fighters gain abilities to recover Stamina immediately after being wounded, to protect nearby allies from incoming attacks, to knock down groups of enemies, and even to yank enemy passersby into the fray. Overall, fighters are designed to be low-maintenance, reliable, and long-lived even in marathon battles. Here are more detailed descriptions of some of the fighters' abilities: Defender (Modal) - Allows the fighter to trigger Melee Engagement on up to three enemies and increases the fighter's Deflection. While active, the fighter's attack rate is reduced. Vigorous Defense (Active) - Dramatically increases all defenses for the fighter for a short period of time. 1/encounter. Unbending (Active) - For a moderate time, the fighter will recover 50% of lost Stamina from an attack over the 5 seconds following it. This has no effect on the amount of Health lost and does not prevent the fighter from being knocked unconscious from a temporary dip in Stamina from a strong attack. 3/rest. Confident Aim - 20% of a fighter's Grazes are converted to Hits. Additionally, the minimum damage for any melee weapon they use is increased by 25% of the range between the minimum and maximum. Critical Defense - 20% of all incoming Crits against a fighter are converted to Hits. Crippling Guard - When a fighter Hits or Crits with a Disengagement Attack, the target is automatically Hobbled for a brief duration. Unbroken (Active) - This ability can only be activated when the fighter is at 0 Stamina. When used, the fighter will stand back up with 50% of her Stamina. For a short while, her defenses and Damage Threshold are both increased. 1/rest. A QA (Quality Assurance) favorite at Obsidian, barbarians are the wild, unconventional counterparts to fighters. Barbarians need not be from the "hinterlands" of Eora, though the vast majority are. In the Eastern Reach, barbarians most often come from Eir Glanfath, though some can be found in rural Dyrwoodan communities or drifting in from abroad through port cities like Defiance Bay and New Heomar. Barbarians are often used as shock troops for dealing with mobs or simply to intimidate the easily-cowed with their ferocity. As the Dyrwood has settled down over time, the regular employment of foreign barbarians has slowed significantly, but they still make up the majority of Glanfathan front-line forces. Barbarians all have a strong skill focus in Athletics and lesser focus in Survival. While fighters rely on disciplined adherence to proven combat techniques to weather difficult battles, barbarians charge furiously into melee and wreak enormous damage to everyone around them. Barbarians are relatively inaccurate, but every melee attack they make gives them an opportunity to strike out at bystanders. Barbarians have the highest Health and Stamina of all classes, which they need given their low Deflection -- a defense that suffers additional penalties when the barbarian frenzies. A barbarian's Frenzy is one of his most valuable tools, allowing him to dramatically increase his damage output and Stamina for a short period of time. However, in addition to suffering penalties to Deflection, the barbarian's Stamina and Health meters are obscured for the duration. It's not uncommon for barbarians to suddenly drop unconscious -- or dead -- when their frenzies come to an end. Many of the barbarians' higher-level powers shine when they are surrounded by a throng of enemies, outnumbered and often badly-wounded. Even so, they are designed to burn brightly and expire brilliantly in the unfortunate event that a battle drags on. Due to the nature of their abilities, barbarians are a higher-maintenance class than fighters. Carnage - When barbarians hit with melee attacks, they automatically make reduced-damage attacks at all additional enemies within a short distance of the target. Wild Sprint (Active) - The barbarian gains a large movement bonus that lasts a few seconds. While active, it allows the barbarian to ignore the stop effect from Engagement as well as the hit reaction from an Engagement Hit. Additionally, his Deflection is reduced during the sprint. 3/rest. Blooded - When a barbarian falls below 50% Stamina, he gains a bonus to damage for as long as his Stamina is below 50%. Thick-Skinned - Allows the barbarian to take only 1 Health damage per 8 Stamina damage received, instead of the normal 1 per 4 ratio. Brute Force - When finesse fails, barbarians rely on brute force. On any attack that normally targets Deflection, the barbarian will automatically target the enemy's Fortitude if it is the lower defense. One Stands Alone - When barbarians are Engaged by two or more enemies, they gains a bonus to melee damage. They cannot be Flanked unless they are Engaged by more than three enemies. Vengeful Defeat - When barbarians are reduced to 0 Stamina and have melee weapons equipped, they immediately make instant Carnage attacks at every enemy around them. 1/encounter. Heart of Fury (Active) - In a blur of movement, the barbarian performs a melee attack with each equipped weapon at every enemy within 2m. Each attack does increased damage and Carnage applies. 1/rest. Our take on the traditional front line classes attempts to capture the spirit of their Infinity Engine predecessors while introducing some interesting and fun differences for players to experiment with. We hope that you've enjoyed this and all of our other class updates. More importantly, we hope that you enjoy making all the parties you can imagine when the game comes out. As always, let us know what you think in our forums. Thanks for reading. Update #52 - Monk Update #56 - Paladins Update #62 - Ciphers Update #71 - The Heavy Hitters: Rogues and Rangers Update #74 - The Mob Rulers: Wizards and Druids Update #78 - The Leaders of the Band: Chanters and Priests Eternity at E3 Hey, everyone. This is Brandon Adler. I just wanted to give you a quick update about our E3 presentation. Everything went really well and the game was well received by the gaming press. We gave short ten to fifteen minute demos in which we showed off the first few areas and explained the basic concepts of the game. After the demo we had a quick question and answer session and gave any interviews that we could fit in before the next batch of journalists. All in all, it was a grueling, yet rewarding, experience. There have been some questions about why we chose to do a closed door demo for the press and have not released footage from the demo. While the demo looked great, there are still parts of the game that need more polish before we release videos to the public. In addition, a lot of the demo footage was filled with spoilers and we would like to show off portions that are less critical to the story. Look for a video that shows some non-spoiler, polished gameplay sometime in the next couple of months. If you would like to learn more about the demo and what was shown, take a read through some of these great articles: GameCrate Joystiq Kotaku PC World Polygon The Escapist Kicking it Forward: Harbour Our friends at Tasty Minstrel Games have a new Kickstarter that needs your support. Harbour is a light-hearted fantasy board game where you and your friends play as ambitious entrepreneurs in a bustling port city. Play as one of the many colorful characters as you buy property, sell goods, manipulate market prices - and at times break the rules.
  15. So, given how the classes act in Beta (yes, I know Chanters are going to be nerfed, but let us face facts: they are way too powerful), what do you think your makeup will be? So far mine is thus: - Paladin Main - Chanter Support or Barbarian with max Might Paladins are amazing with their stacked traits and their passives.
  16. I would first like to say hello to everyone. I've been lurking around the forums for a long time but I've only made a few posts. I thought that a party composition discussion would be interesting now that we have all of our class updates out of the way. In the IE games my PC would usually be on the front line as a fighter, paladin, multi cleric/fighter, or something along those lines. So I was really looking forward to update 80. How do you think paladins will compare to fighters in a tanking role? A damage role? Do we know if the Paladin abilities such as coordinated attacks, zealous march, and inspiring triumph will stack if more than one paladin is in range? If these abilities do stack would it be better to have a few paladins in a group working off of each other rather than having a mixture of other classes on the front line? For my first party I was considering having 2 paladins and a barbarian up front. If the barbarian's accuracy can be boosted by both paladins then his/her carnage ability might put out some crazy damage. What do you think? Do you have any other ideas for possible synergies? I'm sorry if some of these questions have already been answered.
  17. Hello, friends. The elves have been hard at work on Project Eternity, and we would like to show you our fine goods. This is a long update, but we wanted to give you more information than usual since it's the end of the year and we will be in our elfhomes for the next few weeks. First, I'd like to talk about what we've been doing with the engine and second, I'd like to talk about some of the design work we've been doing. Resolution and Scaling - We want to run the game at various resolutions and scale properly. We've been talking about our target resolutions and looking at the best way to implement scaling. If you've played any of the Infinity Engine games lately, you may have noticed that running at high resolutions can make the game look like an RTS. Though it's nice to be able to scale up and see more of the environment, at a certain point dungeons start looking like ant farms. That's what happens when you take a game designed for 640x480 and run it at more than double the resolution. It is now the year 2012, so we're looking at supporting a range of resolutions that runs from modest laptops to Macs with crazy Retina displays. To do this, we're going to render the game out at a target high resolution and a target low resolution. Currently, we're looking at a base resolution of 1280x720. A large number of laptops run at this resolution or its slightly bigger brother, 1366x768. It's not quite twice the resolution of the original games (640x480) due to the 16:9 aspect ratio, but pretty close. We believe that this base resolution will scale well up to 1920x1080, which would be roughly equivalent to going from 640x480 to 1024x768. In the old IE games, this gave you a slightly larger view of the world, but didn't get too crazy. For our higher resolution, we are likely going to render out to a ~2560x1440 screen size, as we did with our environment during the Kickstarter campaign. We will likely downsample these to run at 1920x1080. With resolutions above "mere" Retina displays, we will zoom out, which should allow the backgrounds to scale into outer space (close enough, anyway). Movement and Combat Feel - We've been working on implementing all of the basics of party selection, movement, and combat. This includes working on personal space, ally and enemy pathing, friendly "bumping" during movement, ranges of melee attacks, attack timing and delays, target selection, and response time. A lot of work goes into making these elements feel good and feel "IE-ish" (while excluding the IE-ish things we didn't like). We’ve also been building block-in weapon meshes and putting them in the game to see how they look in terms of scale. This has gone well, but we're still working on proportions. Some thin weapons, like stilettos, rapiers, and estocs, can be very difficult to discern, especially at lower resolutions. Their thicker cousins, daggers, swords, and greatswords, need to be "beefed up" a small amount to help distinguish them. Even though we need to make a few slight adjustments, our overall approach of making weapons with realistic... ish proportions is working well and feels similar to the characters and weapons found in Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale. Along with implementing the visuals of the weapons, we're experimenting with weapon statistics and mechanics. Weapons are currently classified as slashing, piercing, or crushing, which is a pretty common division of types. We're not currently using damage types vs. armor types in Project Eternity, but the damage types all have properties that suggest a certain type of usage. Slashing weapons do the most damage when compared to their counterparts from other categories. E.g., if you compare a greatsword to an estoc to a maul, the greatsword does the most damage. When targets have little to no armor, slashing weapons are the ideal choice. Piercing weapons negate a fixed amount of Damage Threshold, which is the primary way in which armor reduces damage. Though they don't do as much damage as slashing or crushing weapons, their ability to ignore even moderately heavy armor means that it is superior to other weapons in those circumstances. While armor can negate a large amount of damage, there's always a small amount that gets through. Crushing weapons do much more through armor, which makes them the best choice when dealing with very heavily armored targets. So far, this works well on paper, scales well, and seems to hold up in the game, but it is very "mathy" and not necessarily intuitive because you can't always guess a target's Damage Threshold simply by looking at them (as opposed to armor types, which are usually visually apparent). We will continue to experiment with this to see how it feels in the long run. Our goals are to provide tactical challenges to the player and give them to feedback and tools to adapt and overcome when they're in a difficult spot. UI Design - Tim and I have been talking about our user interfaces recently. We want to make sure that we improve the functionality of the original designs without completely losing the feeling of those interfaces. One thing we want to avoid is making the UI too "minimalist". We don't want it to feel bloated, of course, but we also recognize that the IE games had "solid" interfaces. They looked like they were made of materials -- wood, stone, and metal -- and had substance to them. When you look at the interfaces for the IE games, they help immerse you in each setting. We'd like to do the same for Project Eternity. Functionally, we're using Icewind Dale II as our starting point. We've been looking at inventory recently. Tim and I have designed a system that uses three types of gear storage: equipment, top of pack (this name may change!), and stash. Equipment is what your characters are currently using and have ready to use. This includes weapon sets that you can swap between during combat. "Top of pack" is a finite amount of gear that you can access outside of combat for a variety of purposes: replenishing consumables, checking out a shiny new sword you picked up a while back, etc. The top of pack cannot be accessed during combat, but is present as a strategic pool of items that you can access while exploring. The stash is where all of the "other stuff" goes: things you aren't using, items you want to sell, and various doo-dads you'll be looking at later. When you find gear, you have the option of placing it wherever you'd like as long as there's room for it. You can use it immediately, put it in your top of pack, or just chuck it in the stash. Once an object is in the stash, you can access it at camps, your home, and similar locations. We've created this division of inventory space to add strategy to your gear loadout decisions instead of having a weight limit, while also allowing flexibility for backup equipment. Most importantly, it doesn't prevent you from doing what adventurers love to do most: loot everything they find that isn't bolted down. Core Four Class Design and Advancement - We want our classes to feel familiar but flexible, so we've designed our "core four" (fighter, priest, rogue, wizard) to reflect traditional D&D roles and allow you to build outside of them. In our current design, each of the classes starts with two active use or modal abilities and one passive bonus. Fighter Defender (Mode) - In the Defender mode, fighters' melee attack rates decrease while their melee defenses increase. This is a particularly useful mode to enter when a fighter is blocking a route of attack to protect other party members. Surge - This active ability allows fighters to rapidly regenerate Stamina for a short period of time. Melee Accuracy - Fighters have inherent skill with melee weapons that is reflected by a small accuracy bonus. Priest 1st Level Priest Spells - Priests gain access to all 1st level priest spells. Priests can cast a fixed number of 1st level spells before they must rest to recover their uses. They can cast any combination of different spells up to the per-rest limit. As priests gain levels, their 1st level spells will eventually become per-encounter resources. Recovery - The Recovery ability regenerates a modest amount of Stamina for allies (including the priest, if in range) in a Medium-sized area at Short range. Sacred Circle - All allies standing within a Small area around the priest gain Accuracy bonus. This bonus does not include the priest unless there are no conscious allies in range, in which case it applies to the priest. Rogue Escape - The rogue may hop a short distance away and all hostiles lose him or her as a direct target for 3 seconds. After the 3 seconds are up, enemies can target the rogue normally. Reversal - Reversal prepares the rogue for the next melee attack against him or her. When it hits, the rogue takes reduced damage and instantly rolls to the opposite side of the target and executes a powerful melee attack. This will even allow rogues to move past enemies that are fully blocking a path. Sneak Attack - This damage bonus applies whenever the rogue "flanks" an enemy or when the rogue is hidden from an enemy. Flanking means that the rogue is within a short distance of the target and on the "opposite" side of that enemy from an adjacent ally. Wizard 1st Level Wizard Spells - Wizards can access all 1st level wizard spells immediately. Unlike other wizard spell levels, the wizard does not need to find scrolls or grimoires to use any 1st level spells. Wizards can cast a fixed number of 1st level spells before they must rest to recover their uses. They can cast any combination of different spells up to the per-rest limit. As wizards gain levels, their 1st level spells will eventually become per-encounter resources. Blast - When wizards use any implement (i.e. a wand, rod, or scepter), they generate a Blast on the target. The Blast does a modest amount of damage to all enemies in a Small area around the target (excluding the target). Familiar - All wizards can summon and dismiss familiars. Familiars are mobile "totems" for the wizard, providing defensive bonuses to allies near them and inflicting defensive penalties to enemies near them. Players can also access the master's spell list through the familiar, though casting a spell through the familiar still requires the master to physically cast it; it's simply targeted from the familiar. Familiars are weak and fragile. If a familiar is killed, the wizard takes damage and is unable to summon his or her familiar until he or she rests again. As players advance their characters, they have the ability to choose class-specific abilities and more class-neutral talents (more like perks or feats) to customize their character capabilities. If you want to keep your fighters very low maintenance, there are a large number of passive fighter abilities and combat-oriented talents that you can buy. If you'd like to make a fighter that's much more "active-use" (more like a 4E fighter), you can choose to buy more modal and active abilities. Similarly, while all wizards gain additional spells, you can use talents to boost a wizard's damage with implement weapons and Blasts, making them more useful when you're not having them chain-cast a series of limited-use spells. The same also applies to skills, which are used for a variety of non-combat purposes. All classes start out with bonuses in the skills that their classes most commonly use, but players can choose to reinforce or play against that top. If you want to make a paladin who delights in picking locks, you can do that and get a lot of utility out of the skill -- though the character will never be quite as good as a rogue who specializes in it. We hope that these approaches use the strengths of a "role-ready" class system while allowing players a large amount of helpful flexibility in how they develop characters over a (hopefully) long and fruitful adventuring career. That's all for this week, and this year! We'll be back in January with more details on what we're up to and where we're going in the months to come. Thanks for reading! Update from Josh Sawyer
  18. Paladin - Male Priest - Female Wizard or Sorceror - Male Witch or Sorceress - Female Barbarian - Male Amazon - Female Now, these would be the same in skill set and such, but it could imply lore into the classes. Meaning you could have a frenzied Male Barbarian throwing spears like an Amazon. Likewise, having a strong Female Amazon that you play like a close combat Barbarian. Barbazon Mainly about Barbarians, but I see them as stemming from some sort of Barbaric culture (bandits and vikings). Orcs are an excellent example at a "civilized" strand of Barbarians in my opinion. "Stronghold" in Heroes of Might & Magic as well. An established Barbarian society. I've always viewed the women of these tribal Barbarian settlements as something less masculine, namely something more akin to Amazon. The hunters of the strong and proud male dominated Lion pack. Unisex, but: Barbarian Fighter or Soldier? The rest of the classes feel to me pretty unisex. Fighter doesn't really say "Male/Female" about it, but it could be a part of the aforementioned Barbaric culture. Unless "Fighter" gets a different title, such as "Squire" or "Soldier" or whatever else is fitting the role of the Fighter in the world. About Squire: I absolutely love the feature in the original Final Fantasy for the NES, when you meet Bahamut for the very first time and it's "Oh snap". Then you do a long quest for the Rat's Tail, which you then return and you become "Knighted" (Fighter becomes Knight). Can Factions help you grow in status among the people? Or hide from their sight? What's the difference between the Barbarian and the Fighter and what is it that makes the Fighter a Fighter and the Barbarian a Barbarian? Wizitch Wizard and Witch, to me, feel pretty granted as is. A female "Wizard" does, however, sound a bit odd. The skillset wouldn't differ between the two, only their titles. And whenever "Class" is mentioned it accounts gender as well in dialogue? So the result becomes "Witch" instead of "Wizard" if you have a female "Wizard". The same goes for Barbarian/Amazon, they would both have the same tools as the other in terms of character building. Palaest Paladin and Priest, would not be the same skillset (A Paladin is a Paladin, a Priest is a Priest), but only female can be Priest and only male can be Paladin. I'd like to advocate for dialogue options if you create a female Paladin, meaning it wouldn't be "off limits" at character creation, but lore-wise for your own party it could be something interesting. With few male Priests in the world, having one in your party is like having a Paladin "defect" perhaps. Trash, in their "Glorious" eyes, even if you can woop their ass right on the spot. Of course, reputation should play a big part too. Thoughts?
  19. What kind of weapon types should the game mechanics allow us? Should characters be able to use same size weapons like katana and long sword or off hand weapons should be smaller in size? Also, should the game restrict us to use different types of weapons like you will not be able to use long sword as main and flail as off hand weapon? What's your opion and choices?
  20. Copy+Paste from here. Felt it needed its own topic. "In the current design"
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