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  1. My specs: 5800x, 6800, 32gb memory. I have framerates capped at 144 and have vsync both in game and in AMD software. Despite this, Outer worlds seems to ignore all these settings during dialogue face to face with any character and when im in the menu, my gpu will them suddenly ramp up in gpu usage at 99-100% with fans at full blast before causing freezing or green screen pc restarts. This makes me unable to go further with the game without fear of damaging my gpu. Is there any suggestions in how to fix this? I cannot find information anywhere except turning on vsync or adding frame limiter.
  2. Right now, I am playing a melee Wiz with 14/8/10/15/16/15 base stats, and I - for the first time - defeated Raedric at party level 4. Lots of resting in the castle, but still, really powerful. Got me thinking, what other classes/builds make for great talkers that are also combatitive on PotD.
  3. So, I wonder if I'd actually just shoot myself in the foot focusing my build decision partially around the amount of dialogue options the game offers. I am quite fixated on Ciphers and Priests for that reason, but normally I would prefer to go for a martial class in games (Ranger or Paladin mostly, but here a Monk seems quite intriguing as well).
  4. Xbox One Game Pass player, just launched the game and every dialogue option has a bracketed number before it. I didn’t see an option to remove this in the ui settings. Is this a bug?
  5. So I'm doing his main quest to retrieve his data from the outlaws. I betrayed Cassandra after agreeing to help her but shot her in the back. Also got Porter to leave peacefully. I'm trying to either turn in the data to Anton or keep it, however as I'm roleplaying as a total d-bag, I want to convince Anton to kill himself. However I don't get the persuade options that other players seem to get, despite my persuade skill being 50+. And I keep reloading to different points trying to remedy this, and I either gain certain dialogue options but lose others? Like I can't seem to tell him about the " Black marks and paperwork " in response to Jameson's death in one save, but in another I can. Like wth is happening? My stats are high enough and I've been a jerk to him the entire time, what's going on?
  6. Bug : Minor When the main character ask this question to Fleet Master Okaya at Sayuka, her answers are looped and not arrange properly. The question is "Why are you here in particular?"
  7. Go to Fort Dunnage. Enter the King's Coffin and talk with NPC Elias Zelen. He will tell you about his story. The options provided for a player is 1) respond something and 2) [Listen]. If you just choose [Listen], you will notice that his story jumps here and there. Some of dialogue that should be there is skipped. This kind of work is sloppy. If you just do not want a player to click on "unfinished" option, please just make sure that only one option available. There is no need to put more option if you do not work on it properly.
  8. Hopefully there are helpful people still reading this forum and there's a known fix for this. I am trying to complete Act 2, but I cannot get an invitation to attend the Animancy Hearing. I've read a variety of possible bad scenarios, but here's my specific one... Save file was too big to put on this site, but the other files are attached here. All files can be found on Dropbox here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lhqgwd8bt48hkz0/Pillars%20of%20Eternity%20files.zip?dl=0 I'd prefer not to have to "burn bridges" to get around this if at all possible (if that would even work). Commander Clive is not giving me a dialog option to ask for an invitation to the Animancy Hearings. No one else is giving me an invitation either. - I have Champion reputation with House Doemenel (HD) and Knights of the Crucible (KC), Hero with Defiance Bay, and Eccentric with The Dozen (TD). - For HD, I completed A Two Story Job, but did not pick up The Changing of the Guard. - For TD, I completed Rogue Knight, but did not pick up The Bronze Beneath the Lake. - I aligned with KC by completing Built to Last and Winds of Steel. If it matters, Aranroed survived our encounter with TD at Anslog's Compass and left afterwards as far as I know. I killed all the forge knights, and I told Clive to keep working on them. - For The Hermit of Hadret House, my current journal entry states: --- "Lady Webb has asked me to keep her informed... --- I told Lady Webb about the Leaden Key's work in Heritage Hill. --- After running across Thaos in Brackenbury Sanitarium, ..." Commander Clive currently says: He smiles warmly. "What may I do for you?" And I can reply with: - "You're in charge of the Crucible Knights?" - "Tell me about the Knights of the Crucible." Lady Webb currently says: "How fares your search?" And I can reply with: - "There is something I can tell you about Leaden Key's operation." > "Nevermind" (I already told her about Heritage Hill and Brackenbury Sanitarium.) - Three questions about Thaos. - A question about Leaden Key. - "I have other questions." > 5 more questions
  9. This only happened as of 5.0, as far as I can tell. This isn't much of a laptop, but I do get slowdown and audio distortion during dialogue -- Woedica's book, Eothas at Hasongo, the gods speaking to you at sea. It's odd because I don't have the same problems in-game, ie. the parts where I'd expect to see the most issues.
  10. Hi, Maia has a speech bubble on her portrait ("Maia wants to talk to you!") but no new dialogue once the conversation is started. I tried reloading, traveling to a different map and restarting the game, nothing worked. Here's my savegame file (with the speech bubble), I've uploaded it to Dropbox since it's too big to attach. Output log and dxdiag are attached below. I'd appreciate any help you can offer! DxDiag.txt output_log.txt
  11. Just saw that Maia's dialogue triggers even if she is not in party and was wondering if there is a way to replicate this behavior This commands from this list sound related, but i am an ignorant on the matter and may have nothing to do with it Void PartyMemberToActiveParty(Guid) Void SetCompanionConversationsEnabled(Boolean) Void TriggerTopic(Guid, Guid, Guid, Boolean) If no with this, any other way?
  12. Talking to Izzy in perikki's blacksmith and asking her what she's doing leaves you with no possible reply effectively locking the game.
  13. I managed to get Aloth's disposition to -1 and dialogue for that did not trigger at all. After that I lowered his disposition to -2 but the dialogue for -1 disposition was triggered (the one with the inevitable "but"). Version, save file just after the dialogue https://www.dropbox.com/s/47hgtachq3qlkan/Phargott%20%28KahangaPalace%29%20%28c11e5e69-e41d-49f6-9e9f-93a5fead378a%29%20%28918582860%29.savegame?dl=0 Screenshot:
  14. POTD difficulty, trial of iron, solo playtrough. This guy started to talk to me as i stepped in the range of his totems in stealth. Didn't notice them before Conselhaut caught me in his best trap ever, made of a deadly totem and a lack of pause during the dialogues. During the dialogue, my character seems to have died from the totem effect, continiously doing whatever it does. After dialogue ended, i have a map full of fog of war, no characters and no game over message. I can save and load this state of the game, and I have a dead save file. I don't think that supposed to happen. To repeat the bug you just need to go to this encounter, get in range of totems while in stealth and talk to Concelhaut. Your character will die while in dialogue and you will get the result. Here is my save file - https://www.dropbox.com/s/9e3nglttwokxvun/Zerral%20%28c70d0256-241e-444b-9489-9879381787d6%29%20trialofiron.savegame?dl=0
  15. This is a really minor bug, but from a role-playing sense seems important. At the end of the Storms of Poko Kohara quest, when you're inside the corrupted adra, you are talking to the souls there and you can try to convince some of them to leave before fighting. There's one dialogue tree where you try to explain that there's nothing divine here. One of the choices, for example, is to show them Beza's Pages. Another is unlocked, in part, if you're a Priest: Magran. (See screenshot below) Only problem is that this Priest: Magran option is a "diplomatic" option, and "diplomatic" is a disfavored reputation for a magranite priest. It seems like an oversight and an error that being a magranite priest opens up an option that Magran herself would disapprove of. It should probably not be a diplomatic option, or it should not be unlocked as a possible option for a magranite priest. Here's a dropbox link to a save right before the dialogue in question: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/di7yxu0zeps0abm/AAA_eXgWHivZTQtpf1RsbN3ta?dl=0
  16. If you put a character in stealth mode and move to the shelf or npc you want to steal from, regardless if spotted, you'll easily pickpocket without much effort. How? Just pick another character and start a dialogue with any character in the map. Upon starting a dialogue, the cone of view / range of alertness is reset for any character, not only for the interlocutor, so you can just wait the alertness to drop, end conversation, pause the game, steal. Make sense if this work only on the interlocutor: you distract him/her so the lose of alertness can be a thing, but distracting someone from the other side of the map and steal between 3+ cone of view without points in stealth (you just need to be fast to pause the game at the end of dialogues) is a bit too much Edit. Sorry, already reported in this topic: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/100374-bug-npcs-stop-observing-you-during-dialog/
  17. Currently, Maia and Tekehu's romance dialogues start very early. Roughly, it only takes three or four disposition "points" (as indicated by the dialogue screen of them approving) for them to proposition the Watcher; Disposition level 1 is not even required.
  18. When you click on the dialogue choices, often it will "double-click" and bypass some of the dialogue options. It happens most frequently when the only dialogue option is "Continue" but happens otherwise as well. The only way to figure out what it is you have auto-clicked is to check the scrolling dialogue history in the lower right hand corner of the map screen. So far it has not made for any major bad choices chosen unintentionally, but it is annoying and may make a choice that one normally would not have made. It would be much appreciated if that were corrected. It was a problem in the later Beta version as well but not the earlier ones.
  19. In the Kraken Tavern no one has dialogue except the barkeep (guards/cook etc say or do nothing when clicked.) Also choices from PoE1 don't seem to be taken into account (Eder joined Night Market? Didn't become Mayor like in my PoE ending?) Anyone else having these issues? Couldn't see them on here. Thanks!
  20. I personally like black humor, sarcasm, irony and absurdities. Those usually fit games with a more serious tone and i think they would fit PoE2 too. PoE1 was quite lacking in that department in my opinion so i am curious if there is more in PoE2. A world with magic and technology certainly provides enough eventualities to include some. Ambitious experiments that go horribly wrong, magical rituals that end in disaster, hopes and dreams that get crushed or turn out in an unexpected manner. Is there any of that or should there be none of that ?
  21. Playing all the previous Obsidian games, one thing that is painful.... partial audio recording of in-game dialogue. It is VERY PAINFUL to have a dialogue that is only partially recorded. I just went through one set of dialogue actions and only the VERY LAST line of dialogue was recorded. Please, either do not record any dialogue for your new Deadfire game... or record ALL OF IT.
  22. So my female Wizard says "Can't move now!" after disarming traps successfully. Of course she can move. This is a wrongly triggered statement.
  23. Two separate issues: 1. Zahua seems to be missing a line of dialogue during his introduction as seen here. 2. "The Wax Maker" Stronghold adventure seems to display the text for a different adventure and "No events currently pending" probably shouldn't display while an event is currently pending.
  24. Hello there! I am experiences very frequent game freezes that are about 0,5-3 sec long when the game loads up audio or dialogue assets (at least that is how it seems). Game runs very smoothly on high graphical, high strain settings and performs flawlessly when for example playing large multi-enemy fights were several high graphic settings spell animations are flung all over the screen. However, when doing simple tasks like talking to random NPC:s in town, the game very frequently gets these freezes. The screen freezes after clicking on an NPC and after the ''loading'' time is over, the dialogue pops up. This happens both during dialogues that are text-only and dialogues that include audio files for NPC speech, altough the freezes may be longer for those that include audio files and often happen between every click on the continue button in the dialogue menu then). Sometimes, the game even freezes when walking past random NPC:s in (any) towns that say som gossip when passing by, causing text to pop up over their heads (like ''Welcome stranger to our town!'' or similar). Note that audio does not stutter after loading, it just causes the game to freeze for a few secs and then runs. Never happens with atmospheric/environment sounds, only dialogues. It has been like this all the time I have had Pillars of eternity. Strangely enough, the issue seems to be much less obvious when creating a new char and running through Act 1 a second time, as if the game now knows where some assets are located and loads them faster or something. I am running the Steam version, latest update, on an ASUS G501JW-CN030H laptop. The laptop is less than a month old. It came preinstalled with windows 8,1 and I immediately updated to Windows 10 (64 bit) after purchase. Running on Windows 10 since then. Drivers for graphics card, sound card and network are updated to latest versions. I am, of course, running the game with power cable plugged in (not battery mode). Other speccs include: 16 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M, Intel Core i7-4720HQ processor. My computer has 3 different save drives. The OS and I think PoE save files are on an C drive SSD (the user windows folder is there, where the save files are), while PoE and all other Steam files are on D drive HDD. I do not have and never had Hamachi installed. Here are some fixes I have tried already after googling on the issue, without success: Updating all relevant computer drivers Reinstalling the game, several times (always to D drive HDD) Running PoE in administrator mode Disabling anti-aliasing, both through the slider option all the way to the left and through NVIDIA control panel Lowering resolution significantly Deleting the player portrait folder (seemed to work for some people who have had similar issues previous game versions) Disabling all network devices through control panel and running Steam in offline mode All the above at the same time Attaching some files, as to the ''How to report an issue'' topic. Save files are too large to attach even after zipping, sadly, but it is the same everywhere in the game. Thankful for any help you can offer. Troubleshoot.zip
  25. When talking to NPCs in PoE, there are two types of dialogue. 1. Bold white text to signify spoken words. 2. Grey text to signify emotions, mannerisms, expressions, etc. Problem: Many times the grey text is so long that I either have to read it while trying to listen to the spoken words (difficult and not immersive), or pay attention to the spoken words and go back and read the grey text (pointless because dialogue is chronological and those actions would have already taken place). It makes it difficult to really imagine the character's motives and intentions. Solution: I think it would benefit the story AND the game play if we had the option to manually advance the dialogue. Specifically, spoken dialogue would not automatically trigger after grey text until the player chose it to. This would give us time to read the expressions of the NPC and allow us to better imagine the nature of the character's emotions before the words were spoken.
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