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Found 5 results

  1. I'm playing through Pillars of Eternity for the first time (a little late to the party but alas I'm enjoying it) and I want to make sure I'm not making a game-ruining mistake here. I've decided that I'm going to side with the Crucible Knights this time through so while I was progressing "Rogue Knight" I traded Penhelm his Affidavit in return for Osric's Breastplate, only to discover that this version gives me the Quest Item Breastplate and not the equipable version. I then went to talk to Osric but there was no option for me to keep the Breastplate for myself so it seems like the only way to keep the Plate and keep Penhelm alive is to kill Osric and fail the quest. I saved and tested this, and I did get the equipable variant of the Plate but turned the entire Dozens faction hostile which led me to slaughter them all (gaining Cloudpiercer in the process) and before progressing even further I just want to make sure that this won't completely screw me over later if I wasn't planning on siding with them anyway. (Off-topic; after getting hooked on PoE I wanted to create an account for these forums only to realise that I'd actually created one back in 2013 and had completely forgotten about it. So this isn't technically my first post, but I'd consider it to be.)
  2. Hello, Can't get the hearing invitation from the Crucible Knights albeit doing all the quests. Can't progress discussion with Lady Webb, she doesn't even offer the failed all 3 option. Thanks for looking into this.
  3. Hello, I have an issue with the "Winds of Steel" quest. The forge knights don't turn hostile upon coming back to Crucible Keep to report. I'm returning to Commander Clyver after delivering the research to Aranroed in Anslög's Compass. You can see what happens on the screenshots below: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/53fx03dilwlzqci/AAC80e1FJ8hOPeTgjp4diXupa?dl=0 Forge Knights obviously killed everybody, battle music starts when entering the Crucible Keep, but the constructs still remain friendly. Commander is still alive, but doesn't want to speak until Forge Knights are dealt with. Leaving Crucible Keep cleans the bodies lying outside and the forge knight outside also disappears. Here is the save file: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v8n9k7kkpb56m5c/AAALOAHURiUgeDCWJ_8gZaO7a?dl=0 Can I manually turn them hostile and finish the quest? Thank you.
  4. Hey everyone. I bought Pillars of Eternity from Steam about a month ago and I'm almost fifty hours into the game. I'm loving it, however I've come across what I think is a bug that has hindered my progress. In the quest "The Hermit of Hadret House", I've been asked by Lady Webb to join one of the three factions of Defiance Bay as a representative to go to that animancy hearing. I only did one quest for the Dozens, I did nothing for those other guys (forget their names) and I did all the quests for the Crucible Knights and became an honorary member of that faction. I spoke to the leader and he said that I could go to the hearing on the Crucible Knights' behalf and my journal entry has stated the same thing. Unfortunately when I return to Lady Webb to give her an update on the situation, the only dialogue option I get is that I've burned all the bridges to the three factions and cannot get any of their help. Lady Webb can still help me but... it's the least ideal situation as I would prefer to do this through the Knights. I've heard others are experiencing similar issues. The recent big patch doesn't seem to rectify this. Is there a fix or any way to resolve this? Sadly, I can't explore any more of the game until I go through with this mission (I read some spoilers online that in order to further progress my travels, I have to finish this quest). Thoughts?
  5. Basically it concerns not being able to accept further quests from the crucible knights just from accepting the second the dozens quest. more info in these links, here and here Developer chimed in indicating a fix with 1.04, but it seems from beta people and patch notes that the fix is not included. Is it possible to get an update on the fix, and might we see it in 1.04 yet? Sorry about getting all demandy, but I've depleted all other activities, I really don't wanna side with the dozens and I'm getting sort of antsy
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