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  1. I had this posted in the general forum, since I didn't think it was a bug, but now I'm thinking it might be. While I can't reproduce it, I do have the saved games from both before and after. They're about an hour apart (real time), unfortunately. Anyhow, there's this white box next to Durance, like he has an affliction. You can see the effect in the 2nd image: I've camped twice and rested at an inn once with zero change to Durance's status. His health and endurance are at max. At an inn, I swapped Durance with another NPC and the white box went away, seemingly fixing the issue. Finally, here are the saved games: Before affliction: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rimt3gm0yzadvp6/82c73861fd2444259c74a291ec9de281%2012753423%20GreatHall.savegame?dl=0 After affliction: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a677h1nqg7ax2zb/82c73861fd2444259c74a291ec9de281%2012879714%20MagransFork.savegame?dl=0 UPDATE: I've edited the post--deleting the irrelevant parts--because I originally blamed some of Durance's stats on the white box bug, but found out that the stats were unaffected. To the best of my knowledge, the post is now 100% accurate.
  2. Hello Obsidian team, the bug I encountered is as follows: After leaving the cave at the start of the game, I looted Heodan's body and put the Potion of Minor Regeneration I found on him in my quick item slot. I then saved. When reloading said save, the potion is gone from the quick items and is nowhere else to be found either. This is reproducible and occurs both with quicksaves/-loads as well as manual ones. Here is a linked zip file file with a save where I haven't looted his body yet and one that I made after looting and putting the potion into the quick item slot. That second save obviously will have the potion missing. It also includes the output log file as well as DXDiag. I hope the information is sufficient and that you can find as well as fix the bug. Thank you for an amazing game.
  3. I have only been able to get it to proc once with single handed versus a teammate. It has never triggered during combat. This thread (https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84499-vent-pick/?hl=%2Bvent+%2Bpick) talked about it as well but I don't know if they filed a bug report so here it is.
  4. Hello, after installing the white march part 2 und the first patch for it, I played till I get the sabre purgatory. In the past it was bugged, in that if you enchant it with a burning leash, the bonus damage would apply, but the burning effect would not show in game. This happened to me already in vanilla POE. I have put up three save in dropbox, one before the fight to get the saber, one after getting it and one after enchanting it. After enchanting my Main Char holds it. No burning effect is seen. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hjiea8nglyfvcah/185fdc2241b44a058438d722f38cc794%2023202281%20BloodSands.savegame?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/pqtbfjwg5ccei2q/185fdc2241b44a058438d722f38cc794%2023204426%20BloodSands.savegame?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ea8qlyzr2lmkr96/185fdc2241b44a058438d722f38cc794%2023204572%20BloodSands.savegame?dl=0 Also, I got the mob at around level 7, and decided to fight the noble right away at yenwood field. After I defeated him, whenever an attack on my stronghold occurs which I try to solve manually, the mob reappears, but nothing happens if I speak to the marshal.
  5. In battle, Itumaak is moving incredible slow, probably at half speed. Out of battle, moves completely normal. I've had the new 3.01 patch for a bit and it didn 't happen until recently, last couple days. Tried restarting game, removing her from party, resting, nothing works.
  6. Hi, today i have tryed to start game with new patch and DLC White March 2 but game could not load early saves. Also cannot start new game. save and output log
  7. Hello I started a new game with White March #1 and #2 installed All has been going well until yesterday, when I can no longer pick things up Any clicking on loot has no effect I have three save games with this problem, and no earlier ones without it It started after leaving the Salty Mast and accosted by the Harrassing Thugs I can still loot crates, boxes etc., just not pick up loot from corpses Anyone seen this before?
  8. Description: I just updated my GOG version to 3.01 (primarily to fix the "Marshall won't give me the offer to hire mercenaries for 10000cp" bug) Now, I cannot load any saved games I get a windows crash screen, offering me to close the program, search online for fix and close, or debug The second two do nothing more than the first e.g. closing the program I looked at the log, it said that 'sharedassets164.assets' is corrupted, so I downloaded the GOG corrupted saved games hotfix, to overwrite sharedassets164.assets Same problem Steps to Reproduce the Issue: Load any savegame Important Files: Link to dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com/s/8xnn3ujd73jd9iv/crash.zip?dl=0 Savegames In the zip file Output Log This seems to be the problem The file 'C:/GOG Games/Pillars of Eternity/PillarsOfEternity_Data/sharedassets164.assets' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again! Rest of the output log is in the zip file System Specs In the zip file Screenshots
  9. Hello.In stronghold screen when i click hirelings menu it says under every hireling "currently unpaid" despite having plenty of coin .after i fire them then rehire them text dissapears.But if i quit the game and then load the same save,it says "currently unpaid" again.Also guest hirelings dissapears for good if i fire them but their bonuses stays.Not sure about the last part when i fire a regular hireling stronghold's prestige and security drops but when i fire a guest hireling there is no change.So either their bonuses doesnt apply or stack even after i dissmis them.Secondly after my companions return from off screen adventures text in the stronghold screen suggest there are some rewards in the treasury but it is always empty.Sorry for english it is not my first language.
  10. When casting Flames of Devotion on my Paladin while wielding Abydon's Hammer ( fully upgraded ) the attack dosn't deal ANY burn or corrode damage ( Bleak Walker ). Works perfectly fine when using Tidefall for example.
  11. In this save, if I turn in two unrelated quests "supply and demand" and then turn in "Brave Derrin" I'll only advance one stronghold turn for the first quest. If I reverse the order, then I am rewarded a stronghold turn for each quest. These quests are not related, so I'm not sure the order should matter? I've noticed other missed turns as well, as I try do all my turn ins for the end of the week so I can hire cheap guards to increase revenue and max chance for positive events, but notice I was miscalculating the # of turns I would get -- turns out it was just skipping quests sometimes. Edit: Not sure you're getting my save, its 2.2mb. Default uploader won't do it (1 MB max), tried using your basic one, not getting an error message, but don't see an attachment either.
  12. getting a bug at the end credits explaining the after story when it get's to defining your Caed Nua and dose not continue after. No text dialog is up on the top lefty hand corner like the other parts/ Already tried installing and reinstalling. Is this a common bug any way get around or fix it. I want play act 2 but game needs be finished. ..
  13. Wall of Force http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Wall_Of_Force In fact it damaging allies.
  14. On attempting to do the alternative entry options to Raedric's Hold (Sewer and Vines) the game does not open what I assume is the standard interaction dialogue screen but instead pastes a description in the chat log with no option to respond to it. Beyond this doing this seems to permanently disable saving until you reload and similarly stops you from interacting with any other dialogue box spawning object. Reloading the save and going back to it, loading a save in the zone and resting all do not fix the issue making them permanently uninteractable in my save.
  15. Hi, as the topic says: I can't either loot the bodies of the Thugs close to the "Salty Mast" [Quest: Supply and Demand] nor close to the chest in the southeast [Task: Clandestine Cargo], so I cannot go on with each Quest. My Version of the Game is: PoE - Without any Addons Steam Version 3.00.967 Windows 7 (64Bit) Language: English I use 1 Mod for SweetFX: Neutral Shaders of Eternity http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/13/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fpillarsofeternity%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D13%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D2722319&pUp=1 output_log.txt
  16. I'm really enjoying this game, but I've encountered: a bug where some of the music and sound effects do not play during the opening cutscene. a bug where at the very beginning of the game, when first being introduced to the player's character, the sound bytes are slightly delayed. I have game capture of the video, but it's ~5MB so I can't upload it to this forum. I've not experienced any other issues so far, sound or otherwise, but will report if I find more. Thanks!
  17. Hello I searched the forums and I couldn't find another reported issue like this, so here it is. After a fresh install of PoE (3.0), WMI (3.0) and WMII from GOG and loading a save game from a previous installation of POE+WMI updated to the most recent patch before 3.0 release, my main character lacks acurracy bonus from being a wizard. I'm attaching a screenshot showing that this issue affects combat and not only what is displayed in character sheet. Save game and logs are here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yj4t7tsnohg24bc/pillars-bug%20report.zip?dl=0
  18. Started a new play through today, and having cleared the exterior of Cead Nua, but prior to clearing the Great Hall I noticed the new zone "Yenwood Field". Cool! I thought to myself, and went there right away. As it turned out, there was nothing there except a large number of very angry looking people, so I left without a fight. I headed back to Cead Nua, where to my surprise I was on the wrong side of the barbican. So, nothing to do but head on out and come from the Black March side I thought... But instead, noticing that Woodend Plains was now an available travel destination from the south side of Cead Nua, I headed on down there, grabbed Sagani for my party, and went on through the Aedelwan Bridge into Copperlane - at which point I believe I received the quest "A Call to Court". Now here's the problem - I had not at this point cleared the Cead Nua Great Hall. So now when I aggro the undead in the Great Hall, the first thing they do is rush over and annihilate the quest NPC for "A Call to Court" leading to quest failure. No chance of my catching them prior to his demise as far as I can tell. So this quest NPC could be moved to the doorway of the Great Hall in future builds, possibly? Also, I am not sure why Yenwood Field is open for travel at this point in the game, possible bug? I would post this in the bugs forum, but I don't see a bugs forum, so I'll post this to general in the hopes that a kind mod will move it if appropriate.
  19. The Bartenders ring to be found in the storage room of The Goose and Fox in Defiance Bay has *missing itemmods* instead of two enchantments when hoovering over it. My game version is (gog.com), so it might be an already fixed bug.
  20. Here is the question. When I came into a castle, there was a weapon called Whisper of Yenwood. When I used my warrior to pick it up, I couldn't find it in my inventory. I tried to select other characters to do this but failed again. I guess same situation occurred several times during the game.
  21. Have found a bug with wizard grimoire switching in the recent beta patch (Feb 5). After the patch, wizard grimoires in quick item slots seem to be invisible and unselectable, meaning that my wizards can no longer switch grimoires in combat. If a grimoire is the only item in the quick item slots, the bag icon is NOT greyed out but mousing over it reveals an empty background plate. Adding extra items makes those items available, but still no grimoire, not even an empty space. Very annoying I must say. Tried everything to fix it. Started a new game, same problem. Messed around with graphics settings, reloaded old saves, even reinstalled the game from scratch, but nothing has brought my grimoires back I'm playing on an early 2011 Macbook Pro (I know, I know) running OSX 10.11. Previously had an issue with summoned weapons (having a summoned weapon in hand deleting quick item grimoires when clicked). The previous beta version seemed to fix it, but the most recent has messed it up again. This is the only significant and persistent bug I've run into in ~90 hours of play across multiple versions aside from the grimoire deleting one. Now I'm afraid I'll have to stop my playthrough until the next patch as grimoire switching is so integral to my playstyle (I like to be prepared. Real prepared). Really loving the experience so far and I hope that this issue is resovled so I can get back to it.
  22. I've looked and looked, and according to the interwebs, the Outwarn Buckler is supposed to be at the Tuatanu's shop in Gilded Vale. It is not available for purchase at all. Is this a bug? Or was the item removed in the latest patch? I do have 3 Paladins in my party, I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
  23. I'm at the cinematic where Mira is cornered by Hanharr under the Jekk Jekk Tar. The cinematic plays and as it goes to black to transition to the fight the game gets an error and stops working, causing a crash to desktop. I've seen a similar thread from before about this bug where the problem was caused by corrupt save files that were found using KSE. I have been trying to do this but I'm not skilled enough using KSE. If someone could use KSE to find the corruption in my save files I would be very grateful. Link to save files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x4piqn1bc454n7y/AABL0xMyLRR7d6IaXsJQ8qW_a?dl=0 Thanks for any help.
  24. Hello, this is the second time I found a hidden item (in purple on the screenshot) that doesn't come into focus on mouseover (frame around the item) resulting on me not being able to pick it up. I tried switching scouting on permanently, no change. Shutting down the game and reloading also does not change this behaviour. So my mechanics skill must be high enough as I discovered the item but I still can't pick it up. This happened after the drake fight in Searing Falls Cave. Moving to the coin pile, toggling scouting on reveals both the normal item which looks like a vase and the hidden square-ish purple item below it. While the normal item can be pillaged the hidden item does not change on mouseover and it can't be picked up which is annyoing as hell as I read that it contains one of the two best 2H swords in the game. I'd attach savegames, log files, etc if it weren't for the 507KB file size limitation... I'm running POE on a desktop PC, Win10, 8GB RAM, HD4600 graphics card, Intel i5 CPU.
  25. My character keeps spawning in weird places on maps where she shouldn't be able to spawn, sometimes even in the black void beyond the realm of these maps. I initially encountered this in Magran's Fork where my character spawned in the trees and I couldn't move, though other actions were still permitted. As I'm an avid solo ironman player there's no save to go back to so the 2 times this happened to me - and I haven't been able to quit and reload the game, which fixes the issues, but only sometimes - I've had to restart from the beginning. Only today it's constantly happening, so I looked it up and found out someone else was having the same issue and they were told to verify integrity of game cache. I did this and it snatched my character from the middle of nowhere and plopped her down right where she's supposed to spawn... However, every time I load into a new area it keeps happening, over and over again. It's the same spots on the same maps every time and I can never move my character. Sometimes quitting fixes it, other times it simply doesn't. It's getting to the point where it's unplayable which is a real shame. I'm playing on steam, by the way.
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