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Posts posted by Nosgoth

  1. Only 3 CTDs

    One when loading a new area and two when an ingame cutscene was supposed to start (Not bad for 20-30 hours)


    Performance issue when skipping title logos, solved by letting them play


    AMD 2500+ Barton

    512MB DDR 400 - 2x256

    GeForce FX 5600 Ultra - 67.65

    SBLive 5.1 with last available drivers

  2. I had the exact same problem


    First time I played I watched all the intro films and performance was good

    All the rest of the time the performance was really bad, even on the menu screen it was really slow.

    I don't want to watch the intro movies again and again so I was always skipping them, it crossed my mind that it could be the Obsidian movie but that didn't seem very likely so I didn't bother until I read this


    100% fixed all performance issues, title screen is nice, so is ingame

    I thought it might be my FX5600U as it's a bit lacking when it comes to PS


    I now run with AA and AF, even with both these on it runs better than it does if I skip the Obsidian movie and have AA and AF turned off


    It seems to have something to do with whatever they use to show the movies, they always stutter a couple of times and if I skip the ship travelling to a different planet movies I lose all sound effects until I leave the ship and it loads a new area



    (I used to get similar performance problems with Hitman3, esp the title screen, maybe it was the same thing)






    AMD 2500+


    GeForce FX 5600 Ultra 67.65

    SBLive 5.1

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