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Posts posted by Minchandre

  1. I am on my first play through and I too just picked up this curse. To be honest it was a while before I realised that my attributes had been quite so harshly hit and then I recall Berath having whispered something to me a couple of hours earlier.


    Knocking a point off all 6 primary attributes is OTT. I was completely unaware that helping a few ghosts on the starter island was going to have such a damaging impact and, worse still, that trying to remove it will take me ages. Yes, I tend to play this type of game quite slowly but I am now 30 hours in and my counter is only reading 3/75 /sigh. My earlier saves have long since been overwritten so that route isn't an option.


    I am currently working my way through the quests & locations on Neketaka Island (L8 Paladin) and would welcome some suggestions as to the best/quickest way to get my counter up to 75 please.


    Thanks i advance.


    It has nothing to do with helping a few ghosts on the starter island.  Remember how you pledged to Berath that you'd return those souls to the Wheel and then you...didn't?  Remember how the Pallid Knight took her due afterwards, reaping travelers at crossroads and taking the aged a little before their time?  Turns out that Berath has a bone to pick with you personally as well.


    Gameplay-wise, it's annoying but hardly crippling.  And the best way to get over it is to find some xaurips and skeletons and whatnot and have your party get them down to almost dead and then have your PC swoop in and end it (assuming your PC isn't a primary damage dealer).

  2. Since there is, as far as we can tell, only one adra dragon in the world, it seems unlikely that all Superb armors require one...more likely, there's alternatives (parts of other dragons, maybe?  The brain of a vithrak elder?  Blood of a powerful ogre mage?).  I also always figured that the thing with the adra dragon scale or sky dragon eye or whatever was a "quick way" to enchant things.  Perhaps there's a longer, more drawn-out system of rituals with lots of apprentices and equipment and 7 days of chanting that can do the job using 10,000 xaurip tongues instead.

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