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Posts posted by Ausir

  1. Ineth, there were manual resolve attacks in the court yard prior to WM1.  I'm 100% certain about that.


    What I think would have been cool is if the devs created 2-3 small areas that were outside of Caed Nua where the player would fight these manual resolve battles.  The areas would be quite small (think "small" as in similar in small size to the random encounter battles in BG1).


    Maybe have them take place in the Yenwood Field?

  2. Modern British English is not really any more similar to Medieval English than modern American English, though. Some older features were better preserved in American English, actually (and some others in British, they're just different modern branches that diverged from the same source). And if it was actual Medieval English, it wouldn't be understandable to the majority of players, as the pronunciation was vastly different.

  3. Well, I know a Romanian girl who learned to speak perfect idiomatic Polish with no accent in just a couple of years of living in Poland.  Romanian and Polish are nothing alike (Romanian being closely related to Italian, French etc.), and Polish is one of the most difficult languages to learn, let alone to master. Do we know how long Sagani has been traveling through Dyrwood and its surrounding lands?

  4. Hell, I've met quite a few Americans myself who mistook me for a native speaker of English too.


    Also, it's not a question of bad voice acting as such. If the devs wanted her to have a foreign accent, they would have specified it in the script, like they probably did for Pallegina. There was nothing jarring about her voice for me, and I've known lots of foreigners who spoke English (or Polish, for that matter) with and without a foreign accent.

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  5. I always found Minsc quite annoying.




    If she was a native of the Dyrwood, this wouldn't be an issue.  BUT SHE ISN'T!  She's a foreigner on a world with multiple languages, and she should have an accent that accentuates her foreignness!


    Or she's good enough with languages that she speaks with no foreign accent when talking in Aedyran? I know quite a few people like that personally, you wouldn't guess that they are not speaking their native language. 

  6. I'm not sure how long it took me to go through the expansions in terms of hours, but they definitely gave me a lot of playtime, much more than the usual DLC these days. Especially when you complete all the side quests and tasks, and not just the main story.




    Actually that raises an important question. Am I correct that each companion has their personal quests as well as specific reactions to people, places, events?


    Yes, you're right. Still, I generally freely exchange the companions from time to time, even if I do have my favorites. 


    It's a fantasy world, it's not as if modern British voices are somehow more appropriate there than American ones.


    Well, i found out very recently (and was quite surprised by that) that unlike we, french people, many not native english speakers or foreign people feel that US accent is the "correct one". i mean it in the way that they are bred with it, used to it, while we are bred with the english one all the way long, and barely ever listen to an american guy speaking. They feel that english accent is weird, while i feel the american one is weird. That may be why this "American" thing struck me more than many other people around here. And why i feel that many voice acts defeat their purpose in a setting that is not american (especially companions in a fantasy game). I just can't help but be like "wow!! what is this? american?". Not quite the good reaction when you hear a dwaf from southern frozen countries telling you her story :p.



    Modern British English is no more "correct" or "medieval" than modern American English. American English retains some older features that were changed in British English and vice versa, actually. They are both equally valid branches (with many sub-branches of their own), and neither is more "correct" in a fantasy story (which is, after all, a fictional world). 

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