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Posts posted by Vheissu


    The pale elf looks good! What's her name? Here's me as a half-orc.




    Oh man, that looks awesome m8! And her name is just an English version of my name, so she's 'Tania'. ^^ What did you name the half-orc? And do you use him in any rpg's? :D 


    Thank you! Yeah, this is Nu (named from the Egyptian watery abyss). He's a fisherman NPC in my D&D Campaign which we're all too busy to pursue so he's largely just a figment of my imagination, I mean...not that he wouldn't be anyway.

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  2. Hey,


    Every time I enter a new area I am alerted that 'The Steward of Caed Nua has received a letter for you.' I can press 'Continue' or close the window with the 'X' in the corner but it will pop up again and again every time I enter a new area. I have gone to the the Stronghold many times in order to receive this letter but nothing's happening. I backed up my save files and reinstalled. The problem persisted. I reloaded previous save files before I was receiving the recurrent windows, they began again. How do I get rid of this window?


    Link to Save files and logs:



    I'm playing on:


    MacBook Pro

    Retina, Mid 2012

    Processor  2.6 GHz Intel Core i7

    Memory  16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

    Graphics  NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB

    Software  OS X 10.9.5 (13F1911)





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