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Posts posted by HozzM

  1. I have had White March 1/2 installed since they were released but never played them.  Steam version, all patched up.  With POE2 released, I went back to play White March...



    I have the Stronghold access issue.  If I try to access the Stronghold I get the popup 'You cannot access the Stronghold here'.


    I reloaded the save 'Burial Isle (PRE-ENDGAME)' and it has the same issue, can't access the Stronghold.


    When I try to run ReactivateStronghold from the console it tells me 'The command or script 'ReactivateStronghold' is not available at this time.

    What am I missing or what can I do here?



  2. I played through on Hard and I would say this fight is probably the 2nd or 3rd most difficult in the game.


    Just too many enemies that charm and there is really no defense against it because of the crit/hit/graze/miss mechanic.  The level 6 Priest spell Prayer against Treachery spell or whatever its called helps but not much.  All that said, I only attempted it twice, once at like level 10, wipe, than I came back with a level 12 party.  It was still hard, and my entire party went down except for Eder.  I built him 100% tank and he basically solod the fight.  I think I had killed 2-3 of the adds before the rest of the party went down.  Eder took on the rest of the fight alone.  He would get charmed, often, but it just gave him a breather as the enemies disengaged while he was charmed.  Charm wears off and he would go back to tanking the lot of them.  Raedric himself would occasionally cast a fireball at Eder that always missed him thanks to Shield style's reflex bonus but would burn the other Fampyr's and Raedric as well.

  3. The part of that plan that doesn't work for me is the "My fighter tank never came close to death", I don't see how this is possible, with Eder his reflexes cap around 127 with snake reflexes, a suberb heavy shield, and a protection ring, that's not really enough to prevent him from being two shot by that breath attack.  Maybe I will look for resting and food buffs that increase it as well, and maybe perception items.


    Potions?  I have not really used consumables, or traps, or scrolls to this point but I will load up on them when I attempt the Adra Dragon next.

  4. It's a BS fight. Any encounter where I have to leave the rest of the party off screen while I send my tank to talk screams inbalance.


    And of course, adds that use charm. It's not that charm that bothers me so much, it's how it always lands. High will? Items that add will, talents that boost resist to charm, get charm anyways, always. Kills me.


    Sure, petrify is great if it lands. It didn't? Time to reload.


    Yeah they really need to look at the way confuse/charm/dominate/petrify work.  They are all way too powerful and with the miss/graze/hit/crit mechanics its really ****ing hard to keep those status effects off you if even you have relatively high defenses for those attacks.  Even that high level Priest spell that is supposed to help with charm/dominate does not really work.


    I too found this one hard, and opted to just help the dragon instead of whipe again. At this point I went for a stroll and realised all the adds were green.


    At this point, positioned my team near the adds that charm and the fight went as follows:


    1. killed charm adds (dragon so slow, they were dead before he could reach me)

    2. summoned all adds I could (quick items, Mage + Chanter summons)

    3. send my adds to tank the dragon

    4. Team steam rolled adds near dragon's horde

    5. went to work on the dragon


    My fighter tank never came close to death, my paladin and priest both had "second chance" items equipped which allowed me several opportunities to rez the squishies.


    6. apply debuffs, continue to dps, profit


    Looks like others found strategies without as much work, but I really enjoyed the fight once I tipped the scales in my favour :)


    That sounds like a good plan.  In my last attempt, post Scale Breaker, I did something like that but not as well executed and it came down to all the adds being dead and the dragon being 'near death' and my PC, a Ranger.  He could not seal the deal, unfortunately.  I gave up on it and moved on.  I will revisit at some point.

  5. This fight is irritating me.  Playing on Hard its very much unlike any other fight, I don't think I have needed more than 2 tries for anything else and those were few and far between.


    The breath is ridiculous.  Its like a 160 degree cone that seems to be unlimited range.  Positioning also gets ****ed up very quickly with the adds charming people left and right.

  6. Yes it's half of their full focus. If Ciphers started with 0 focus, it makes them quite useless as most battles are generally quite short. They are meant to have the opposite playstyle of wizards, being such front-loaded class.


    What's actually needed is to buff the weaker classes (wiz, monk and ranger), or at least provide them with more versatility.


    Or on the Cipher side, just need to tone down the OP Mental Binding, and do not allow the blunderbuss to give ciphers so much focus.


    I do think some other classes need tweaks but the answer can not (or should not, IMO) be to buff all the classes to the power level of the Cipher.  Its a party based game that can be beaten solo on POTD as it stands.   Tossing around major buffs to other classes is going to have a real impact on difficulty for the majority of people who play the game with a party, on difficulties below POTD.


    Personally I think Ciphers should definitely start fights with less than half focus, and have focus regen cut by 25-33%.  They still would be one of the great classes thanks to their abilities being so damn good.  Mental Binding is OP, because its 2nd level and costs 15 focus but Ecto Echo is even more ridiculous, if you use it well it can trivialize almost any fight.


    Honestly if you just go down the list of Cipher powers, while there are a couple that are obviously OP and will get nerfed, virtually all of them are good.  Its hard to make a bad power pick when leveling them up.

  7. No dispel in the game, seems like an oversight.  Priest/Wizard/Paladin should have a general purpose dispel.  Cipher should haver something for Will related stuff.


    Confuse/Charm/Dominate are way too powerful, and that works both ways.  This needs to be addressed in the balance patch and multiple classes should have a method of removing these effects, and not at level 12 either.


    I looked at Bull's Will and Mental Fortress but they don't do much, again because of how graze works. 

  8. I am a completionist and I am gonna give every quest I get a go.  I was level 12 maybe half way through Act III.  Very disappointing.  The game is still fun, but for me, a big draw in RPGs is character development and that part of the game is over for me.  For context I am playing on hard, non expert, non trial of iron. I experimented with PotD but it was too tedious for me.  Ironman has never appealed to me and I don't think Expert mode would do anything for me, but I have not tried it.


    So I have the following to look forward to:






    The combat system in IE was never a strength for me.  It always felt like it should have been turn based and with the additional mechanics POE has added to POE it begs for a TB system even more.  So, combat is not a draw for me.


    Quests are.  I enjoy the writing immensely and look forward to how the story and various plotlines will resolve.


    Loot.  Mixed bag.  Most loot is ****, but this is the same for all RPGs.  I feel like I have a lot of upgrades ahead of me, but maybe not.  I have a few items that feel like best in game/class already and I wonder how many more of these I am gonna run across.

  9. Agree with the OP.  In tougher fights where you really need to micro every party action until the outcome is not up for grabs, seeing what the hell is happening and who is where is really hard to do in the current system.  Usually the selection circles stand out, but many times you cant tell who/what is represented by that circle until you mouse over it.  And there are times when even seeing the selection circles is tough.



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    In short, you seem unable to criticize without resorting to excessive hyperbole, otherwise known as being a drama queen.  If you toned down the hyperbole and stuck to the logic of your points, you'd make much more convincing arguments.


    I'm trying to remember when I last heard such a call for moderation being said on the internet, a place that is famous for being anything but. Usually, the one that can shout their point the loudest in the most drastic language wins in that at least they get vastly more attention from either side of a debate. So this truly impressed me. In an ideal world it shouldn't but in this one it does. 


    besides which you werent really overstating it tbh. The stronghold is useless, the only thing ive enjoyed it for is the endless paths but over than that its actually just a money sink nd a rubbish one at that. Mine is almost fully upgraded and it still feels dead as hell. How much effort would it be to drop some NPC farmers and villagers to make it fell less like an empty castle. Dont even get me started on hirelings lol.



    I utterly disagree that the Stronghold is "useless".  That's rubbish.  Does it seem less than great?  Sure.  I can accept that in a heart beat.  Less than exciting?  Yep.   Seems difficult to get your investment in the repairs back?  Yep.   But useless?  No way.  This is what I mean by hyperbole.  If you got nothing other than access to the dungeon and the game warden bounty missions, it'd still have value.  Even if you got no resting bonuses at all, it'd still be a free place to rest when you wanted to crawl up out of the dungeon, before heading back out to do other quests.  Even if the merchants had literally nothing to sell, even a single merchant where you could sell off your loot from the dungeon or various other quests would have value.


    Saying that the SH is useless is just plain wrong.  Saying that it underperforms and could be better, perhaps much better, would be entirely fair.



    I disagree with you completely.  The two pieces of the Stronghold that have merit are the Od Nua Dungeon and the Bounties.  Both of which could have been tacked on, literally, anywhere else in the game. 


    The rest of the Stronghold is RP/window dressing at best, garbage and a waste of time and money at worst.


    edit: Specifics:


    Resting...why would anyone choose to rest here?  Money is no object in this game.  So 'free' resting is not a strength.  Further, there are better bonuses in almost every inn.  Lastly, and most importantly, resting in CN has more loading screens and in-map travel time to deal with than other rest areas.


    The Merchants...they are really a slap in the face.  First off, for the purposes of selling, there are Merchants on tons of maps.  So just being able to BUY a merchant to put here, is not a point in the Stronghold's favor.  But maybe the merchants would offer you unique items, or at the very least, a discount.  Nope on both counts.


    What else is there?  The Prestige/Security concept.  This is broken.  Hirelings are terrible, if you auto-resolve combats you lose buildings which can cost you literally 5K+ cp.  Even in a game where money is trivial, this is ****.  The attack events are cool the first time but really you have nothing to gain from them.


    Adventures and random guests?  Great idea, just like the Stronghold.  But also like the Stronghold, terrible execution.  The guest do nothing other than cost you money or time.  The adventures sound great!  Legendary adventure?  Sign me up!  Wait the rewards are a ****ing scroll and some common crafting mats?  What?


    The Stronghold, as it is implemented, is objectively worse than almost every other type of content in the game (I say almost but I literally can not think of any system or content in the game that I dislike more).  Saying that is not whining, its providing valuable feedback to Obsidian and doing a service to both them and their customers.  

    • Like 3
  11. I recruited Edér and he was 3rd level with two talents: rapid recovery and weapon focus ruffian, is it normal? Tryed to relevel him from 0 but i could choose only one talent so i left him like the game give me :V


    This has been brought up a few times already in this thread.  Eder has Rapid Recovery if you recruit him at level 2.  If you recruit him at level 3 he has, additionally, Defender and Weapon Focus: Ruffian.  Seems like a bug but no comment from Obsidian that I have seen.

  12. Somewhere along the way my PC Ranger's Bear pet started moving slower than everyone else in the party.  Its most notable out of combat, if the party is moving across a map he seems to move at about 50% of their speed.  It also affects combat too.


    edit: It seems that my PC Ranger now moves about twice as fast as the rest of the party, with the bear moving half as fast as the rest of the party.  I do not have any movement speed gear equipped.


    edit2: Seems related to Fast mode and Scouting mode.

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