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Posts posted by metadigital

  1. Still playing Halflife 2. Somewhere on the coast road, heading for Nova Prospekt. Was feeling nostalgic the other day so I re-installed Halflife. I dunno if it's my dual core rig or not, but ran into a few bugs during the opening sequence, and I've found the movement to be kinda clunky.

    I'm patiently waiting for Black Mesa: Source before I play through HalfLife again. Though I was kinda feeling like a blast on HalfLife 2.


    I've never played BG either. Infact, the only RPGs I've ever played are KotOR 1 and KotOR 2.

    Natch, it was written before you were born. :shifty:

  2. That is now officially a word.


    The other problem was that there was no real punishment for death save what the player imposed on himself, likewise for resting.

    To be fair, aren't rules for death and resting imposed by the DM / Server?


    Also, don't you mean it is officially a phrase? /pedant

  3. Congrats Mus. Sorry about your pal Meta.

    Thanks. Actually, since I've cut my vacation as she couldn't make it, she's been able to keep from losing her stomach contents for most of the days, and the new meds seem to be helping with the constant pain.


    We just went to see some films instead of the usual, which involves me reading to her in the coffee shop. Yesterday we started a really cool book, by a psychologist that I admire (a rare thing indeed), Philip Zimbardo, called The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil. (Zimbardo designed and organised the now infamous Stanford Prison Experiment in 1970, which he had to terminate early due to the "success" of the social factors under observation. He also wrote my tertiary psych text book, which is why I was attracted to the book. He most recently had to be the expert witness in the Abu Graib investigation, which is part of this book.)

  4. I've seen a few films recently: Devil Wears Prada (Meryl Streep is always good, and Hathaway does an okay job in this teen ethical do-by-seeing drama); Walk the Line (again; it's a bit of a long haul, but Cash's lyrics and Phoenix and Witherspoon's singing is enough to save it ... sometimes it's difficult to tell if Phoenix or Cash is singing, which is high praise indeed), and today I went to the cinema and saw Shrek 3 (it's okay ... I don't know what I was expecting, but the end credits are arguably the best part of the film, which isn't a good thing) and then Die Hard 4.0. My friend warned me to suspend disbelief about the IT clich

  5. Like SS, Xcom used a system whereby stats increased the more you used them. Guys made to carry heavy weapons would get stronger, guys who did a lot of sniping would get more accurate, guys who panic in combat would slowly get braver.

    So ... doing strength training gives the character strength; doing hand-eye coordinating tasks increase hand-eye coordination ... and running away like a little girl grants the PC courage? :)

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