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Posts posted by Asileth

  1. I enjoy romance in a game if it is done well.  Has nothing to do with "need to get a bf" as so many postulate.  I was happily married for years until I lost my husband to cancer last year.  I just think if it is done well, can add another dimension to story. 

    The one thing that drives me crazy though is how those who are against it feel the need to dictate its exclusion when typically romances are optional.

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  2. I just finished Tomb Raider Definitive Edition for the Xbox one.  Really enjoyed it.  Tried Fallout: New Vegas but it keeps crashing - sad because I could tell I would love it!  Might boot up Dragon Age 1 and 2 in prep for Inquisition in November.  And I still have my tried and true mmo Lotro; I play mainly for the world and story and the latest Update: Paths of the Dead nailed it. 

  3. I'm late to this conversation.  But I just want to say good luck with Pathfinder.  I've found it to be closest to the "old school" dnd games.  Yes it's rules heavy but it's one of the things I love about the process.  Poring over the rule book, tweaking characters, etc.  I don't play with my pen and paper group anymore because they can't stay 1. with a campagin (we haven't finished one in 3 years) and 2.  They left Pathfinder - want the simple no rules fast and easy type games. 

    My favorite memories of pen and paper, next to the old 2nd edition, is of Pathfinder.  I loved it and still love it.  Kingmaker and Council of Theives are some awesome pre gens that still leave the dm and players plenty of room to make their own story and style of play.  Good luck.

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