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Posts posted by Diamond

  1. Let's say you're traipsing around this month's RPG flavor, which is released through episodic content, and that at given points during the episodes you're confronted with decisions with considerable consequences, possibly at the end of each chapter. Players reaching the end stage of every episode would submit savegame information to the developer, who would then simply alter the previously or ongoing design template for the game and send it back, so that upon loading the next episode, the save file would alter whatever needed altering in the next episode's template. Basically, the game would have an inbuilt system of possibilities which would fetch the relevant set of outcomes from a database and edited the game status accordingly in realtime.

    Sounds a bit awkward from a technical standpoint. Why not having a saved game file store state variables and thus achieving the same effect of carrying over the decisions of a previous episode? The next episode will then pick them up and use them in scripts and dialogues. Unless, of course, you want to cut development costs by producing a sequel episode tailored to N most popular submitted state combinations. Otherwise the same amount of effort is spent on implementing the possible story combinations, but the distribution of it is pushed online. You are not saying that developers should watch every single incoming savegame real-time and implement an appropriate set of outcomes, are you?


    Alternatively, how possible would it be to have this function during gameplay without requiring too much from the engine? If it were to download content from an online database while people are playing, it would likely require mucho resources. Maybe devs could build such a database and have the game load it locally? Maybe even update the database with added possibilities.

    That didn't make much sense technically at all, or I simply did not comprehend it. "Load it locally"? What is the point of a locally stored game data in such kind of a system then? The content still has to come from somewhere - either from optical media or be predownloaded (in which case you still have to pay for the same bandwidth).

  2. If only the full quote would have kept it up. Here is the next part:


    Both of them are character focused, but in different ways. Torment was about discovering who you were, while Mask of the Betrayer is more about saving yourself. Another difference is the focus on combat with Mask being more about fun combats and Torment more about your relationship with your companions.


    So it's like Torment, only it's not. Especially the last part. A focus on combat vs a focus on character relationships sounds like being worlds apart to me.


    Mask will hopefully turn out to be a good expansion none the less.

    Yes, but primary characteristic is still similarity, otherwise why mentioning PS:T at all? Why not saying "it will be like Madden only that it is not". :)

  3. There is much less sense in defragmentation, but it is not completely eliminated. SSD are just flash memory, they do not have any rotational delay and seek time, and that's where HDD spends most of the time when reading a fragmented file. It is a major component, but minor delays are still there (greater number of actual read operations for fragmented files).

  4. I'm not, but that's more because Morrowind is a marmite type of game: people either love it or hate it, no in-between.

    Arghhh! That reminds me of my first encounter with Kiwi Cuisine (although that toxic green glowing gunk was called "Vegemite") :(

    This one tops my personal List of All Bad Things about Australia. When I tried it first, I thought it was something like Nutella...

  5. Resurrection time.


    The following program is valid in EIGHT programming languages:

    1. COBOL (ANSI)
    2. Pascal (ISO)
    3. Fortran (ANSI, f77)
    4. C (ANSI-ish)
    5. PostScript
    6. Linux/Unix shell script (bash, sh, csh)
    7. x86 machine language (MS-DOS, Win32, Linux)
    8. Perl (version 5)

    True insanity.


    Cu  #%* )pop mark/CuG 4 def/# 2 def%%%%@@P[TX---P\P_SXPY!Ex(mx2ex("SX!Ex4P)Ex=
    CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*------------------------------------------------------------------*+Ex=
    CuG #%*   POLYGLOT - a program in eight languages      15 February 1991  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*   10th Anniversary Edition                      1 December 2001  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*   Written by Kevin Bungard, Peter Lisle, and Chris Tham          *+Ex=
    CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*   Polyglot suports the following languages:                      *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     1. COBOL (ANSI)                                              *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     2. Pascal (ISO)                                              *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     3. Fortran (ANSI, f77)                                       *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     4. C (ANSI-ish)                                              *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     5. PostScript                                                *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     6. Linux/Unix shell script (bash, sh, csh)                   *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     7. x86 machine language (MS-DOS, Win32, Linux)               *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     8. Perl (version 5)                                          *+Ex=
    CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*   Usage:                                                         *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     1. Rename this file to polyglot.[cob|pas|f77|c|ps|sh|com|pl] *+Ex=
    CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     2. Compile and run with your favorite compiler and operating *+Ex=
    CuG #%*        system.                                                   *+Ex=
    CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*   Notes:                                                         *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     1. We have attempted to use only standard language features. *+Ex=
    CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     2. Without the -traditional flag gcc will issue a warning.   *+Ex=
    CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     3. When transferring from Unix to DOS make sure that a LF    *+Ex=
    CuG #%*        is correctly translated into a CR/LF.                     *+Ex=
    CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     4. Keep the blank lines at the start of the program. They    *+Ex=
    CuG #%*        are important.                                            *+Ex=
    CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*     5. This text is a comment block in all eight languages.      *+Ex=
    CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*   Please mail any comments, corrections or additions to          *+Ex=
    CuG #%*   polyglot@ideology.com.au                                       *+Ex=
    CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*------------------------------------------------------------------*QuZ=
    CuG #%*                                                                  *+Ex=
    CuG #%*!Mx)ExQX5ZZ5SSP5n*5X!)Ex+ExPQXH,B+ExP[-9A-9B(g?(gA'UTTER_XYZZXX!X *+
    CuG #(*                                                                  *(
    C   # */);                                                              /*(
    C   # *)  program        polyglot (output);                             (*+
    C   #     identification division.
    C   #     program-id.    polyglot.
    C   #
    C   #     data           division.
    C   #     procedure      division.
    C   #
    C   # * ))cleartomark   /Bookman-Demi findfont 36 scalefont setfont     (
    C   # *                                                                 (
    C   #
    C   # *                  hello polyglots$
    C   #     main.
    C   #         perform
    C  /# * ) 2>_$$; echo   "hello polyglots"; rm _$$; exit;
    C   # * (
    C   #
    C     *0 ) unless print "hello polyglots\n"; __END__
    C             stop run.
        -*,                'hello polyglots'
    C         print.
    C             display   "hello polyglots".                              (
    C     */  int i;                                                        /*
    C     */  main () {                                                     /*
    C     */      i=printf ("hello polyglots\n"); O= &i; return *O;         /*
    C     *)                                                                (*
    C     *)  begin                                                         (*
    C     *)      writeln  ('hello polyglots');                             (*
    C     *)                                                                (* )
    C     * ) pop 60 360                                                    (
    C     * ) pop moveto    (hello polyglots) show                          (
    C     * ) pop showpage                                                  ((
    C     *)
              end                                                          .(* )
    C)pop%     program       polyglot.                                      *){*/}

    See Polyglot.

  6. I'm using these small sennheiser headphones, but never used them for transcribing anything. The reproduce music very detailed (although the bass seems a bit overpowered at first), so I think they should be ok for transcription too.

    Sennheiser are awesome headphones. The best I have ever had (well, I haven't heard the professional setup yet). I have a HD595.

  7. Linus Torvalds has responded.

    "So the whole, 'We have a list and we're not telling you,' itself should tell you something," Torvalds said of Microsoft's stance in the Fortune story. And for good measure, he added: "Don't you think that if Microsoft actually had some really foolproof patent, they'd just tell us and go, 'nyaah, nyaah, nyaah!'"


    Microsoft would prefer not to actually sue anyone, particularly a Linux user who's also a Microsoft customer. "They'd have to name the patents then, and they're probably happier with the FUD [fear, uncertainty, doubt] than with any lawsuit," Torvalds predicted.

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