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Posts posted by Rosbjerg
Hey everyone,
I'm currently writing a private RPG campaign set 50 years after the end of Pillars of Eternity Deadfire (after we just finished a 1,5 year campaign playing the computer game as a TTRPG).
My players haven't played the computer game though, so I can't really do any sparring with them - and wanted to hear any crazy ideas or theories you guys might have, as you imagine the world evolved, after your own game.
So how is Eora faring 50 years after your Watcher concluded his/her campaign in Deadfire? What's your Watcher up to (is s/he even alive)? Which factions thrived and which have withered?
Thanks for any responses -
53 minutes ago, Lexx said:
What's the current market situation with EG anyways? Obviously they try to get people to use their software with all the free games they constantly release... but is it working?
From a purely anecdotal pov, only for the <20 year old crowd. They are the future customer base however, so Epic might simply be playing the long game.
That said, I do think it's great there's competition to Valve's increasing dominance of the last 10 years. Valve have so far staved off slipping into worst and all too familiar monopoly sinkholes of disappearing features, rising prices and less consumer friendly practices - but the only way to keep them honest is good old competition.
15 hours ago, Wormerine said:
Fortnite got removed from Apple and Google stores after trying to bypass the obligatory pay cut to said companies. Epic sues both Apple and Google.
Epic claimes an absurd high moral ground by trying to rally it's mostly underage demographic against the corporate overlord Apple:
Nothing speaks genuine, like pre-rendered Orwell video ready for release. I hope at least the kids will read 1984.
Well, I thought it was a somewhat clever stab at Apples own bull**** in 1984, it is afterall a direct copy of their own commercial.
For a minimalist run, I'd recommend the JSaywer Ultimate Edition together with his recommened list, that you feel match your play style.
If you want an extremely comprehensive guide, but still modular guide for installing a crapton of mods, I went through this https://vivanewvegas.github.io/index.html
But be warned it takes a few hours (at least) to do. The result however is spectacular.
Hey guys, hope life is treating y'all good
I just wanted to pop back on here and spread some awareness for this audio and NPC redesign mod for New Vegas, made by the same guy that did NV-Redesigned. It's an extensive recast and re-recording of the audio for many many NPCs. I now a good handful of you still play the old game from time to time, so I thought you'd be interested. It's seriously like playing a new game!-
When designing a game, if you try to make your game 'fun' rather than 'engaging', you will often sacrifice meaning for accessibility. The equivalent of industrial fast food - all about the immediate experience over substance.
It's why there's no such thing as 'real time strategy', as Gorth said - why MMOs are meaningless dopamine activators and why sequels are usually more popular, but ultimately fail to live up to the potential of the original idea -> ultimately destroying the franchise, as the series develops...
Red Dead Redemption 2
Sunset by a lake near Rhodes
The Braithwaite Estate
The Braithwaite Estate
St. Denis, a pretty place in the late hours of the day.
Beautiful game, I especially enjoy the southern parts - although the mountains in the north are quite stunning too.
The tables have turned!
I look forward to getting my first reprimand from you some day, numbers-
Moving on, on my mission to replay classic RPGs. I've meant to replay most of them ever since I wrapped up Pillars of Eternity I+II, to kinda travel through and replay the inspirations of those games.
I'm going through Dragon Age Origins now - which is a refreshing take on the standard tropes, coming from Neverwinter. But the Bioware formula and character tropes are so very transparent here, even those who made it into Pillars of Eternity (Edér and Alistar having some of the same functions).
Still, I actually like these games a lot more than when I first tried them - stripped of the hype and with a good dose of 'judging them by their time', they're decent games.
Afterwards I'll be trying the games I never finished: Dragon Age II, Inquisition and then on to the old classics, Arcanum, Fallout 1+2 and then ending the trip with Planescape (know the story, just never got to the end myself).
3 hours ago, Tale said:
I've been playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I was really enjoying it until after the troll lair.
What hooked you before that? I've been keeping an eye on it and seems to be a diamond in the rough.
On 5/11/2019 at 7:34 PM, Guard Dog said:
I don't know why Sharp One was banned (or more accurately what it was the pushed him over the "ban" line). But considering some of the folks we've had around here he barely made it above half way on the S.O.B meter. AFAIK he never promised to kill anyone. That HAS happened. More than once. I remember a long time ago I PM'ed a guy my address and told him if he was feeling froggy just leap!
Anyway. All that aside a "sign off message" always rubs me the wrong way. We've had those before and it always strikes me as more than a little vain. But... it's still better than the sign off/tell off message. We've had those too! But they are usually worth a chuckle.
Well that is the point of moderated review, after all. Sparing the rest of the board from the worse of the posts, so you don't need to read spam or death threats, between actual constructive discussions.
Not saying he did or didn't, just that you would not see any such post, when he's on moderated review.
I've been playing through Neverwinter Nights 1, 2 and Mask of The Betrayer (but not Storm of Zehir),
It's been on my bucket list for a few years and I've tried starting a few times, but never managed to get far - mostly due to the horrible graphics :D
But stuck through this time, with a druid in all games - and thoroughly enjoyed it!
MoTB was not as spectacular as I remembered (but still great) and NWN2:OC was actually a lot better than I remembered. I think Lord of The Rings and High Fantasy attrition was an issue when it was released. Today everything is pretty grimdark, so the campy style seemed more refreshing.
Afyer years of dominating the mid level beer leagues, I now dominate mid-pack triathlons. Sometimes I teach stuff, but that's just a hobby.
I became Danish Hurlshot apparently.
Does Rosbjerg know?Purple hair is not a girl? lmao
In the words of the famous Admiral Acbar
'It's a trap!!'
I imagine It's a product of two design departments not really working together, like one writing the short prose first and a writing department fleshing it out later.. or a lack of experience or unrealistic time constraints on the writers part, in general.
But yeah, it makes me quit a game. I liked L.A Noir's gameplay well enough, but every single dialouge pissed me off, to the point I couldn't enjoy the game.
Maybe, or maybe it simply took much longer. I'm guessing the wheel works as a sort of water mill, in that it both draws energy from the motion of souls, but also directs the stream.
As I understood it, the Engwithans hijacked the natural process by creating a sort of sieve, that allowed the god constructs to collect energy from the souls passing through the Adra to the center of the world - where the actual reincarnation takes places.
The gods have then used this energy over time to create their realms and spheres of influence, to the point that they theorize that the natural process might've been disturbed. Which is what Eothas wants to destroy, so that we can return to the 'natural order' and gods and kith can die without 'the wheel' stealing energy from them in the process.
Paradox's Stellaris, is coming to PS4 and XBOX
Interesting move - cool to see more classic PC games going to the consoles, with RPGs like Pillars of Eternity and now grand strategy games.
Obsidian has just become more secure in revenue. Releasing more games per year than ever, owning an IP i.e. getting royalties on sales. Obsidian might have sold when they had trouble securing jobs with publishers like Microsoft pulling the plug on contracts, but they wouldn't sell when they are on the up.
That's exactly when you sell, as you're selling potential growth and revenue and not asking the buyer to save you and take a risk.
It's the phase where everyone is bought (unless to get a specific IP) and it's why fans are so bitter, when the next product is mediocre..
I'm sad Regalia isn't on a steeper discount. I am tempted to pick up Road Redemption, though.
Be advised that the multiplayer only runs on official servers that have timed events. So you can't just play whenever with whomever, unfortunately.
I never enjoyed playing a cipher in PoE1, as I feel they're too gimmicky as a single class - but multiclassing they are extremely effective and fun. A rogue/cipher is particularly deadly. The Rogue class gives you mobility and stealth, while the Cipher class boosts your damage and gives you crowdcontrol option and debuffs, which then upscales your damage agin. I consistently dealt ~100 in raw damage (pre nerf) as a Soulblade/Assassin, several times through combat with the soul annihilation + backstab attack.
Yoga Fire = Deadfire
When did that start? and why?
Which mightvindicate that Crusader Kings 3 is in the pipes, as EU: Rome was their experimental title for features in ck2 and eu4
Nothing is more annoying than playing a stuttering game with long load time, I'd wait.
Picture of Your Games the 15th
in Computer and Console
Cyberpunk '77, street kid, Nomad Ending. Fun ride!
Looking forward to doing a psycho-Corpo run as female V, with the independent ending.