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Posts posted by Nail

  1. Haven't been here for a while.


    The main problem with games like Deadfire is the new generation caring less about our beloved genre, preferring something like Fortnite / Apex Legens etc...


    As a result -> no real money support for the devs -> no real support for the game.

    It's frustrating a bit to see how the whole D&D legacy is slowly dying, but I hope it will keep living in our hearts.


    Would you be so kind to quick update me - is turn based Deadfire still with crucial bugs / glitches?


    I'd rather have Pillars' dull humor over crap like Fallout 2 or Divinity Original Sin.


    What was wrong with Fallout 2?


    Also, on the topic of the tone of PoE in general, I don't think a more lighthearted approach is bad by itself, much like a grimdark atmosphere isn't automatically a positive quality. The way I see it, it's like every other aspect of a game in the sense that it's just a component that needs to be done (or in this case, written) right, and since humor is extremely subjective, it's much easier to get repulsed by a dud.


    So, I guess what I'm ultimately trying to say is that as long as it's not full-on poop jokes, I'll be fine with it.


    Probably map events like "unwashed villagers hunting a spammer". But Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever.

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