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Status Updates posted by Laozi

  1. Whats this about lesbians?

  2. Go take some pills, Pillhead

  3. I don't care how high it will make me, I'm not sticking weed up my ass.

  4. I noticed you didn't say what part of you smelled like puppy, perv.

  5. Yeah, saw the Buffy musical episode

  6. Not so bad thanks to valium, but I had the burning stomach of allah this morning.

  7. Being a poor speller gives him streetcred

  8. In Sitka, because they are fond of them,

    People have named the seals. Every seal

    is named Earl because they are killed one

    after another by the orca, the killer

    whale; seal bodies tossed left and right

    into the air. "At least he didn't get

    Earl," someone says. And sure enough,

    after a time, that same friendly,

    bewhiskered face bobs to the surface

  9. ::Read in reverse::

    It's Earl again. Well, how else are you

    to live except by denial, by some

    palatable fiction, some little song to

    sing while the inevitable, the black and

    white blindsiding fact, comes hurtling

    toward you out of the deep?

  10. Think of every town you lived in

  11. Austin was very hoopla. The show was the best I've been to in quite some time and I did a bunch of booze and drugs and all that good stuff.

  12. Whats up, Pilgrim?

  13. Remember that time we got liquored up and decided to go out and have sex with men? You were so money that night, I still can't believe mine turned out to be a tranny. I swear I would have told you if I knew. Atleast your night wasn't ruined by having sex with a woman.

  14. Hey now! Hey now!

    Iko, Iko, unday

    Giacomo feeno ai nan?

    Giacomo fee nan?

  15. so hypothetically, if I were in Vancouver in a month or so, you could contact some people and get me the line on the primo bacon, right?

  16. well I don't care for the city, I came here on the train

  17. What is society built on?

  18. your close, its words

  19. Yeah, I'm thinking Roger Clements vs. Karl Malone in a no holds barred douche off

  20. I need to get your address so I can get the lady at the post office to handle your package, haw haw

  21. Did you get that thing I sent you?

  22. man, those dogs can smell anything

  23. So where's the pictures of you and your hat?

  24. Fear is just false evidence appearing real

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