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Lythe Vodaine

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Posts posted by Lythe Vodaine

  1. This version is not working for me. When I try to activate the mod on a fresh PoE installation, the launcher fails the activation with an error:




    2016-02-28 16:40:32.200 +01:00 [information] Created patcher for assembly: Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.264 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: <PrivateImplementationDetails>.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.264 +01:00 [Warning] Conflict between types: <PrivateImplementationDetails>, and <PrivateImplementationDetails>.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.264 +01:00 [Warning] The type called <PrivateImplementationDetails> was to be introduced under the name <PrivateImplementationDetails> but will be introduced under the name <PrivateImplementationDetails>_$pw$_hPPIS

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.265 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.QuickControls.BindingValue/<>c__DisplayClass0_0`1.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.270 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.QuickControls.BindingValue/<>c__DisplayClass2_0`1.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.270 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.QuickControls.BindingValue/<>c__DisplayClass3_0`1.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.270 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.QuickControls.QuickButton/<>c.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.270 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.QuickControls.QuickDropdown`1/<>c__DisplayClass25_0.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.270 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.QuickControls.Behaviors.BlockClicking/<>c__0`1.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.270 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Mods.Options.IEModOptions/<>c.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.270 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Mods.Options.mod_UIOptionsManager/<>c.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Mods.UICustomization.UICustomizer/<>c.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Mods.DropButtonMod.DropButton/<>c.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Mods.BonusSpellsGrimoire.mod_Grimoire/<>c.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.StringHelper/<>c__DisplayClass0_0.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.MemberAccess`1/<>c__DisplayClass17_0.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.ReflectHelper/<>c__DisplayClass2_0.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.ReflectHelper/<>c__DisplayClass2_1.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.ReflectHelper/<>c__DisplayClass2_2.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.ReflectHelper/<>c__DisplayClass3_0`1.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.ReflectHelper/<>c__DisplayClass4_0`1.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.ReflectHelper/<>c__DisplayClass8_0.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.ReflectHelper/<>c__DisplayClass8_1.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.ReflectHelper/<>c__DisplayClass8_2.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.ReflectHelper/<>c.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.IEControlFactory/<>c__DisplayClass7_0`1.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.IEControlFactory/<>c__DisplayClass9_0.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.UnityPrinter/<>c.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.ControlHelper/<>c__DisplayClass0_0.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.UnityObjectExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass2_0`1.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.UnityObjectExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass20_0.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.UnityObjectExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass25_0.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.UnityObjectExtensions/<>c.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.UnityObjectExtensions/<>c__DisplayClass26_0.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.271 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: <PrivateImplementationDetails>/__StaticArrayInitTypeSize=36.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.272 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.UnityPrinter/RecursiveObjectPrinter/<>c__DisplayClass5_0.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.272 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.UnityPrinter/RecursiveObjectPrinter/<>c__DisplayClass5_1.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.272 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating type for: IEMod.Helpers.UnityPrinter/RecursiveObjectPrinter/<>c__DisplayClass5_2.

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.282 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating method for: Void mod_UIOptionsManager::<mod_Start>b__28_1(IBindingValue`1<System.Boolean>).

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.282 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating method for: Void mod_UIOptionsManager::<mod_Start>b__28_2(IBindingValue`1<System.Boolean>).

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.284 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating method for: Boolean mod_UIPartyPortrait::get_IsVertical().

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.284 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating method for: Void mod_UIPartyPortrait::set_IsVertical(Boolean).

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.284 +01:00 [information] Implicitly creating method for: AbilityActionData mod_GameResources::get_AbilityActionData().

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.505 +01:00 [information] Clearing fields in UIOptionsManager/OptionsPage

    2016-02-28 16:40:32.507 +01:00 [information] =====Creating new fields=====

    2016-02-28 16:40:33.867 +01:00 [Error] An error has occurred,

    While trying to: Patch the game

    Error type: A system error or some sort of bug. (NullReferenceException)

    Internal message: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.


    System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.

    bei Patchwork.AssemblyPatcher.FixFieldReference(FieldReference yourFieldRef)

    bei Patchwork.AssemblyPatcher.TransferMethodBody(MethodDefinition targetMethod, MethodDefinition yourMethod)

    bei Patchwork.AssemblyPatcher.ModifyMethod(TypeDefinition targetType, MethodDefinition yourMethod, MemberActionAttribute memberAction, MethodDefinition targetMethod)

    bei Patchwork.AssemblyPatcher.UpdateMethods(SimpleTypeLookup`1 methodActions)

    bei Patchwork.AssemblyPatcher.PatchManifest(PatchingManifest manifest, ProgressObject o)

    bei PatchworkLauncher.LaunchManager.ApplyInstructions(IEnumerable`1 patchGroups, ProgressObject po)

    bei PatchworkLauncher.LaunchManager.<>c__DisplayClass46_0.<Command_Patch>b__0()

    bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()

    bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

    --- Ende der Stapelüberwachung vom vorhergehenden Ort, an dem die Ausnahme ausgelöst wurde ---

    bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)

    bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)

    bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult()

    bei PatchworkLauncher.LaunchManager.<Command_Patch>d__46.MoveNext()



    Any idea how to fix this?

  2. Thanks, but that's not the same as walking.


    The IE Mod was providing a real walk toggle (eventhough it came with several dozen of options I'm completely uninterested in), that allows my characters to walk as NPCs do (immersion!); but apparently in the newest version it can only be installed through a weird launcher that keeps on crashing. So I'm looking for an alternative to get a walk toggle into the game (since the developers sadly didn't find it necessary to add or even patch it in). :(

  3. Hey there!


    Is there any simple mod for a walk toggle?


    Until recently I was using IE Mod, but I am unable to get the current version of this mod to work; when trying to activate this mod in the new launcher, I always get a NullReferenceException error message and the game starts without the mod.


    So, are there any alternatives to it if all I want is a walk toggle? :(


    - Lythe

  4. Thanks everyone for your responses so far; I appreciate your feedback/input. :)


    If she's really that evil, maybe I will kill the Sky Dragon in this playthrough (in my last one I spared her because the godess of the temple she chose for her nest, is also the godess of motherhood and things that fly).


    I'm interested in applying the "superb" enchantment to my staff, because I don't want to apply anything that adds a visual effect (which sadly all non-quality-related enchantments do).

  5. I'm an avid gamer and have played most Obsid games in the past however 45 bucks seems a bit steep when the only gameplay vids I can find show horrible graphics and the commentators spend 90 percent of the time clicking through dialogue. Without a playable demo i am hesitant to spend this amount because i've seen too many games lately fall flat on their face. Maximum PC has a (obviously sponsored) 9+ rating on this game but doesn't offer much info on play details.


    So i'm asking players who have purchased this game, is it worth the price? No shills please just honest replies would be greatly appreciated :)

    Yes, to me it's worth every Cent I paid for it. :)

  6. Description:

    Before patch 1.06 I used to start every combat by casting "Arcane Assault" with both of my wizzards. For that I'd sneak up on my enemies with them, bring the others into position and cast the spell; then I'd attack with my melee fighters while my wizzards cast their second "Arcane Assault". As of 1.06 however, "Arcane Assault" apparently can no longer be cast while in sneak mode. The wizzard starts casting it, but he only stutters where he stands, while his grimoire opens and closes. The sound of the spell is played, but there is no projectile and the spell is not finished (no impact).


    Steps to Reproduce the Issue:

    (1) Make a party with a wizzard

    (2) Go into sneak mode

    (3) Cast "Arcane Assault" anywhere


    Important Files:



    See attached Savegame.zip. My party is in Esternwood and in sneak mode.


    Output Log

    See attached output_log.txt.


    System Specs

    See attached DxDiag.txt.







  7. Before the last patch I always started fights with Arcane Assault from my two wizards. After the patch however, whenever I try to use Arcane Assault, the sound plays, but the wizards only stutter on spot while their grimoire opens and closes again; no projectile appears though. Any hint on how I can get rid of this? Arcane Assault is the only per encounter attack of my low-level wizards, and I have to rely on it, unless I want to rest after every encounter... :(



    Apparently, it's only bugged when cast while sneaking.

  8. Apologies for this basic question: but, where is the level-up button on the Character page?


    Also I notice some discepancies between the controls in the manual and those in the game. (no R for Rest)

    By default, there is not hotkey set for "Rest/Camp", but you can do this manually, by assigning a key to that action. Some default settings are rather weird, granted. For example, I only recently found out that the blue circles I'm seeing are actually the color-blind friendly setting which, for some mysterious reason was set by default after installation... :)

  9. I was thinking about doing this, but don't know why I wouldn't just go two-handed.

    My mage is using a one-handed sword, no shield. I do this for roleplaying reasons, but I think I read somewhere that using a one-handed weapon without shield offers a higher accuracy (perhaps because of the missing malus from the shield?).


    As for the question "Why not use a 2H weapon instead?": one-handed weapons tend to be faster than two-handed weapons.

  10. I finally figured out how it works, I think. But the weird thing is: It's kind of an auto-toggle only apparently. That means, if you had slow mode active before the combat, it automatically turns it off when combat starts; if you had it turned off before combat though it automatically activates it. Weird and funky somehow; wonder why they implemented it that way. :blink:

  11. Ok, I found the option, but it isn't working. It says something in the tooltip about setting the speed automatically to slow if a certain amount of enemies is involved in combat, but no matter what party I have and what foes I face, slow modes is never automatically activated, option set or not.


    Why is it bound to the number of enemies anyways? Why not just make it a binary toggle to either automatically set speed to slow for every combat, or not?

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