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Posts posted by aelreth

  1. "Because of my OWN stupidity" to be accurate.  As a correction, Wasteland 2 wasn't a good example -- I meant to say Shadowrun Returns since you still can pledge to Wasteland 2.


    I was neither rude nor presumptuous -- I wasn't aware of it and missed my opportunity.  You apparently were unaware as well.  It happens.


    Hopefully, you'll be able to pledge for Torment at the tier you'd like before it ends.  People who pledge early get specific bonuses for doing so. 

    You can still pledge for a collectors edition for either Shadowrun game that is being released this year.

  2. From what I've seen In-Exile is selling Wasteland 2 collectors editions.


    Both Shadowrun games have a pay pal option where you can pre-order a collectors edition of the game.


    Planetary Annihilation is selling a cosmic edition that is 150% markup for what they had as the equivalent Kickstarter pledge level.


    I would have no issue parting with my money at a markup if I had something tangible in return.


    Could we just have the option of purchasing the equivalent of the $80 tier at a slacker markup? Or the smaller ones? Each at their own markup.


    The very instant the slacker backer was set a 25% markup from the Kickstarter pledge, this became a viable alternative.

  3. My primary hope is that the degree of difficulty with managing to kill one involves good planning, good execution and luck to be successful. Successful means survival, Killing a Dragon should be a major career achievement. To make it even more interesting, completing the game does not require killing one.


    I think that killing one in Ironman mode should be seen as a crowning achievement in the game.

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