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Posts posted by Plin

  1. Do you just hate hope or something? I'm going to punch you in the face.

    I hate FALSE hope , when you have hope for things like this when all the info in the world is pointing directly at the games cancellation , and you STILL believe its fine.....


    and then when it is announced that its canned you will be like " omg im so dissapointed 111! " like you didnt see it coming


    *insert pic of bloody and gory puddle that used to resemble a dead horse*

  2. The combat was short and uninteresting because the PC was uber. Also, there are combat perks to all the weapons (once you get the blade skill to a certain number you can get a chance for disarm or knockdown, bow gets a zoom, stuff like that).


    There's probably going to be alot more since the whole demo seemed stripped of everything BUT what they wanted to show in it's linear path (for instance, the only two dialogue topics were the ones he was talking about/wanted to talk about and had planned to use, the actual "dialogue trees" only had one question that he planned on asking). I'm sure in the real game it will have a couple dialogue choices for quest NPCs and have fodder NPCs just be topics. The AI was pushed in a certain direction because he was playing it live, if something that happened that he wasn't expecting, his whole speech about features would have probably been messed up.


    The whole dog thing was just a joke to get the E3 audience to laugh, something that I've noticed alot of people don't get (in most topics I've read about the video I always hear "omg, the AI sux, people are going to be burning dogs and ****!").


    Big point of MW too. The PC was Uber way too fast, and the same low-level monsters kept coming up. So if it was just done by cheats has to be seen.

    And knowdown/disarm and zoom, well, that's going to make it even easier (and boring)? How much damage can an enemy do when his Daedra Uber-Sword is not even in his hands? You can stop blocking/strafing right away and keep hacking (as in MW)


    For the dialogue; as I said: Hopefully, but I fear the worst here. Since we have voices they can't just give 2000 NPC's the same "Last Rumor" without having a lot of lines recorded and taking up space...

    But just the convo options needed, as seen in this movie, isn't going to help the "Freedom" feeling the ES-Series should have at all...


    The dog thing: If it is a joke, then it would be pre-scripted = Bad Sign for the actual ingame AI. As said before "Fargoth's Quest" made for the movie anyone?

    If it is NOT scripted then it is bad too, I don't wan't to loose NPC's just because another find he/she should kill him/her. That option should be only available to me; the PC...


    The combat didn't seem very fun to me... It looked like somthing you would find as a button masher rather than an RPG. Magic I have never understood in those games. But they did add the ability to change places without spending money.


    Which could also be a bad thing. Alot of Morrowinds lenght came of huge walking parts, if you can skip it instantly from any position free now, gameplay time may shorten by alot.

    Plus would be FedEx jobs get less annoying; but now when they make those less annoying they remove most out of the game <_<


    On uber too fast (and if you're denying he WAS uber, just look at the number of his health and mana in the video, look at how much he is damaged, and look how he started the game as an expert in blades, stealth and marksman etc.): They have implimented a system so that as you gain in power, enemies will as well. So certain NPCs/monsters, where it makes sense, will always be two or three (or whatever they choose for that specific monster/NPC) levels ahead (and probably with some, behind you) of you (though, that's not always the case, I've heard there are some who don't get stronger as you do). So that there will always be a challenge compared to Morrowind.


    And knockdown, disarm etc. is just going to add more strategy to the combat (unless they impliment it badly, of cource).


    Dialogue: No one is expecting 2000 NPCs (and I think the number of npcs is a little over 1000) to have alot of dialogue trees, it would be foolish to do so. But, it's not all that foolish to assume alot of the important quest NPCs will have at least a few dialogue choices to give more life to them. Even games like Fallout didn't have that many NPCs with diaogue choices, most NPCs that populated the world just spouted one liners. While in ESIV, they'll probably just have little more than dialogue topics to get information. And the voiceover IS taking alot of space because there is so much, it takes half the space of the DVD they're putting it on.


    I don't think it matters about dialogue making you feel "free". ES games have never used dialogue in that way. It MIGHT help in making the game and NPCs feel more alive/immersive, and that's what was one of Morrowinds biggest faults (of the many).


    The ways in which actual freedom has been improved is in the multiple ways to complete each quest that they are able to make. They've said they've gone to great lengths to improve on this as much as they can. We'll see what they come up with.


    Heh, everything in that demo was pre-scripted to a certain extent (Uber, starting with armor, at this exact moment or place warp to the next act in the demo, NPCs only having dialogue topics of what he was planning to talk about, the NPCs going to talk about that specific topic at that exact moment). He was playing it LIVE in front of an AUDIENCE. There is no room for spontanious or errors in there. I'm going to assume it was not simply "pre-scripted" though (actually, they've described what they actually did, and it's not that). They just moved the AI indicators to make the NPCs much, much more likely to do this certain thing and that moment. And really, it doesn't give the most honest and straight-forward example of AI, but it DOES show how powerful it can be, and how unique an NPC can act from it. And how moving an AI indicator in a certain way to have this NPC more likely to do this (and the NPC figures out what to do itself based on it's surroundings), is much easier and better and more dynamic than scripting it exactly.


    I think it can add ALOT to the quests, and apparently they have done alot with it in the quests. I can't wait to see what they've come up with.


    Fast Travel: You don't HAVE to use it. If you feel you want to walk a few miles to a town you've already been to and explore, DO IT. If you feel it will be tedius and you just want to get there already, FAST TRAVEL. Best of both worlds. More freedom for the player with less tedium for the ones who don't want it.

  3. The combat was short and uninteresting because the PC was uber. Also, there are combat perks to all the weapons (once you get the blade skill to a certain number you can get a chance for disarm or knockdown, bow gets a zoom, stuff like that).


    There's probably going to be alot more since the whole demo seemed stripped of everything BUT what they wanted to show in it's linear path (for instance, the only two dialogue topics were the ones he was talking about/wanted to talk about and had planned to use, the actual "dialogue trees" only had one question that he planned on asking). I'm sure in the real game it will have a couple dialogue choices for quest NPCs and have fodder NPCs just be topics. The AI was pushed in a certain direction because he was playing it live, if something that happened that he wasn't expecting, his whole speech about features would have probably been messed up.


    The whole dog thing was just a joke to get the E3 audience to laugh, something that I've noticed alot of people don't get (in most topics I've read about the video I always hear "omg, the AI sux, people are going to be burning dogs and ****!").

  4. This game was such a let down for me. I heard a bunch of praises about it, so I bought it on a whim. The first thirty minutes of the game had me intruiged. As the game dragged on, I hated the story more and more, and I kept waiting for something original or interesting to happen in the story. Alas, I got to the last guy... with that empty feeling of "that's it?... **** this game".


    If your looking for a good jap console rpg, I'd recommend looking elsewhere in actually original and great games like xenogears, chrono cross, shin megami tensei, disgaea (in gameplay, though it does have a funny story), Final Fantasy Tactics, Vagrant story, breath of fire (3,4, and 5) etc.


    There are so many more, better games than this one.

  5. Don't force me to play a jedi...


    I don't mean to give offense here but it seems like fundamental design decisions have already been made, that's the bedrock of the project a story has been written for a jedi character.


    This is like some of the bad criticism that some people get for making class specific modules for NWN, "Yeah but I don't like that it forces you to play a paladin" !??? The gentleman wrote a module for a paladin, sheesh, if someone can't see the forest for the trees...

    The module may be great and more reactive to the player and a better story and rp experience than one that acknowledges your PC is a dwarf, but certain people would never know.


    Races I'm not sure I agree with either, I would rather they focus on the game respecting your character developement on more than the one axis of behavior instead of having people acknowledge 15 different possible avatar selections. I think races are usually a waste and hurt more than they help.


    I agree with the person though who said the whole jedi thing is getting 'played out' other than that though Star Wars has just about nothing going on, and is probably one of the worst inspirations to base a RPG on.

    heh, that was my whole point, I'm just didn't say it as nice as you did.

  6. ooohh, someone can't take a little open-mindedness can he?

    Uh, you!


    Most people are very sure this is for KOTR2, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out.




    Dude, you're not bringing anything constructive to the discussion.


    well, it doesn't matter, I'm done.


    take it easy

  7. Ever think that they already have a story-line written for your character to be a jedi?

    Actually I don't think.


    You think they are going to totally re-work the design just so a small fraction of maybe-consumers might be happy?


    Again, I don't think.


    And I'm sure even if they did give more options, you would still find something to bitch about.


    You know there are far more games I praise then I bitch at. Hell people can probably name all the games that I bitch at, whereas no one could probably venture all the games I absolutely love.


    edit: It's like saying this about your beloved ps:T. "don't make me be another incarnation of the nameless one... let me be something else... I don't care if the story revolves around this key kind of character..."


    PS:T, is hardly my beloved. And the nameless one is blank slate that starts as a fighter. However, you can easily turn into a mage, or a thief. I am not familiar with the planescape setting, so I don't know what other classes it could have provided.


    I wasn't pointhing that post to you, it was to the idiot baby who started the thead and wants to be pampered.


    My kids are probably more mature then you, and you are calling me a baby? Anyhow, I change enough diapers every week to want to actually have that happen to me. But anyway, there are a lot of people who seem to like my suggestion, and since I am basing my suggestion off,




    Then it sort makes sense why someone would want that in a


    STAR WARS CRPG!!!!1111


    Didn't BIS add more options to Snowblinds BGDA? I think its only natural to expect the same from BIS/Obsidian.


    The point is, they already made a story revolving around a jedi, they most likely aren't going to redo the design and storyline.

    PS:T was just an example, a bad one at that.


    People making such poor analogies should not be calling other people an idiot. I have never heard of you're sorry arse, where is all this hostility coming from?


    Anyway, for those who of us who actually care to read, I think it has been stressed already that if the game is in late development then all this is a moot point.


    And way to keep an open mind with the story, sure it could blow mounds of ass, but we don't know unless we play it.


    Why don't you do the same. Keep in an open mind that is.


    And yes, you're right, it is possible to make a story around a jedi character and not have the player BE a jedi, the whole point is, obsidian aren't doing that. It's plain and simple.


    Maybe he wants a job where he does not have to be worried about getting laid off, or paying too much in taxes, but just enjoys playing them and giving his opinions during development. Don't be a forum fascist.




    edit: something still can be done, but let's just think a little. You really think they will change the story? Sounds like your setting yourself up for a failure, and then what? ... morree bitching... sweet mother of....


    Do you know that you are bitching about bitching?

    You guys have horrible comebacks.

    My whole point was just this(and that you guys are arrogant ****):

    Don't bother bitching about obsidian forcing you to be a jedi, it's innevitable.


    Pretty simple guys.

  8. ooohh, someone can't take a little open-mindedness can he?



    Most people are very sure this is for KOTR2, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out.


    Heh, I smell ignorance my friend, and a dash of arrogance. The fact is, you don't know much about the story, you know what a few paragraphs of a magazine told you. It's fine to make a judgment on a story this early in development (before you've even played it), but it's still stupid.


    and aaaaahahaha you think jedi academy had a good story??? let alone a good star wars story?


    Jedi Acedemy was basically a first person shooter with third person light saber and force parts added to it. It was a simple action game, not much more than that.

    And it's story was ass... oh no... someone is sucking force out of old jedis graves ... don't use that massive force power to rule the galaxy!!!


    You aren't just pointing out problems, your being cynical and pessimistic for no good reason other than your arrogance.


    Even without your measily consumer status, many, many, many kotor fanboys will buy this game anyways and make them rich.



    Anyways, think what you want, I'm done.

  9. I wasn't pointhing that post to you, it was to the idiot baby who started the thead and wants to be pampered.


    The point is, they already made a story revolving around a jedi, they most likely aren't going to redo the design and storyline.

    PS:T was just an example, a bad one at that.

    That is a god damn awful story, its a rip-off of the OT and I fully expect we end fighting Reven in the end who also end ups being the main character father.


    Besides its possible to make a story around a jedi character and not having us playing a jedi character, Han Solo was very much one of the OT main character and not a Jedi, point is I am sick and tired of yet another jedi game that offers N-O-T-H-I-N-G new, it still the same Jedi Knight game I played years ago ... same s***ty force system, same lightsaber combat, same jedi despiction.


    If they want inovation then god damn it make it LIKE Ep. I/II so we can FINALY see how the Jedi were and not another Luke story cloning that been done to the death.


    Its better to complain now were something still can be done about it that to complain later were nothing can be done, at least I will have the satisfaction of saying "I told you so".

    You don't understand. They have already been working on this game for some time. They made the game for your character to be a jedi, they aren't going to change the design to let be able to choose not to be a jedi. Sure it might be great, it's not likely to change now, too bad.


    And way to keep an open mind with the story, sure it could blow mounds of ass, but we don't know unless we play it.


    And yes, you're right, it is possible to make a story around a jedi character and not have the player BE a jedi, the whole point is, obsidian aren't doing that. It's plain and simple.


    You really want to make the perfect game for yourself, then I suggest you go literally make one and stop filling forum space with useless bitching.


    edit: something still can be done, but let's just think a little. You really think they will change the story? Sounds like your setting yourself up for a failure, and then what? ... morree bitching... sweet mother of....

  10. PS:.T was the Nameless one ... after it a PS:T could not resolve about his imortality because he loses it at PS:T ending.


    And its not my beloved game, I dont even like it much.


    Besides if PS:T2 was another incarnation of the Nameless one it would not be a progress, one of the biggest issues about SWKotOR (and recently Star Wars games in general) is the Jedi centric nature were we simply cannot play anything but a Jedi.

    I wasn't pointhing that post to you, it was to the idiot baby who started the thead and wants to be pampered.


    The point is, they already made a story revolving around a jedi, they most likely aren't going to redo the design and storyline.

    PS:T was just an example, a bad one at that.

  11. Ever think that they already have a story-line written for your character to be a jedi?

    You think they are going to totally re-work the design just so a small fraction of maybe-consumers might be happy?

    And I'm sure even if they did give more options, you would still find something to bitch about.


    edit: It's like saying this about your beloved ps:T. "don't make me be another incarnation of the nameless one... let me be something else... I don't care if the story revolves around this key kind of character..."

  12. So explain to us how a sequal can "ruin" a game that's been out and played by millions? All a sequal can ruin is said sequal and probably the chances of a third game.

    Tell that to DeusEX players ...

    Explain to me, in detail if you don't mind, how Dues Ex The Invisible war can suddenly make Dues Ex an unplayable game.


    heh, nevermind, I'm dumb

  13. And on another hand, I don't know why bioware would give a big name like KOTOR2 to obsidian for their first game... as opposed to having the same team(as kotor), or just some of the what is it like 200 people at bioware?


    Kind of a leap of faith, although maybe they trust feargus this much...

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